Rebirth can't get rid of the boss

Chapter 1108 Your Girlfriend Didn't Expect This Kind of Person

Chapter 1108 Your Girlfriend Didn't Expect This Kind of Person

This is really a tearful thing...

I wonder if she has a chicken in her left hand, a duck in her right hand, and a bag of supplements on her back to find grandma. Is it okay to plead guilty?
By the way, Huo Xiaojue, if he sees this message, he will probably explode.

After Lu Guxing thought of this, he couldn't wait to rush to the boys' dormitory, wanting to explain to him.


When Huo Xiaojue returned to the dormitory, his face was gloomy and he looked unhappy, but he felt that the air pressure on his body was not that low, and he didn't look unhappy. It was such a strange change that made Huo Xiaojue feel unhappy. It looks weird.

Zhang Chuofei originally saw him in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to show him the things in his hands, lest he would beat him up, but after thinking about it, it was necessary for him to see the true face of his girlfriend clearly, so in his After returning, I handed the phone to him, "Look at it, I really didn't expect your girlfriend to be such a person. You must have been cheated by your girlfriend too. A person who looks so pure on the outside, in private How to do such a nasty thing, do you know about it? You must have been taken advantage of, and you don’t know how many customers are your girlfriend? "

Huo Xiaojue didn't understand what she said, so he took the mobile phone over, but after a glance, he understood.

When Zhang Chuofei saw that his face was so strange, he thought he had suddenly realized that he had been cheated by a woman, so he comforted him and said, "It's okay, who didn't know a few scumbags when they were young? It's not just that you didn't watch We can't see it when we come out, after all, Lu Guxing looks like that, pure and innocent, who knows that he did this kind of trick behind his back, but don't worry, it's too late to break up with him now. You don't have to worry too much about it. Sad, if you really like that type, I'll find it for you on [-].com."

After Zhang Chuofei finished speaking.Huo Xiaojue threw the phone on the ground without hesitation, then rushed to him, punching the corner of his mouth with his fist very violently.

Zhang Chuofei was suddenly beaten without any precautions. He staggered back a few steps and fell directly on the ground. He didn't expect that he would be beaten, so he didn't react. He licked the corner of his mouth, and looked at the furious man in front of him in disbelief.

Huo Xiaojue looked like an angry lion, and he didn't stop, he rushed forward and wanted to hit Zhang Chuofei again.

The rest of the roommates didn't expect things to turn out like this, seeing that the two of them were still fighting, they hurried forward and separated Huo Xiaojue
Otherwise, according to his current angry appearance, it is possible to beat people into tenth-level cripples.

Zhang Chuofei got up from the ground with a speechless expression on his face, and snarled at him and asked: "You are sick, why are you beating me for this matter? This is to tell you the truth, even if you are angry, you can't vent your anger on me, even though I am your roommate, but I am not a sandbag that you can beat!"

The other roommates also tried their best to dissuade Huo Xiaojue when they saw this situation, "Yes, Chuofei just told you this matter kindly, and you can't beat people like this! We can understand how angry you are now, but you can't get angry anymore. Hit him? You don't want to hit him, you want to hit your girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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