Chapter 805 Who Are You? 37
She patted her hand instead and said nothing more.

"Miss Mo, I can't comment on your private life, but if this kidnapping is just Xiao Nanyan's idea, Xiao Beitang is probably out of helplessness, so I can't completely deny his feelings." From the standpoint of a man, Lone Eagle understands this way of.

Xu Mo opened his eyes and looked at him with a little surprise. He always thought that Lone Eagle was cold and arrogant, disdaining to talk to others, but not paying attention to anyone except Lin Ye, who would actually comfort others.

Morjiasi also seemed surprised, she looked at him, then sneered again, she wrote: You keep asking.

The man paused, and then made a statement: "You were taken to the basement of the bar, did anyone else know?"

Morris shook his head.

Lone Eagle asked a few more questions. Mo Jiasi's wrist was hurting and she was a little tired. Xu Mo asked her to rest before continuing.

"Let's stop here today..." Lone Eagle took the folder and got up to go out.

Xu Mo stayed with Mo Jiasi and waited for her to fall asleep before leaving.

Originally, she wanted to go downstairs, but when she walked halfway, she suddenly felt a dull pain in her lower abdomen, so she hurried back to the bedroom.

I went to the bathroom to check, and sure enough, it was a little bloodshot again.

Xu Mo panicked and immediately lay down on the bed. She didn't want to worry Lin Ye so she didn't tell him. She was still bleeding at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, so she told him.

In the evening, Dr. Gu came and treated Xu Mo with the doctor on duty that day.

After injecting an injection of anti-fetal medicine, the pain in the abdomen was relieved slightly, and Dr. Gu gently pressed her left and right lower abdomen a few times.

"Is there pain on both sides?"

"No." Xu Moping was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, trying not to look at Lin Ye beside the bed, the man's face was always tense, even looking at her felt terrified.

"Nothing is best." Dr. Gu exhaled, straightened up and said to Lin Ye, "Fifth Master, from now on, she is strictly forbidden to get out of bed. If you want to keep the child, you must stay in bed! I have repeatedly explained why I still can't do it ?”

"It's none of his business. I'm worried that my cousin will insist on getting up." Xu Mo confessed truthfully, like a child admitting his mistake.

In fact, after her health improved recently, Lin Ye still didn't allow her to move around, but she couldn't hold back any longer and insisted on getting up and moving.

In addition, Mo Jiasi was found, and she had to accompany her no matter what she came back from the hospital.

"Young mistress, you must pay attention to it. Don't be sloppy. Don't take it seriously when it gets better. If you continue to bleed, you will have to lie in bed until the birth. The key is that you can't guarantee that the baby will be safe, so..." She Pulling back the quilt, he gave a stern warning, "So until the fetal phase is confirmed, don't go anywhere, just stay on the bed! Listen to my advice, and save yourself a lot of trouble!"

"OK, I will never get out of bed again." Xu Mo raised her hand to promise.

Hearing this, Lin Ye loosened his tightly locked brows, and finally he did not sulk.

"If you had been so obedient earlier, you wouldn't bleed again!" He said, pointing her pretty nose with his slender fingers.

"Okay, from now on I won't be moving anymore, it's all up to you to eat and drink!" Xu Mo grinned.

"Don't be hippie..."

Seeing the interaction between the two, Dr. Gu felt a little flirting, he was very discerning, and hurried away with another doctor.

From this day on, Xu Mo returned to the life of lying down again, and stayed with the bed.

This time, she was very cautious, turning over carefully, no more than five times a day, and in just one day, her buttocks were already numb and her whole body was stiff.

Only now did she realize that being a mother is not easy, especially if there are problems during pregnancy, it is like hell.

(End of this chapter)

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