Young Master Lin, take care of your scumbag wife

Chapter 421 I will listen to you from now on 7

Chapter 421 I will listen to you from now on 7
"Hate me?" The man pressed the back of her head with his hand, frowning slightly.

"Not only hate it, but also hate it!" Xu Mo grabbed his collar, "I've never seen you who are so pushy! I've never seen you such a gentleman! No! It should be conservative!"

She was so proactive, yet he was still unaffected, Xu Mo really doubted her own charm.

"Still struggling with this matter?" He grabbed her hand with a charming smile, "Then let's remarry as soon as possible, and I can fulfill you right away."

"What is perfection? It's so ugly!" She stared, "Besides, I won't marry you. I have no sincerity at all."

"You want sincerity?" The man raised his eyebrows, and then he understood.

He got up and went to the cabinet to bring a brocade box, Xu Mo knew this box.

"Is that the pink diamond ring?" Xu Mo watched him open it, and there was indeed a pink diamond in the box, as well as the button that professed his love.

She had always carried this button with her back then, but on the night it rained heavily, she left Longjue Garden heartbroken and left the button here.

Seeing these two things again today, I am filled with emotions and feel a little sad.

"You still have..." She pinched the button.

"It's always yours."

Xu Mo looked at him with a serious face: "I didn't let you marry Fang Fei at the beginning, but I didn't expect it to be wrong! If it wasn't for my request, if you haven't married Fang Fei in the past five years, I would definitely be suspicious..."

"Then it's possible to know the truth earlier, and we've already been together, instead of wasting such a long time!"

In order to retaliate against his betrayal, she forbade him to marry. Thinking about it, she really regretted it.

"You're not wrong." Putting her hand to her lips and saying no, "Even if you didn't make this request, because of your hatred for me, you won't pay attention to the Lin family or me anymore."

Xu Mo raised her eyebrows, he was right, she did not pay attention to the Lin family's personnel affairs in the past five years.

And she is in the UK and he is in the US.

"You don't follow me, but I have been following you from freshman to junior..." The man took out a document bag from the drawer next to the sofa, which was full of her information, including the entry form of Imperial Airlines.

"Fifth Master Lin..." Xu Mo looked through the information, feeling happy in his heart. A man pays attention to you all the time, which means he values ​​you and cares about you.

But she didn't show it, her face remained calm, "You are investigating me illegally, and I can sue you."

"You don't want to." The man curled his thin lips with confidence.

"You see, I don't want to part with it!" She glared at him and got up to leave.

The man pulled her to sit down, put his arms around her shoulders and said, "I haven't sent anyone to inquire about your situation since I went to England. Have you had a boyfriend in the past two years?"

"Yes." Xu Mo replied without thinking. She patted the man's cheek and smiled, "Fifth Master Lin, don't underestimate me, I have many suitors!"

The man frowned and stroked her hair, "What's your boyfriend's name?"

Of course Xu Mo lied to him. He didn't expect him to ask such a question, so he couldn't tell for a while.

The man put his arms around her and pinched her nose, "I knew you were a liar, little liar..."

"Liar liar!" She nestled in his arms, and the man's breath was clean and pleasant, which made people feel at ease.

She couldn't help but put her arms around his neck and said seriously, "Lin Ye, let's get married..."

"How can I let you talk about this kind of thing first!" Lin Ye originally wanted to talk about this, but he took her hand and looked at her seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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