Chapter 333 Love 31
About 5 minutes later, the first one was in line, and the captain and co-pilot conducted another cross-check before takeoff.

After the tower confirms that no aircraft is using the runway to take off or land, it will contact the captain and inform the available runway and related data.

After the captain repeated the correct statement to the tower, he turned on the landing lights, lowered the flaps to five degrees, slowly pushed the accelerator, and the plane began to accelerate. The co-pilot reminded the captain of the speed of the plane, and then the plane took off.

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, the plane took off smoothly. Xu Mo's operation was very smooth. Although the plane kept climbing, the passengers didn't feel much.

After the plane left the ground, the landing gear was retracted, and the tower contacted the captain to inform him to contact the departure air traffic controller.

Knowing the altitude that the plane needs to climb to, the plane will continue to climb. After reaching a certain altitude, the captain turns on the autopilot system, retracts the flaps, and the plane enters the automatic flight mode.

Xu Mo notified the purser to remind the passengers that the plane has reached the cruising altitude, and the passengers can carry out normal in-flight activities.

"Xu sir..." Ou Zihao opened his mouth cautiously. As soon as he opened his mouth, the woman's sharp eyes swept over him.

"I'm not your teacher, so you don't need to call me that, just call me Xu Mo."

Ou Zihao was stunned for a moment, and immediately changed his words, "Xu...Xu Mo, I followed three captains, and you are the one who takes off the most smoothly!"

Xu Mo glanced at him, still expressionless, "I don't need flattery here, I value strength and attitude, as long as you work hard enough, I will give you enough opportunities."

"...Understood." Ou Zihao was stunned secretly. He sat with his back straight and stared at the dashboard, his nerves became even more tense.

"Don't be too nervous, this flight is [-] hours, too nervous will affect your work efficiency." Xu Mo reminded him.

Just then, the flight attendant walked in.

"Captain, do you need something to drink?" She asked Xu Mo first.

"I don't need it for now." Xu Mo didn't look back, and was holding a folder.

The flight attendant looked at Ou Zihao and asked him silently. The latter shook his head. The captain didn't want anything. How could he dare to drink?
The purser smiled lightly and backed out.

"What would the captain want to drink?" Li Yan, a stewardess who was preparing drinks in the work area, asked. Next to her was Lin Miaomiao, who was also pouring coffee.

The purser was surnamed Wang, and she shook her head, motioning them to continue working.

Lin Miaomiao entered the first-class cabin with coffee for the guests, and then took the blanket into the economy cabin.

"Do you need blankets?" She asked in a row, and some customers asked for blankets.

"Miss, miss..." When passing the middle row, a middle-aged woman stopped her.

Lin Miaomiao felt that the woman looked familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Is there anything I need?" She asked with a smile.

"Ask..." The woman in the middle pointed to the front of the cabin, "Is the surname of your captain Xu?"

"Yes." Lin Miaomiao was slightly surprised.

"The real surname is Xu!? Is it Xu Mo!?" The woman was very excited, seeing Lin Miaomiao nod her head with a happy expression on her face, "...can I meet the captain?"

"Sorry, the captain cannot enter the cabin during the flight." This is the rule, unless there are special circumstances.

"Oh, can you tell the captain? I'm her high school teacher!"

"High school teacher?" Lin Miaomiao was taken aback for a moment, then looked carefully, and finally recognized the woman, " are... Teacher Zhen!?"

(End of this chapter)

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