Chapter 687 Sister, It's Not That I Don't Want To Get Close To You
"Do you know how scared I was? I was so young. I really didn't understand anything. To me, everything in the world was a blank sheet of paper with me. I knew it too. What is kindness, what is kindness. Since then, I have suffered from a serious illness, and I just lie in bed every day. It is windy and rainy, and the sky becomes cold. I cover two layers of quilts and feel cold , I suddenly thought of you again, you don’t have thick clothes to wear, and your body is so thin, and the place you live in is ventilated on all sides, and you don’t have anything to cover to keep warm.”

"I don't know what's wrong with me. Because I love you and worry about you, I secretly put two stacks of thick quilts in your residence, and I will pick them up when you wake up. The prime minister's residence is full of Murong Yun's eyeliner." , All my actions, she is sending people to monitor, it is conceivable that when I sent you brocade quilts, not only the two quilts were thrown into the fire and burned to ashes, even I was ordered by her I was locked in the firewood room and not given food or drink for three days. I was so hungry that I was about to die. In the end, my father begged her to let me out. For the first time, I felt fear. That kind of fear was worse than seeing my own body with my own eyes. It is even more terrifying to have a childhood playmate thrown alive into the well and drown. It is one's own life, and the fear that is revealed when facing death."

"Sister, it's not that I don't want to get close to you, and it's not that I hated you from the beginning, do you know? It's all Murong Yun who persecuted me. I'm so young, I don't understand why they treat you like this. I only know that you are my sister, why do they treat you so badly, why do you wear so thin, eat so badly, why, you are so pitiful. In fact, you are not annoying at all, and I want to get close to you, but I dare not, I am afraid."

"Murong Yun ignored me, and those servants in the house began to neglect me, and they didn't respect me as much as before. I know that they are all afraid of Murong Yun, and I also know that Murong Yun is deliberately punishing and torturing me, because I sent medicine and quilts for you, and she found out, she hates anyone who disobeys her."

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I will become like you, especially when I begged my father, my father touched my head, told me to apologize to her, and said, never talk to you again, as long as I and They also dislike you, make things difficult for you, and abuse you, so Murong Yun will love me as much as before."

"I can't bear it, I feel sorry for you, but compared with your status in the prime minister's mansion, you are so unworthy of mentioning, even though I still can't bear it in my heart, but I don't want to fall into your situation, I really can't share this feeling of being bullied and bullied with you. I went to find Murong Yun, I confessed my mistake to her, and asked for her forgiveness. That night, I ordered someone to pour a basin of cold water on your head, She knew it, and quickly forgave me, she said, you are a lowly person, it is not worth me to lower myself to please you."

After saying those words, Shen Yueji felt chills in her heart, but Gu Yueyin didn't have the slightest intention to stop, seeing that she was still talking.

Shen Yueji closed her eyes, "Enough."

"Sister, how can it be? Don't you think that the relationship between our sisters has become so estranged that she, Murong Yun, is behind the scenes?"

"She not only ruined me, but also ruined you."

(End of this chapter)

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