Chapter 655 Sorry, I Owe You

"There is no way to help you buy expensive medicinal materials. During those three days, I could only use the cloth on my body to wipe your wound over and over again to prevent your wound from suppurating, infecting, and bleeding. I didn't have many clothes on my body. But for you, I found the cleanest clothes and destroyed them. For three days and three nights, I dare not close my eyes. I don’t know if you are dead or alive, and I am afraid that when you have only your last breath left , if I fall asleep, I won't be able to see your needs."

She took a step back: "But the favors I gave you have faded since the moment you were taken away by Gu Yueyin, because I know that according to her character, you will definitely be with those servants of the prime minister's mansion." Like a human being, I look down on me. But I have never regretted saving you, at least not during that time, because what I saved was myself, not you."

"You—you are."

Shen Yueji looked at him, her expression was still very calm: "I have asked you just now, if the first queen and Gu Yueyin were in front of you, who would you choose? You will not kill me, but you will not betray Gu Yueyin either. ?"

Pain flashed across Yueying's handsome face, even though he already understood what Shen Yueji meant, when he heard such unimaginable things, he didn't act horrified and unbelievable like others, but quickly accepted , his calm expression did not show the slightest surprise, but lowered his eyes regretfully: "If there were no misunderstandings back then, the person I am loyal to must be you."

And the person he fell in love with would also be her, perhaps even more.

No one knows better than him how Gu Yueyin has treated him these years, but he remembered her life-saving kindness back then, and has been by her side for so many years without complaint or regret.


"I'm sorry I have too many people, Yueying, you really don't count for anything."

"Because you will never understand what it feels like to have your things taken away. You can't resist, you can't vent, you can only bear it in fear. Only now do I know how useless I used to be, because I was useless and useless. So much was lost."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "You have also received the retribution you deserve, you can go, and from now on, don't appear in the palace again."

Seeing Yueying's upright and staggering body, she suddenly knelt down towards her.

She didn't turn her head to look, but heard him repeat in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry."

Immediately afterwards, he hit his own Tianling Gai with a palm.

She almost heard the cruel voice that shouldn't exist.

She turned her head sharply.

Yueying looked at her, with bright red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and there was deep nostalgia and relief in his eyes: "I'm sorry, I owe you all this."

"I can't betray Gu Yueyin, but I can't hurt you, or betray you. I owe you all of this."

Perhaps, he likes Gu Yueyin, but if he knows that she is still alive, he will definitely convince himself to follow her. He thinks that the mistake he made in the past made him like the wrong person, so the mistake has been covered up by the truth , he believed that he would fall in love with Shen Yueji.

The kind of love without hesitation——

But he also knows that he won't have that chance, some people, once they miss it, it will really be a lifetime.

What he owed her was an endless sorry.

Another corpse fell silently in front of her.

Shen Yueji staggered back a few steps.

(End of this chapter)

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