Chapter 627 Wrong, wrong from the beginning
"Did he kill Ah He? Did he kill Ah He?! He wasn't an enemy at all!!?"

Knowing the truth, Murong Yun completely collapsed.

The few words repeated in the middle of the mouth over and over again, are all, Ah He committed suicide, and her Ah He was killed by Gu Wei?
"Mrs. Murong's whole heart is on Brother Qianhe, how could Gu Wei allow Brother Qianhe to live on and let Mrs. Murong miss him?"

Speaking of this, Yinmo sighed: "It's just a pity, Brother Qianhe, the true feelings were covered up like this. For Mrs. Murong, Brother Qianhe really couldn't even care about his life, and he was thinking about it when he was dying. Mrs. Murong. He let me live only to protect Mrs. Murong. When I escaped alive, the first thing I did was to inquire about Mrs. Murong. After learning that Mrs. Murong was married to Gu Wei, Gu Wei I took good care of it, so I became a monk, originally I wanted to."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment: "Unfortunately, after hearing the news that the first empress was executed, I could only come out of the temple. It seems that it is necessary to tell Mrs. Murong the truth. Everything Brother Qian He did was For Mrs. Murong, for Mrs. Murong, he is willing to bear all the infamy, even if you, Mrs. Murong, hate him and hate him."

Murong Yun staggered and fell backwards, this time Yinmo did not help her, but watched her fall backwards and fell to the ground.

The whole person seems to have lost his soul.

It was wrong, it was wrong from the very beginning, it was completely wrong, it was completely wrong.

It was her, Murong Yun, who was wrong! !

"Mrs. Murong, no matter how good the relationship is, it can't stand calculations. The misunderstanding in this matter, once the misunderstanding deepens, it will last a lifetime. Both of them will have hatred in their hearts, and both will be unwilling. The deeper the love, the easier it is to hate. Deeper. Mrs. Murong, up to now, the promise I made to Brother Qianhe has been fulfilled. You all have your own selfishness, and I choose to tell you the truth about the past, it is my own selfishness, it is my own Hold the injustice for Brother Qianhe."

"Brother Qianhe and I have known each other for so many years, no one knows better than me what he is like."

"Because of the low self-esteem in his heart, Mrs. Murong has been chasing him all along. In the eyes of outsiders, it is Brother Qian He who has been rejecting Mrs. Murong. In fact, it is he who dare not accept Mrs. Murong's feelings. He is afraid of Mrs. Murong, just for a while. Like, a momentary curiosity, after all, there are so many men who like you, they are all so good, they can give you a good, stable, life you want. But what Qianhe can give you can only be Sihai For the family. He has the arrogance of a man, but he will not take the initiative to join your Murong Mansion, he is a man, an indomitable man, he can work hard for you, but he will not compromise."

"I know that I know that Ah He loves me, in fact Ah He loves me, he has never betrayed me. Never"

Thinking of her killing his own sister because of jealousy, it must have been very hard for him to search for and inquire for so many years, but she didn't care, just because she saw his loving and gentle eyes towards that peasant girl, So he mistakenly thought that he fell in love with her, and jealousy caused him to kill his own sister without asking anything.

If remorse was a smear of gut-piercing poison, then the current Murong Yun would have exploded and died long ago.

Only now did she realize how muddled and thorough she was, like a... a lunatic and villain.

(End of this chapter)

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