Chapter 596 I Feed You Medicine Last Night
She also heard that Fengqi Palace was in a mess, and there were footsteps coming and going, resounding from various places.

When she woke up, the sky was already bright, and the sun shone in, which made her unable to open her eyes.

She moved her hands, only to realize that her hand was being held by someone. Through the owner of this hand, she saw Feng Jiuqing's tired and handsome face.

He should have sat by her bed and kept watch all night.

Sensing her movement, the man opened his eyes and saw her wake up.

He stroked her forehead: "Are you awake? Is there any discomfort in your body?"


When Shen Yueji spoke, her voice was still very hoarse.

Feng Jiuqing touched her small face: "You caught a cold and had a fever last night. I gave you medicine last night."


"That's right, empress, you fainted and worried the emperor to the core. Those who guarded you here all night will not even be spared today's morning court."

On the side, Shuangxi opened his mouth cautiously.

"The concubine is just a little cold. It may be that I accidentally blew a little wind when I went out at night. It doesn't matter. How can you not even go to court in the morning because of the concubine? It's time to think that the concubine is ignorant."

Shen Yueji said so much in one breath, her hoarse voice gradually got better.

The man looked at her amusedly: "I haven't said anything yet, why are you in a hurry? Your father is a first-rank general in the court, who dares to talk about it there? Come on, drink the medicine first, what do you want to eat and eat?" I said, I will let people go down and do it for you."

Glancing at the bowl of pitch-black medicine in the man's hand, Shen Yueji's stomach was already full and she had no appetite, but seeing it now, she almost couldn't spit it out.

She covered her mouth, trying to vomit but couldn't.

The man looked worried, and thoughtfully patted her on the back: "What's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Shuangxi next to her was taken aback, and couldn't keep her composure any longer. Ma'am, this... this... this, this, this, shouldn't it be there?
Usually only women have this kind of morning sickness.
Also, during the time when my uncle left, if the empress was reluctant to let go, it was not impossible for the two of them to be on the bed.
She carefully counted the time with her fingers, but soon felt that her worry was completely unnecessary, how many days did my uncle leave?
Even if it is fast, it can't be so fast, right?

This hair hit, there must be a time lapse, how can there be morning sickness for a few days?
Thinking of this, Shuangxi calmed down, and didn't feel scared anymore, but echoed the emperor's intentions: "Your Majesty, good medicine tastes bitter and is good for your illness. You are still the same as when you were in the house. When you tell you to drink medicine, you I just want to vomit."

The man smiled softly, brushed the broken hair around her ears back, and looked at her affectionately and softly: "Shuangxi is right, good medicine is good for the disease, obediently, drink the medicine obediently, so that the body can recover gone."

"Your Majesty, the medicine is too bitter. I don't want to drink it."

"Are you sure you don't want to drink?"

There is more fun in the man's eyes.

When Shen Yueji didn't know why, she saw Feng Jiuqing suddenly raised her hand and drank the bowl of medicine into her mouth.

Just looking at it, Shen Yueji quickly realized what he was going to do next.


With a cry of surprise, she suddenly pushed the man away and rolled under the bed.

The man was pushed unexpectedly by her, and the bitter taste overflowed in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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