Chapter 584 Bloodletting
After Feng Yucai fell asleep, Beibei ate some food and went into her room to search for medical books.

And Feng Yucai woke up after sleeping for half an hour, Xiaoyan warmed up a half bowl of hawthorn porridge that had been boiled long ago, and then fell asleep again.

There is no fresh hawthorn here. Beibei asked Feng Erle to go to the pharmacy to buy the dried hawthorn porridge, because Beibei remembered that it was recorded in medical books that this hawthorn porridge can prevent stroke and treat hyperlipidemia such as qi stagnation and blood stasis. Patients are very helpful.

As soon as Beibei entered the house, she didn't come out until the next morning.

Duan Yuan knew that she was researching ways to cure Feng Yucai, so he didn't bother her.

Beibei found the cure for apoplexy based on her impression. She also pondered over the acupoints on the human body mentioned in the medical book all night, but she was still not confident.

After thinking about it, she felt that it would be safer to show the medical books to the doctor in the medical center, and then the doctor would help grandpa with acupuncture.

After breakfast, Beibei went into the room to take a look at Feng Yucai, saw him take the medicine and fell asleep, then went to the clinic with the acupoint map he had copied.

But when the doctor in the hospital heard Beibei's request, his face immediately became gloomy: "This girl, patients are human too, how can you try randomly!"

"Doctor, this medical book is a rare one, and there are acupoint maps on it. How can it be a random test?" Beibei said patiently.

"Do you think you can say that a broken book is an orphan? Are you blind as an old man?" The doctor's face was very ugly, and his eyes were full of arrogance. I’ve seen it before, if the acupuncture point map in this poor medical book is really used, it’s no wonder the patient doesn’t lose too much blood and die!”

It turns out that there is a point in this medical book that says to prick a needle in the finger of a stroke patient, and then use cupping to suck out the congestion. This is a treatment method that the old doctor has never heard of, so he has such a big reaction.

Beibei didn't expect that such a precious medical book would be abandoned by the old doctor, so she immediately gave up her desire to continue persuading, put away the medical book and left the hospital without even saying hello, and went to another hospital up.

He is obviously a quack doctor, yet he has the face to show his talent and arrogance in front of her, and she is worried that he will cure grandpa to death!

There is more than one medical clinic in Yuxi County, so she couldn't believe that she couldn't find a doctor who could do acupuncture for her grandfather!
But what Beibei didn't expect was that she went to every medical clinic on the street, and none of the doctors were willing to give Feng Yucai the acupuncture points according to the medical books.

The doctor with a better attitude told her tactfully that he had never seen this medical book before, so he couldn't prick it casually, so as not to cause death; the bad-tempered one even scolded her out of the clinic, scolding her for treating acupuncture as a joke.

Duan Yuan glanced at Shen Wenshenwu, Shen Wenshenwu nodded tacitly, and the two followed the dark-faced Beibei back to Feng's house, while Duan Yuan stayed on the street.

Not long after, the screams of doctors came from two medical halls.

Beibei returned to Feng's house and saw that grandpa's mental state was not very good, and the left side of his body kept shaking, which seemed to be worse than yesterday. After pondering for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and decided to do it himself.

She had never studied acupuncture, so she didn't dare to prick Feng Yucai's body randomly, but she was not afraid of bloodletting.

After making up his mind, he sent Shen Wen to the street to buy a set of silver needles and came back. After thinking about it, he added cupping jars and moxa sticks.

She doesn't dare to do acupuncture and moxibustion, but moxibustion therapy can still be tried.

Before bleeding Feng Yucai, Beibei made it clear to Feng Yong and Feng Ping that she was not sure that she could cure him, and if they were not at ease, she would not let him go.

Although Beibei wanted to heal grandpa very much, she was not a real doctor after all, and grandpa had a son and daughter-in-law, no matter how worried she was, she couldn't go past them.

Feng Yong and Feng Ping also saw that their father's illness was getting more and more serious, and Yan Shi sent a message to let Beibei try it, so the brothers agreed.

Beibei sterilized the silver needle, asked the two uncles to prepare all the things they needed, and cleared out the other people in the room before walking to the bedside with the silver needle.

"It's started!" Beibei took a deep breath and glanced at the two uncles who were equally nervous.

Feng Yong's palms were sweating, he let Feng Yucai sit on his back, held one of his fingers in one hand and waited for Beibei to give the needle, while Feng Ping held a basin under Feng Yucai's finger, ready to Receive blood.

Bei Bei calmed down, took out the medical book and read it again, then took the needle and pricked Feng Yucai's finger one inch away from the nail.

Because the strength of the first injection was not good enough, there was no bleeding after the first injection. Beibei hurriedly put down the needle and squeezed it with her hands. After squeezing for a while, a drop of dark black blood flowed out from Feng Yucai's finger. Ping quickly caught it with a basin.

With the experience of the first needle, when the second finger was pierced, the blood flowed out as soon as the needle was inserted.

After piercing ten needles in a row, until every finger was pierced, Beibei let out a sigh of relief.

"Beibei, is this all right?" Feng Ping asked looking at the dirty blood in the basin, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Beibei glanced at the grandfather with his mouth crooked, and said distressedly: "There are still ears."

After resting for a while, Bei Bei stretched out his hands to pull Feng Yucai's ears red, and then pricked two needles in each earlobe with silver needles, and the needles were closed after two drops of blood dripped out each.

"Uncle, put grandpa back on the bed first. Go on." Beibei said while closing the needle.

"Is that all right?" the two asked.

"Observe for the time being. If grandpa gets better in the afternoon, I will give him moxibustion therapy." Beibei said in a deep voice, "Also, the medicine prescribed by the doctor can no longer be given to grandpa. I will get some medicine later. Make it for grandpa to drink."

After Beibei left Feng Yucai's room, she went straight back to her own room. After putting the medical books back in the bedroom of the space, she went to the herb garden to pick some herbs and brought them out.

Beibei took the herbal medicine to the kitchen, boiled it, and brought it to grandpa's room. The Feng Yong brothers and Feng Daxiang, who had asked for leave, stayed in the room.

As soon as he saw Beibei, Feng Yong said happily: "Beibei, come and see if your grandfather's hands are not shaking so badly?"

Feng Yong and the others stared at Feng Yucai's hand for a long time, but they were not sure, because they had been guarding here all the time, and they were afraid that they would have hallucinations if they stared too long.

Before Beibei got close to the bed, Xiaoyan and Yuan, who were guarding outside the house, rushed in in surprise and joy when they heard this.

"Let's see, let's see!"

"Father's hands don't seem to be shaking that much anymore!" Xiaoyan said pleasantly.

Beibei stepped forward to take a look, and also smiled: "Uncle and Uncle, look at Grandpa's mouth, isn't it as crooked as before?"

Bloodletting is the right step!Beibei was overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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