Chapter 751

Listening to Aunt Zhang's slow narration, Sang Yue reasoned and concluded. The reason why the brothers of the Li family didn't call for separation at that time, there are three conclusions:

As soon as the scholar came, he was given rice, exempted from corvee, and exempted from taxation.

Secondly, the aunt's father is still a teacher in the town, and he has two taels of silver a month for repairs.

For three years, regardless of the family, the family's land does not pay taxes, and the reputation is good, so the daughter of a scholar's family can easily find a well-matched family.

Later, the Li brothers had to separate the family because Li Xiucai was dying of illness, not only had no income but also had to spend money on medicines, so the family was divided quickly.

These years, the Zhang family has had a hard time, and Aunt Zhang can't help the family much, so those cousins ​​can't think highly of her.

And this year, their family is repairing the house, marrying a wife, and returning home with generous gifts, so the cousins' family is naturally jealous.

It is said that on the day when she returned to her natal home on the second day of the first lunar month, Aunt Zhang's two cousins ​​held her hand for almost a day and asked her why her family got rich.

After learning that they made their fortunes by hunting in the mountains, they began to complain one by one.

The most poisonous woman in the world, Sang Yue thought this sentence was too prejudiced.

But at this time, she felt that the words of the ancients did have some basis.

Sang Yue squinted her eyes: "Auntie is saying that the third son who is studying in the town is the most important thing in Dahu's uncle's family now?"

Aunt Zhang didn't know what she meant by asking this question, but she nodded very positively: "Well, the third son, Li Gui, is only 17 years old this year, and he was selected as a scholar last year. I heard that he is good at reading, and the master asked him to take the provincial examination next year. To say that he is definitely a hit.

As for the eldest son of my second uncle's family, the two sons are useless, and they are good at eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. What their family counts on most is my 15-year-old niece Li Xianglian.That girl is very good-looking, and my second sister-in-law raised her according to Xiaojiabiyu's standards, and she was expected to marry into a good family in the town, so she could help her mother's family. "

To make the enemy sad, you have to destroy the important things in their hearts, just like hitting a snake with seven inches to kill it!

Sang Yue turned to look at Zhuge Ming: "If you can help me destroy these two, I will give you ten of the pills just now."

Immediately, the young master Tsundere's eyes lit up: "It's a deal!"




Sang Yue looked at the three people with excited faces: "Although this medicine is very valuable, even if I don't have a few pills, but giving useful things to useful people is the mission of medicine! Madam treats Daniel like My own son treats me with no other intentions. Dahua married into the Zhang family again, and we will be a family in the future. As a family, don’t say thank you, let alone feel owed. My ideals in life are very small, and I only hope My family is healthy and safe, and my enemies will not be rewarded!"

The language was simple and unpretentious, but it shocked the hearts of the brothers and sisters of the Zhuge family.

Zhuge Xun looked at Sangyue again, affirming once again that his second uncle's vision was stronger than anyone else's.

A few days after Zhang Erhu's poison was fully cured, Aunt Zhang's natal brother came and said, "Sister, something serious happened at home."

Aunt Zhang looked at her only but weak younger brother and asked indifferently: "What's the big deal? Something happened, why are you still here?"

Zhang Sanhu was at home, and when he saw his uncle coming, he ran out immediately: "That's right, what happened to uncle's house?"

Looking at the sunny appearance of his little nephew, Li Xiuyuan smiled at the mother and daughter with both resentment and restraint: "It can't be said that something happened to our own family, but something happened to everyone in our Li family! Sis, you know What? Li Gui went out with his elder brother to a party with friends, accidentally ate something wrong, and got infected with five poisons!"

Zhang Sanhu said "ah": "Uncle, is this true?"

Li Xiuyuan nodded vigorously: "Well, it's true. I'm here today to tell you the news, so that you can be happy! By the way, and that kid from Xianglian was fooling around with her big brother's friend outside, and made the village chief The little grandson of the family found out, and now several villages know about it. Hahaha, finally the retribution has come! Sister, you are right, it’s not that it’s not time to report, but it’s time to report as soon as the time comes! I think they You are still so proud in front of me, how can you mock me!"

Over the years, Li Xiuyuan was bullied by several cousins ​​so much that he couldn't lift his head up.

Back then, grandpa and grandma saw that their own father was incurable, so they gave an old house with five acres of land, and separated their family of four, but the uncle and uncle still coveted their little things.

If it wasn't for the fact that his mother was not a bully and his elder sister was a pungent one, he would still be living in a hut as a bachelor.

Originally, the debts of parents should not be counted on the children, but if the parents are immoral, how can the children they teach be virtuous?
Li Gui is a young scholar with a beautiful appearance, but his morals are corrupt on the inside, and he bullies the old and the young; Li Xianglian is spoiled, mean and sarcastic, and he has a good face.

Li Xiuyuan, who has been bullied for 20 years, feels that God is fair for the first time!

As soon as Zhang Sanhu heard the good news, he ran away immediately: "Uncle, mother, I will go and tell the news to the eldest brother and the second brother!"

Li Xiuyuan was full of joy: "Well, Sanhu, go, uncle is here today to tell you the news."

Seeing her brother's frown that had been frowned for many years finally relaxed, Aunt Zhang felt both bitter and sad.

After reading books for so many years, the only younger brother can't stand up. This is also a huge burden on Aunt Zhang's heart for many years.

Aunt Zhang asked worriedly: "Brother Yuan, how is your mother? Have you gotten better these days?"

When Li Xiuyuan talked about his old mother, his face lit up: "Sister, the prescription you asked Du Hu to send, that person is really a miracle doctor! Mother only drank two, she has already woken up today."

"Oh? Mother can wake up? That's great! I'll go back and see her when I'm free in a few days."

Why is my sister's family so poor that my nephews have been single?
Li Xiuyuan understands that apart from his brother-in-law's long-term illness, it is also a big burden for his family to rely on his sister to pull things together.

Now that my two sons are still young, I am afraid that the days when I have to rely on my sister to help me out are not short.

Li Xiuyuan quickly said: "Sister, I will take care of my mother, so don't run around when you are so busy. When my mother recovers, I will send her up to live with you for a while."

"That's good too. Let Daniel take a good look at it. The mountain is quiet. Maybe she will get better sooner."

Hearing that the matter of the Li family was over, the two brothers Zhang Dahu and Zhang Erhu had a few glasses of wine with their uncle at noon.

At the wine table, the niece and uncle had a lot of happy words, and the three nephews also talked to him about their dreams for the future. A simple lunch was as happy as Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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