Chapter 496

"You dare!"

Looking at the fire-breathing little face in front of her, Sang Yue was extremely innocent: "Boy, I didn't blame you!"

"You must be cheating, you ran away before I counted to seventeen!"

Seeing this stubborn boy who surrendered, Sang Yue was really speechless: "Then do it again?"

"Hmph, do it again once again, this time I didn't ask you to beg you! It was you who cleared the suspicion and proposed it yourself!"

"Okay, okay, I'll take the initiative, I'll take the initiative, count aloud by yourself, and then watch me run."

It's almost there!
The little guy refuses to admit that he is so incapable that he can't even run away with a woman!
It's just that he didn't know that he was being fooled by Sang Yue again, he could see Sang Yue, and Sang Yue could see him too!
After catching him for the seventh time, Sang Yue took a look and asked him: "Do you have another chance? If you dare to say yes, I will give it!"

Originally, the little guy was about to admit defeat. He is a man, he keeps his word - even if he has lied to him six times, he still thinks it is a trick!
But when Sangyue asked such a question, the little guy became angry: "Yes! If you dare to give it, if you don't, I'm not a man!"

The hair is not even long, and he is still a man!

Just a brat!

Many of the onlookers followed them to watch the excitement. Seeing their situation, some people were immediately puzzled: "What kind of show are you singing? Why are you catching and letting go, letting go and playing?"

Zhuang Daniu "hehe" smirked and didn't answer, Sang Yue explained to everyone with a smile: "This is my younger brother. He was spoiled by his parents since he was a child, so he ran away from home. No, I want to take him back, he is alive and well." Don't you want to go back?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized: No wonder they indulged him so much, it turned out to be his own sister?
Hehe, everyone laughed and dispersed.

"Who is your younger brother? You stinky woman, are you qualified to be my sister? Don't put money on your face!"

Originally, Sang Yue really wanted to dampen the spirit of this child, so that he would not be defiant, arrogant and complacent, grow into a useless person, and bring a disaster to the society.

But she found that in this backward era, she had forgotten the gap between levels!
Anyway, the purpose of teasing him today has been achieved, there is no need to argue with a spoiled kid since he was a child.

Immediately, Sang Yue's face turned cold, and she narrowed her eyes and said in a low voice: "I lied! But it's not that I'm not qualified to be your sister, but I disdain to be your sister! Tell you, if I have someone like you Brother who has no ability but is too spoiled to learn well, I will definitely draw a line with him! What you say is what you say, the last time! If you have the ability, run away, if you have no ability, answer my questions obediently and get out of the yamen!"

The little guy was obviously intimidated by the indifference in Sang Yue's eyes, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

When he found out that he was actually afraid of a village woman, he couldn't help being annoyed again: "Hmph! Who cares! Count!"

The boy waited for Sangyue to speak, and ran forward like an arrow off the string, and soon the news was in the sight of the crowd...

It wasn't until the person disappeared that Sang Yue pulled Zhuang Daniu up and walked in the opposite direction.

"Yue'er, do you want to educate him?"

Sang Yue smiled: "At first I wanted to tease him, but later I wanted to do something good. I thought he would be enlightened if he was still young and taught him a lesson. Unfortunately, I overestimated myself."

In order to find a topic, Zhuang Daniu said, "Then why did you have to arrest and release him seven times? You caught him but didn't talk about him for a while, and finally let him go?"

I don't want to talk about those gossips, after all, that kid was just a fun she was looking for in the town today.

Seeing Zhuang Daniu looking for a topic, Sang Yue smiled and said, "Seven times, there is an allusion to it, do you want me to tell you?"

Zhuang Daniu knew that his daughter-in-law could tell stories, and it was still some way away from the place where his second uncle rented, so he said happily, "Okay, okay, my wife's storytelling will also let me gain some insight."

gain knowledge?
A story can grow knowledge?
Sang Yue didn't read stories from any history books, her stories all came from TV dramas!
Just because she likes it, she remembers it.

So Sang Yue, based on the plot in her memory, told the story of Zhuge Liang's seven captures and seven captures of Meng Huo to Zhuang Daniu...

"My God, is there such a powerful person in the world? Sure enough, one must be brave and wise to be a good general!"

Afraid that Zhuang Daniu would break the casserole to the end, Sang Yue also smirked a few times: "Hehehe... I also heard the story told by the bookman, it is purely fictional, any similarity is really a coincidence."

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Daniu's thinking was completely trapped in Zhuge Liang's ingenious calculations. He didn't care where the story came from, and raised his eyes and asked, "Yue'er, have you heard any stories before?"

Depend on?
This out-of-the-box way of asking made Sang Yue's head full of black lines: When did my sister become a storyteller?
"That, that... yes, it's just that it's been a while since I heard it, so I don't remember clearly."

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Daniu looked eager when he heard it: "Yue'er, think about it carefully. If you remember it, remember to tell me. This story is really good. I have never heard such a good story! This comparison Your story about Mr. What and the Wolf is even better!"


Sang Yue wailed when she heard the words: Are these two stories the same?
From then on, Sangyue has one more task: thinking about stories!
Not to mention that Zhuang Daniu and Sang Yue took Uncle Zhuang's family back to the cottage, nor how touched they were when they gave something to Uncle Yin's family, not to mention that Sang Yue lied that her recipes were sold after returning. A lot of money was given to Aunt Zhang and Aunt Zhuang each with ten taels, and the four dividends to Li Guihua's mother and daughter were also not mentioned.

However, it was said that the weather was extremely cold these two days, and Sang Yue was pouring hot water into the mushroom shed, when Aunt Daqing rushed over, "Sang Yue, Sang Yue, something serious happened to your old dealer!"

When Sang Yue heard the word "Old Zhuangjia", it meant the people in the Zhuangjia's old house.

Immediately, her eyes lit up: "Auntie, what happened to that family? Did you dig up the big treasure?"

Aunt Daqing smiled mysteriously: "Don't you know? Look at you girl, you are really a person who can stay. In this free season, who doesn't bask in the sun under the big tree and eat melon seeds? You stay at home every day and don’t go anywhere like a foster lady. Let me explain to you that the old dealer’s carriage came this morning. It has entered the old dealer’s house and hasn’t come out for a long time. I see. It’s not far from digging for treasures!”

When a guest comes, is it like a cash cow?
Sure enough, there were too few entertainments in the cottage, and everyone thought it was strange to have a carriage at the house.

In the past two days, Sangyue racked her brains to think about the story until her head ached. She was not in the mood to join in the fun of the old Zhuang's business: "Come, just come, it has nothing to do with me. Maybe the old Zhuang's ancestors have some kind of wealth. Relatives, now I have found them."

(End of this chapter)

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