Chapter 493 Second Uncle Zhuang Comes Home

No matter what, no matter how cold his heart is, the blood and family relationship can never be severed!

Inner Zhuang Daniu can deny this grandpa, but outside, he is Zhuang Daniu's grandson of so-and-so!

After hearing this, Zhuang Daniu kindly said: "Grandfather, we are all in the same family, why can't we say something well? We are both my own sons, why do I have to be so partial? Niu is a junior, so I know that if I say too much, it will be too much. But I really want to tell you that the more the family love is worn down, the less it will be. It is really difficult to cover the heat when the second uncle's heart is completely cold. Ah Lord, I beg you, Da Niu, the second uncle's family is back, so let's live a good life."

I didn't expect that I would be taught by my grandson. Although I heard it in my heart, Mr. Zhuang felt that his dignity was violated, and his face turned dark immediately: "You should take care of my family's affairs. Every family has its own way."

After speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

Zhuang Daniu went down the mountain that afternoon, and only Uncle Zhuang came back.

Sang Yue herself has been busy taking care of the mushrooms in the past two days, because the weather is getting colder and the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the tips of the buds that have just grown are a little bit withered.

Holding a few mushrooms the size of thumbs in her hand, Sang Yue was surprised when she heard that Second Uncle Zhuang had come back: "He's the only one who came back?"

Zhuang Daniu nodded: "Si Niu left Er Aunt and Er Hua behind, saying that if Grandpa doesn't agree to split the family, their surnames will not be Zhuang."

Sang Yue knew that this request was a bit difficult, but it was all about their relatives, and had nothing to do with the two outsiders.

But Uncle Zhuang brought news: "Uncle Ji said that two days ago, two women went to his restaurant to sell vermicelli, but he confiscated them and went to another restaurant. Now there are two restaurants in the town that sell vermicelli. The vegetables are sold."

That kind of dish is not difficult to keep secret, and Sang Yue knows that it is impossible to monopolize the market.

"What does Uncle Ji mean?"

Zhuang Daniu told her: "Uncle Ji asked if there were any new recipes. If there was one, he would buy it for five taels of silver per recipe."

After dealing with the matter in the mushroom shed, Sangyue racked her brains for a long time and finally thought of a few more dishes made with vermicelli, but they were all the same, so they couldn't be kept secret.

There are only a few recipes that can be made with vermicelli, and Sang Yue thinks that if she wants to monopolize the business, she should win by taste.

Suddenly, her mind flashed: yes, the taste!
She doesn't have red fruits, so she can't make this delicious and natural green vegetables. Isn't the chicken essence sold in supermarkets in the past just called old hen broth mixed with more than ten kinds of vegetables?
Sangyue doesn't care if there is a real old hen in the chicken essence, but she thinks that using old hen instead of red fruit can really give it a try!
Sangyue asked Daniel to put down his pen: "Daniu, go to the stockade and buy two old hens, and then see who has vegetables such as big white cabbage, autumn leaf green, and old melon in the vegetable garden, and buy some of them."

Zhuang Daniu never asked what his wife was going to do.

As soon as Sang Yue finished speaking, he went, and half an hour later brought what she wanted.

Zhuang Daniu killed the chicken, and Dahua took Dani and Erni to wash the vegetables.

"Sister-in-law, is there any distinguished guest coming?"

It is the custom in the mountains to kill chickens to entertain guests.

After persuasion, Zhuang Dahua has regained her cheerfulness these days. Although she is naturally introverted, with the company and persuasion of Dani, Erni, and Xiangzhi's little magpie, the whole person seems to come alive.

Sang Yue smiled mysteriously when she heard the words: "I'm not using this to treat distinguished guests. I'm going to try a great invention today. If I succeed, I will be able to make a small fortune in the future!"

"Oh? Sister-in-law has a way to get rich again?"

Sang Yue smiled "hehe": "Just now, an idea flashed into my mind, so I was going to try it. Maybe I can't make a big fortune, but I should be able to make a small fortune! You work hard, wait for me to make a fortune." If you get a small fortune, you will have a share, and whoever sees it will have a share!"

As soon as he heard it, Xiao Moer, who was paddling Zhuang Daniu to teach him how to read, also jumped up: "Big cousin, I will wash the vegetables too!"

Seeing Xiao Moer getting more and more lively, Sang Yue pinched his little nose and said happily: "Little Caifan, you don't need to wash the vegetables, you go and carry firewood for me into the kitchen."

Seeing that he had some work to do, Xiao Moer happily ran to the firewood shed...

The old hen in this era is an authentic old hen. The old hen that has grown up eating bugs for more than three years can no longer be found in previous lives.

The two old hens from Ashanpo's family weighed seven catties in total, plus half a goat's leg. After they were all cut into pieces and quenched in boiling water in the pot, Sangyue scooped them up and put them in the pot again to simmer with rice wine.

To get rid of the smell, this step is essential.

It wasn't until the aroma of sweet rice wine permeated into the meat that she added half a pot of water, covered the pot and started to boil over high heat and simmer over low heat.

One stew lasted for two hours. After lunch, Sang Yue picked up the chicken bones and sheep bones that had rotted into the soup, then threw down the vegetables, dried mushrooms, autumn leaf green cabbage stalks, sweet pumpkin pieces, etc., and covered them again .

Li Guihua was lighting the fire, watching Sang Yue open and close the lid for a while, she smiled and said: "This is really difficult to wait for, with so many good things, I don't know how many chicken essences you can make."

Li Guihua only watched the second half of the episode, and didn't watch the making of the broth in the early stage. Hearing her sigh, Sang Yue smiled: "Good things are naturally expensive and the procedures are complicated, but these are not the main thing. The most important thing is the ratio of the latter part. .”

To achieve flavor, freshness and sweetness are essential.

The chicken and mutton are delicious enough, but I don't know how the sweetness of the pumpkin will be.

An hour later, Sangyue sat in the pot for a long time, and then used sackcloth to filter out all the vegetable dregs in the pot, and then took out most of the broth before slowly adding the ingredients.

Stone sugar is the modern rock sugar, which has been ground into powder by Zhuang Daniu on a small mill.

Sang Yue made a total of three kinds of chicken bouillon powder, each of which was only about one tael. After the chicken bouillon with three ingredients was ready, she started cooking dinner.

Suddenly the kitchen went dark: "Yue'er, Second Uncle is here."

Li Guihua is a very self-conscious person, and she avoided it early when Sang Yue started experimenting with chicken essence.

At this moment, she followed her in: "Sangyue, you've been busy all day, let me cook."

Sang Yue was indeed tired from standing, so she took off her apron: "Third Aunt, you cook first, and I'll cook later."

Li Guihua knew that she was going to try that invention, so she said yes and went to the inner room to get rice from the rice vat.

Sang Yue came out of the kitchen, and when she saw Second Uncle Zhuang in the yard, she was so surprised that she couldn't even close her eyes: Is this man with a blue nose and swollen face still the handsome Second Uncle Zhuang?
The elders of the banker are not his parents, but his enemies, right?
(End of this chapter)

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