Chapter 233 Second Uncle's Family Is Centrifuged

Sangyue and Zhuang Daniu continued their plan to make a fortune. When Mrs. Zhang brought the vegetables, she said that Mrs. Zhuang woke up and had nowhere to go. She went home and vented to Aunt Zhuang. The dog jumps.

Mrs. Zhuang is a generous person in Sang Yue's heart, and there is no reason for her.

It's just that Zhuang Daniu felt a lot more depressed after hearing this.

On the second day, Sangyue was making mushroom seeds, and Zhuang Daniu was about to go out and chop some miscellaneous things when he came back. Zhuang Wuniu ran over and said, "Brother, do you have any clues about what we entrusted to you?"

Zhuang Daniu nodded: "I have a clue, I wanted to tell you yesterday, but you also know what happened yesterday, so I forgot."

"Ah? Big brother, is it true?" Zhuang Wuniu was so happy that he was dumbfounded.

"Well, really. It's just that the autumn harvest is coming soon, what should we do at home?"

Zhuang Wuniu knew that his brother had gone, and his parents would suffer.

But if they don't leave, their parents will suffer a lot!

Although the autumn harvest has to compete for time, there is no one in the house. The third uncle, the third brother and the grandfather, don't they eat?
Zhuang Wuniu was cruel: "Brother, I can't stay in this family for a day. My father is a dutiful son. If the two of us don't go out again, I'm afraid we will be old bachelors again in the future!"

In my grandmother's heart, besides the third uncle, Zhuang Fushun is probably the only cousin, and Zhuang Daniu also understands Zhuang Wuniu's heart: "I have already explained to my boss that you can go down the mountain at any time these days. , go directly to Hongyan Building to find shopkeeper Ji, he recommended your job. Food and lodging included, five hundred wages a month."

With room and board included and five hundred wages for one month, six taels of silver a year?
In an instant, Zhuang Wuniu's eyes lit up: "Brother, remember, the wages include food and housing for [-] yuan."

Zhuang Daniu knew that his little cousin was quick-witted, and the reason why he was dishonest was because of his own faults: "Well, anyway, I don't know, and I found your job, how do I know so much? "

Zhuang Wuniu hugged Zhuang Daniu hard: "Brother, I like you the most!"

Zhuang Daniu also liked these two cousins ​​very much, he said cheerfully: "Remember to work hard, I didn't embarrass your brother!"

"Well, I won't embarrass you, big brother, I'm leaving!"

Just as Zhuang Wuniu was about to go out, Zhuang Daniu called him again: "Wuniu, do you want to talk to Grandpa about this?"

Talk to Grandpa?
Zhuang Wuniu's feet were suddenly blunt, and he smiled wryly: "Brother, do you think if you tell Grandpa, he will agree?"

"Why?" In Zhuang Daniu's heart, although his grandfather is a cold-hearted person, he is a person who takes face very seriously. If his cousin tells him about the matter, maybe his second uncle The second aunt can suffer less in the future.

My big cousin didn't live with grandpa, so he naturally didn't know his grandpa's temperament.

But Zhuang Wuniu has lived with him for 15 years, he knows it!
Why does my grandma dare to come back to my elder brother's house again and again to make trouble? Could it be that Grandpa doesn't know?
No, not only did he know but he knew very clearly, he was just pretending not to know!
In the past, an elder brother would often bring wild game to the house, and meat dishes could be eaten every now and then without spending any money, but since the elder brother got married, life in this family has become more and more miserable.

There are only four members of the family who work, but there are a large table of people eating, and the income is only a little food. Where can I get the money to buy meat?
Zhuang Wuniu knew from his grandfather's increasingly gloomy face at the dinner table that his grandfather also blamed his elder brother in his heart!He even blamed his brother for being worthless, because they couldn't give him money to buy meat and clothes.

"Brother, don't talk about it, I'm afraid we won't be able to go."

But Zhuang Daniu felt that if his brothers left like this, his second uncle and aunt would really suffer a great crime!
"Wu Niu, ask my second uncle and aunt to come quietly."

Although he didn't know why his elder brother called his parents over, Zhuang Wuniu knew that he was planning for his family, so he left happily.

Not long after, Second Uncle Zhuang and Second Aunt Zhuang came quietly from the field, and Second Aunt looked at Zhuang Daniu worriedly: "Daniu, do you need us for something?"

Zhuang Daniu asked the two to sit down, and asked Sang Yue to pour two cups of herbal tea before speaking: "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, do you know that four cows and five cows want to go down the mountain to work?"

Uncle Zhuang shook his hand: "Go down the mountain to work? How can it be done? If they leave, the work in the field will be endless, and his grandma will not be overwhelmed?"

Zhuang Daniu knew that the two boys wanted to run away quietly, so he raised his eyes and asked him: "Second uncle, isn't there only a dozen acres of land at home? Even if four cows and five cows go out to work, there are still grandpa and three at home. What about Uncle, Aunt and Sanniu, how can there be so many people who can't collect that little food?"

Speaking of these people, Second Uncle Zhuang's face darkened: "Daniu, do you think your third uncle and San Niu are workers? Even if they were forced to go to the field after harvesting these years, they still stood around and pointed fingers. Row? Not to mention your grandpa, he used to have no choice but to go to the ground when we were young, but since I can support this family, he..."

Many people in the village know that my grandpa doesn’t work. They can’t read the book well enough, but they always hold the book and say something in their mouths, saying that filial piety is the sky and unfilial piety The principle of rebellion, but he himself has never done this to his grandpa and grandma.

"Second uncle, I called you here today to tell you this matter. You also know that the power in the family is now in the hands of grandma, and even if you want a copper coin, you have to take it from her. In her heart, except for the third uncle and his son There is no one else outside, so in the future, if four or five cows want to get married, it will be difficult if they don't go out and rush."

These words silenced Second Uncle Zhuang. In the eyes of his own mother, he was familiar with an incompetent person. Naturally, his son was also an incompetent person. Otherwise, he would not have thought of selling his eldest son last time.

He even knew that in the future, she would rely on his third uncle and nephew for his mother's pension and the succession of the family.

Uncle Zhuang's foolish filial piety made him hesitate, but Aunt Zhuang was strong for being a mother: "The head of the family, Daniel is right, if four bulls and five bulls don't go out to make money, I'm afraid they will all be bachelors! You can't see There is no one in our room for the elderly, no one to take over? Could it be that you are still counting on your third brother's family?"

Count on the third brother's family?
That family who is lazy and treats their family like a cow or a horse?
Finally, Second Uncle Zhuang made up his mind: "Daniu, let the brothers go for it. I, the father, will take care of things here. Thank you for thinking of them."

But Zhuang Daniu shook his head when he heard this: "Second Uncle, it's not that I think about them, it's that their brothers are cold-hearted! You all pretend you don't know about this matter, and when they ask about it, they will say nothing. Maybe I feel uncomfortable, so I went down the mountain to find a job!"

This reason is feasible, my father is a person who wants to save face in front of outsiders, at worst let them scold at home for a while.

For the harvest of this autumn grain, there are not only the husband and wife in the family!

The eccentricity between the old man and the old woman of the dealer finally drove this honest man into a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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