Chapter 180
Looking at Zhuang Lixiang with a look of contempt, Sang Yue frowned: Who offended this little girl? Is it delicious, and she didn't tell her to eat it, why the expression?
Sang Yue glanced at Zhuang Lixiang with a proud expression: "It depends on who does it. Those who are capable can make wild vegetables taste like meat, and those who are incapable can only make meat taste like wild vegetables. I, Sang Yue I'm not a famous chef or a master, but the hot and sour wild ginger slices I made are spicy with the sour taste of grapes, and they are absolutely delicious."

Fragrant, spicy and sweet and sour like grapes, how delicious is this?
Zhuang Lihua ate wild vegetable pancakes baked by her lobby sister-in-law yesterday, and it was the first time in her life that she had eaten such delicious food!
Hearing Sang Yue's description, Zhuang Lihua seemed to see a plate of delicious wild ginger in front of her eyes, and swallowed with a "gulu", which made Sang Yue forget her unhappiness, and couldn't help laughing: "It's delicious even if you think about it? If pears If you like it, I will ask you to eat it when you can eat it."

At this time, Zhu Xiangzhi poured two bowls of water and came out and took up the conversation: "Lihua, if you like it, tomorrow you and your sister ask adults to take them to the mountains and fields to search, dig some and let the big cousin teach you it is done."

Zhuang Lihua looked at Zhuang Lixiang with sparkling eyes when she heard the words: "Sister, why don't we ask Mother to take us to dig some in the afternoon?"

Zhuang Lixiang didn't believe that this wild vegetable was better than meat. Although the family rarely ate meat in a month, even if this wild vegetable tasted like meat, she still didn't believe it.

But Zhuang Lixiang knew that this was not the time for her to despise this wild vegetable, because she knew that Zhu Xiangzhi was not a talkative person, and she kept talking about how good this big cousin was all the way.

Immediately, she frowned and said with disdain: "In such a big sun, go out to dry for such a little wild vegetable? I won't go. I'm not as delicious as you. If it becomes a piece of black carbon, be careful not to marry a good man! "

Zhuang Lihua stopped talking when she heard the words, her sister has always been pleased by her grandma and mother, not only does she look good, but also a fortune teller said that she is the wife's fate.Grandma said she had to find a good family for her to marry, and she wanted to use her dowry to buy wives for the second and third brothers, so naturally she wouldn't let her get tanned.

Only she is the child that no one cares about.

Zhu Xiangzhi couldn't see Zhuang Lixiang's frightened look. Seeing Zhuang Lihua's gray face, he immediately answered the question: "Where is this going? People marry a wife based on character, not just appearance. If you It's delicious and lazy, but it looks like a flower, so I'm afraid other people won't like it? Also, a really beautiful person looks good even after being tanned. Look at my cousin, she doesn't sunbathe outside every day. Isn't it just as good-looking?"

Zhuang Lixiang dislikes people telling her that others look good-looking in front of her. The reason why she came to Zhuang Daniu's house today is because her younger sister said how beautiful the lady in the lobby is, and she was serving the sick grandma at the grandma's house at the foot of the mountain some time ago. , I have never seen Sang Yue.

Although Sang Yue looks good, Zhuang Lixiang thinks that she is a little widow, no matter how good she is, she is not as good-looking as her.

But Zhu Xiangzhi never forgot to praise Sangyue, and Zhuang Lixiang lived close to Zhang Hehua's family, and the two had frequent exchanges, so she suddenly became displeased with Sangyue: "The sister-in-law of the lobby is good-looking, but she always looks good. Busy in the field, if you really want to compare with the little daughter-in-law in the town, it will be far behind."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Xiangzhi tilted her head and looked left and right at Sangyue: "Is it possible? I have been to the town several times, but I have never seen any daughter-in-laws who are prettier than my eldest cousin." ? Rika, could it be that your eyes are not good?"

Zhuang Lixiang was more than two years older than Zhu Xiangzhi. Although the two families could be regarded as relatives, she always felt that the Zhu family was too poor to get close to this cousin.

Today, Zhu Xiangzhi kept praising Sangyue for her beauty, but didn't say anything about her beauty, Zhuang Lixiang's eyes turned crooked: "Zhu Xiangzhi, you have bad eyesight? Haven't you been to town twice? How many daughter-in-laws have you seen? Hmph! It’s you who don’t know it yourself, but you say that my eyes are not good! So what if the sister-in-law of the lobby is good-looking? Why don’t you marry into this mountain and become a wife for the poor and old brother-in-law of the lobby? ?”

Her eldest cousin is old and poor?
Her eldest cousin is a capable and powerful man, not what Zhuang Lixiang said!

Only her brothers are old and poor!
His idol was said to be worthless, and Zhu Xiangzhi was very upset when he heard it: "Zhuang Lixiang, what are you talking about? My eldest cousin is also your hall brother. What's wrong with him? How old is he? My eldest cousin is not old! Although he is a little poor now, he will definitely not be poor in the future! Didn’t you see that he is the number one hunter in our village?
Hmph, don't think that the people at the bottom of the mountain are good. People with money in their families don't mean they will be nice to them!You are also from the mountains yourself, yet you still look down on the people from the mountains!It's really a dog's eyes to look down on people! "

Zhuang Lixiang didn't expect Zhu Xiangzhi to scold people, and immediately became angry from embarrassment: "Xiangzhi, you look down on people! Who looks down on the people in the mountains? It's just that the mountains are poor, and this is a fact that no one can deny! There are rich people in the town , wear new clothes every day, and eat big meat every day, but what about the people in the mountains? They don’t even have to eat oil, and they eat red nests for more than half a year! Besides, who said that rich people are bad? No matter how bad it is, I won’t let you Are you hungry? It’s okay to be ignorant, but you still look down on rich people? I think you are jealous!”

Although Zhu Xiangzhi seldom went to town, there was a cousin named Zhu who sold her to a rich family as a girl when she was ten years old.That cousin would come back four times a year, and she would always talk about the owner's family when she came back. Xiangzhi knew that the backyard of this rich family was not as clean as that of a farmer's family.

Seeing that Zhuang Lixiang's whole heart and eyes are full of the idea that people in the town poop are fragrant, Zhu Xiangzhi pouted: "Jealous? I'm not jealous! We are poor in the mountains, but we are simple and straightforward, unlike rich people My heart is full of twists and turns! People in the town have money, but among those people who have money, which man does not have three wives and four concubines? Compete with others all day long to see if you are comfortable when you are full. "

Zhuang Lixiang thinks that only a promising man can marry three wives and four concubines, so what's the use of an unpromising rough man if no one wants to fight?Living with a rough man, she can only grow up to be a yellow-faced woman in this life, but if she marries into a rich family, she can become a young mistress!

Even if she can't become a young mistress, but becomes a concubine of a rich family, she still thinks it is better than marrying anyone in the mountains!

Glancing at Zhu Zhixiang, looking at her tanned little face, Zhuang Lixiang pouted contemptuously: "What's the matter? It's good for a man to be promising. Competing with three wives and four concubines is better than wearing a suit. Coarse cloth, coarse grains, and a hungry stomach are much better!"

Dear friends, there are six chapters today, am I good?
(End of this chapter)

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