Chapter 1067
This watch was soon passed to the Huo Mansion. Mrs. Huo looked at the watch and nodded with a smile: "Girl, how did you come up with this idea?"

Sangyue looked distressed: "Grandma, if I don't know anything, how can I arrange them to work? These people were given to me by you and grandpa. It goes without saying that they are loyal, but if I don't arrange them well, Isn't this a waste of your mind?"

"Hahaha... Well, well, this watch is well drawn! Personality, strengths, ideas, wishes, and what you have done before, it is true that it can be used by everyone! Let me say, you girl Brains are different from people!"

What is different? Who didn't have a resume in the previous life?
As soon as Sangyue tidied up the yard and arranged the personnel, Princess Awana's big day came.

On this day, the roots of the imperial city were extremely lively, and Shen Zong visited the Three Kings Mansion in person to show his importance to Bei Nu.

Sang Yue doesn't need to go to the wedding, but she is also very busy today: "Sister-in-law, is this big carriage all for me?"

Ren Qingyan nodded softly: "These, I draw all the patterns you want. There is only one small kiln in my house, and I only burn a few sets of each item. I leave them here for you."

This is ancient knowledge!

And they are all the rare editions of Gudao. I don’t know if this continent will be the same as her world in hundreds of years, and will these things become priceless treasures?
Seeing the servants carrying the box, Sang Yue was afraid that they might damage it: "Oh, oh, take it easy, this is a treasure, a real treasure!"

Good things are appreciated, Ren Qingyan is very happy, she will leave after drinking tea: "I haven't brought the child, I have to go. I will make you a set of cloisonne for the vase you asked for, I guarantee you Will love it!"

Of course I like it, the previous life was also the best!
Sang Yue was embarrassed: "Sister-in-law three, you gave me so many treasures, but I have nothing good for you, what should I do?"

"Pfft!" Ren Qingyan laughed: "You can just give me more of your beauty in the future. My old man has a bad stomach but loves tea very much. Your beauty suits his appetite."

With a little tea, in exchange for so many national treasures?
Well, she bought long monk meat at the price of pork?
"Yes, yes, I still have some of the best ones here, I will pack some for you later."

After Princess Changqing got married, it was already the end of November.

At this moment, Zhang Changshan's house was full of people in Weishanzhai: "The letter was written by Daniu and his wife. Daniel is now serving the emperor, and he is the commander of the fourth-rank imperial guards. He has to stay in the capital within three years."

"Wow? Fourth-rank official, how old is that?"

Shuang Zhonglin was happy for Daniu in his heart, and couldn't help asking.

After all, Zhang Changshan is an educated person. He explained: "It is equivalent to the magistrate, but he is a close minister of the emperor. Although he does not have the power of the magistrate, he will have a better chance than the magistrate. Second Master Luan will not come back soon, Sang Yue Said that Daniel told me to find two more masters to come to the stockade, 30 taels a year, and I will go to the town to inquire about it tomorrow."

Sure enough, I still have to study. A scholar can earn 30 taels of silver a year, and this big family can support themselves.

"By the way, Chang Shan, did Daniel say when the imperial court will start the scientific examination?"

Zhang Changshan took a closer look at the thick letter: "I said, the emperor has decided to resume the imperial examination next autumn. Daniel said to let a few older children try next year. If they get the honor of a scholar, he said to let them go to Beijing. Studying in the academy. The fee is all paid by Sang Yue."

Go to Yingjing to study?
And is it free to read?
At the foot of the Son of Heaven, a place where civil and martial arts gather, how can it be compared with this small cottage of yours?
Immediately, people with children reading at home became excited...

"Village head, has Daniel's daughter-in-law explained whether or not to harvest winter bamboo shoots this year?"

Those who have no children to study are naturally concerned about ways to make money.

Zhang Changshan nodded: "Shut up, her brother takes care of everything on this mountain. There are winter bamboo shoots, spring bamboo shoots, spring tea, and autumn tea. She also said that the things here will be sent to the capital in the future. Let everyone send them to the capital." Better stuff."

As soon as the news came out, everyone around the cottage had big smiles on their faces, as if a better tomorrow was waving to them...

Spring goes to autumn, easy to heat and cold to winter, and it will be three years in a blink of an eye.

For the past three years, Zhuang Daniu couldn't leave Beijing, and Sang Yue had to go back to Liuhu Town for two months a year.

The four children are already six years old, as if they are little adults.

In a few days, Zhuang Daniu will go to Luzhou to take office. The four older children like the mountains much more than the big capital.

Seeing that Mother started to pack things, Sanwa jumped up: "Mother, Mother, can we live there from now on?"

Sang Yue glared at him: "Keep your voice down, don't scare your younger siblings!"

More than a year ago, Sang Yue was pregnant again with twins, and now the pair of babies are only seven months old, and it is time for lethargy.

Sanwa blushed: "Mom, I didn't do it on purpose, I was so excited! What's so good about the capital? I like to surround the cottage, where you can hunt a lot of little rabbits."

Sure enough, it was hereditary, and none of the three sons disliked Wu.

After taking their three brothers to hunt in the mountains last year, the three brothers talked about hunting for almost a year.

Sangyue joked about Zhuang Daniu: Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, the son of Orion loves to hunt!
The third baby was reviewing, and the second baby came in: "Mother, are the brothers and sisters awake?"

Erwa is most like Zhuang Daniu, honest and stable, although not as smart as her elder brother and younger brother, but she is the one who learns the most honestly and earnestly.

"Not yet, your father hasn't come to court yet?"

"No, grandpa asked me to ask, what to pack."

In the past few years, besides Mrs. Luan, Second Master Luan would go back frequently. Since Mrs. Luan left at the end of last year, he almost didn't go anywhere. Wherever his daughter and grandson went, he went with him.

"Oh, you told grandpa that you should take those personal items that must be taken away, and don't take the rest, and you will come to the capital often in the future."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Just as the second child ran away, the eldest child came in again: "Mother, the second uncle and the third uncle are back."

There is a Sanglei in the family, Sangyue let the child call the first uncle, and Jinbao and Yinbao became the second uncle and the third uncle.

Seeing Jinbao and Yinbao, who was already a handsome young man, enter the door, Sang Yue was very curious: "Jinbao, Yinbao, are you going to leave school today?"

Jin Bao shook his head: "Sister, we have discussed it with our uncles. Now that grandma and grandpa are gone, we should go with you for a few years first."

Last winter, the old man's old injury relapsed and he didn't get over it. Soon after, the old lady followed.

Now Marquis of Zhenbei took over the old Duke's position and controlled the entire Huo family. The Huo family did not disperse because of the death of the old Duke and Mrs. Instead, the brothers got along very well.

"Uncle agrees?"

Jin Bao nodded: "I didn't agree at first, but the fourth uncle agreed first, and then the eldest uncle also agreed. But the uncle said, let us come back every year for the New Year."

It seems that the capital will be indispensable in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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