Chapter 792 Yue'er Sudden Illness!

"Where did you get the lollipop? Who gave it to you?" Lin Xiaoting asked her.

"Auntie!" Yue'er finished answering, and kept asking her mother to open it up for her to eat. The little greedy cat was already drooling, and couldn't wait to eat candy.

"What aunt?" Lin Xiaoting asked.

"It was probably given to her by the servants at home. It's okay, let her eat it! Look at the child's greed!" Xue Xiaoxiao guessed.

Lin Xiaoting didn't say anything else, she unwrapped the wrapping paper, and handed the candy to the little girl. Yue'er was very happy when she ate the lollipop.

After playing for a while, Lin Xiaoting took Yue'er home.

Everything seemed normal, but ten days later, Yue'er fell ill. At first, she had a fever, and her whole body was weak and unwell.

Lin Xiaoting thought the child was suffering from a cold, so she immediately treated the child to reduce the fever, but soon after the fever subsided, it would reoccur again, and the child said that she had a headache, a sore throat, and was very uncomfortable.

Leng Yanxiu couldn't see the children suffering from illness, so he immediately picked up his daughter and drove her to the hospital to see a doctor.

The paediatrician of Kangren Hospital gave the diagnosis that it was also a fever caused by a cold. He prescribed medicine for Yue'er to treat the cold and fever, and told her to take it for a few days at home to see the situation.

After taking the medicine for three days, Yue'er's condition not only did not improve, but became more serious. The pain caused her to cough violently, accompanied by symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.

When the child is sick, the parents are particularly worried, especially in the middle of the night, the child cannot sleep peacefully, and the adults cannot rest normally.

Lin Xiaoting stayed by the bedside to accompany Yue'er, Leng Yanxiu felt sorry for the child and his wife, "Baby, go and rest, I'll take care of Yue'er!"

"No! I want to stay here with her! The child needs me!" Lin Xiaoting refused to leave, Yue'er looked pained, and kept holding on to her father and mother's hands. At this time, how could she be in the mood to sleep.

"Lie on my lap, close your eyes and rest!" Leng Yanxiu asked her to lie on his lap, Lin Xiaoting listened to him and changed her position.

Seeing his daughter's condition getting worse, Leng Yanxiu frowned more and more. He suspected that his daughter was not suffering from a common cold at all, so he had already invited several authoritative pediatric experts from many countries around the world to see the child. .

The next morning, Mu Shaoyan notified Leng Yanxiu that the experts had arrived at the hospital.

Leng Yanxiu and Lin Xiaoting brought Yue'er to Kangren Hospital non-stop. After meeting with several experts, the other party immediately began to examine the child.

After detailed inspection and analysis, the preliminary diagnosis given by the expert team was that Yue'er was suspected to be infected with Lassa fever virus.

Leng Yanxiu and Lin Xiaoting didn't know much about this virus. It was the first time they heard about it. After an expert's explanation, they knew that it was a contagious virus, one of the eight deadliest viruses in human history.

Lassa fever has an incubation period of 6-21 days, and the disease is usually gradual in onset, beginning with fever, general weakness and malaise, which may occur after a few days with headache, sore throat, muscle pain, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, Cough and abdominal pain.

Because the initial symptoms of Lassa fever are very similar to influenza, it is easy to be confused by people, and Yue'er's condition is indeed consistent with the clinical symptoms of Lassa fever.

Why did Yue'er get Lassa fever?

This virus is prevalent in Africa, how could it suddenly appear in Los Angeles?

Leng Yanxiu and his wife were still unwilling to believe that Yue'er was infected with Lassa fever, and asked the expert team to re-examine.


(End of this chapter)

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