Chapter 594 You just stay there!

Lin Xiaoting didn't answer any more, the two of them looked at the stars quietly, then she suddenly called out, "Brother A Luo!"


There was no content, just purely wanting to call him by his childhood name, she shouted again, "Brother Aluo!"

When she was a child, she always called his name over and over again with great joy, which drove him very crazy.


"Brother Allo!"



I don't know how many times I called you, Lin Xiaoting stopped and asked him, "Tell me! Did you really annoy me when you were young? I followed your ass every day and called you that. Did you feel really broken at that time?"

Leng Yanxiu thought for a while and said, "Well, it's true, I wanted to send you to an alien planet at that time!"

Lin Xiaoting narrowed her eyes and pinched his neck with her hands, "Okay! Actually, you didn't like me at all at that time, right?"

Leng Yanxiu: "..."

How should I answer her?
How many years ago is this old sesame seed and rotten millet?

Before he could figure out how to answer, Lin Xiaoting stood up and asked, "If in the beginning, on the night of Bay Nine, it wasn't me who slept with you but someone else, would you fall in love with that person too!"

"Well, very likely!"

"Cold! Yan! Xiu!"

He didn't even give him any face!

Lin Xiaoting didn't want to watch the stars with him anymore, and was about to leave.

But the body was pulled back by Leng Yanxiu and fell on his chest. He stared at her, although he couldn't see her face clearly, but he could see her shining eyes, brighter than that star.

"Sisi, don't you think that our separation and our encounter are all in the dark, arranged by the heavens, and destined by fate? It is destined that I will meet you! Fall in love with you! I will never leave you for the rest of my life !"

His eyes are so deep, more charming than the starry sky.

But for some reason, at this time, Lin Xiaoting suddenly laughed, "What a shitty fate! Don't you think our encounter was artificially arranged?!"

"Why do you say that?" Leng Yanxiu asked.

"Brother Aluo, do you believe that there are parallel universes?"

"Well, I know about parallel universes."

"Maybe in a universe parallel to ours, there exists a world different from ours. Someone in that world has written our story into a novel! And you and I are just characters in the story!"

Lin Xiaoting's imagination is unusually rich, "I even suspect that our world is all fabricated by that author!"

"It's possible what you said! But no matter what, everything is real now, you are real, I am real, we two really love each other, that's enough!"

Yes, as long as they really love each other, that's enough!

Lin Xiaoting snuggled into his arms, laying on his chest, looking up at the bright night sky with him, and living like this day after day, it was pretty good!

It was getting late, and they were about to go back, and when they were about to leave, Leng Yanxiu handed the flashlight of his mobile phone to Lin Xiaoting and said, "Come and see the way down the mountain!"

"Okay!" Lin Xiaoting turned the light on the ground in front of her, driving away the darkness.

At this moment, Leng Yanxiu knelt down and said to her, "Come up quickly, I'll carry you on my back!"

"No need, I'll go by myself!" Lin Xiaoting really didn't want to burden him.

"You're disobedient again, aren't you?" Leng Yanxiu tugged at her trousers, "Come up when I tell you to come up while I can still carry you! You're so stupid!"

Lin Xiaoting obediently lay on his back and put her arms around his neck. The man got up and lifted her up.

Down the mountain together, Lin Xiaoting lay on Leng Yanxiu's shoulder, with one hand around his neck, and the other to illuminate the mountain path for him.

The mountain road is not easy to walk, especially at night, even with the faint light of the mobile phone flashlight, it is impossible to see the road under your feet clearly.

In addition, he was carrying her on his back, so he always felt uneven and wobbly when he walked.

Lin Xiaoting was really worried that he would fall, and several times couldn't help but say, "Uncle, put me down!"

"Don't let go, you stay here obediently!"

The man's tone was as firm as his steps, unquestionable.

Lin Xiaoting no longer clamored to come down, but lay on his broad shoulders with peace of mind, and put her head on the hollow of his shoulder.

On such a night, walking such a rugged mountain road is like their future life.

Maybe the future life will be full of ups and downs, maybe the future is an unknown darkness, and I don’t know what will happen.

However, as long as the two of them are together, caring, and working hard, they will definitely overcome all difficulties!

After resting overnight, on the second day, everyone was full of energy. Leng Yanxiu prepared incense candles and fruits in advance, and drove them to Weishan with Jin Feng.

The car was parked in a flat area, Lin Xiaoting asked Leng Yanxiu to wait for them temporarily, and she took her younger brother and children to worship their parents.

When she came to her parents' lovesickness tree, Lin Xiaoting was filled with emotions. She placed a sacrifice with her own hands, and then introduced Xiaojie to her parents, "Mom and Dad, look who's here! It's Xiaoyu, I finally found him!"

Xiaojie didn't speak, just faced the big tree, knelt down, and called Mom and Dad in his heart, Xiaoyu came back to see you...

After introducing Xiaojie, Lin Xiaoting pulled two more children, "Mom and Dad, look, this is Xiao Leng, this is Xing'er, they are all my children, your grandson and granddaughter."

Xiao Calm looked at the tree quietly, and Xing'er looked blank. She didn't know why they were talking to the tree.

"Xiao Leng, Xing'er, hurry up and kowtow to grandpa and grandma!" Lin Xiaoting knelt down by herself, and asked the children to kneel down too.

Xing'er was really curious. She ran over and walked around the big tree, but she didn't see anyone behind the tree. Where are grandpa and grandma?

Xiao Leng knew better than Xing'er, he knelt obediently like an adult, Xing'er ran back to see her brother kneeling, and she also joined in the fun and knelt together.

Lin Xiaoting put her hands together and prayed sincerely, "Mom and Dad, please bless us, everything is safe and smooth, bless Xiaoyu to get married and start a business early, and bless the children to grow up healthily..."

After three kowtows, Lin Xiaoting found that Xing'er was "crazy", she kowtowed so addictively, she kept kowtowing.

Maybe she just thought it was fun to do it!

"Okay, okay, Xing'er is fine! Grandpa and grandma have seen you!" Lin Xiaoting pulled Xing'er and Xiao Leng up, and after paying respects, she and Xiaojie left the Acacia Forest.

Out of the woods, standing on the Weishan Mountain, overlooking the city of Yuan.

For Xiaojie, this city is unfamiliar, he has only grown up here for eight months and has no memory, but he feels that Yuancheng is a very suitable place to live, with good air, good mountains and rivers, and a good proximity to the sea.


(End of this chapter)

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