Chapter 531 Unspeakable Difficulties!

Xia Meng stirred the drinking straw in her glass and recalled, "When I went to the United States, she came to see me once. It is said that she left Los Angeles not long after returning to China, and there was no news for five years.

"I don't know what difficulties or troubles she encountered in the first place, but if I have the chance to see her again, I will definitely say to her, 'Come back, Tingting'."

When she said this, Xia Meng suddenly held Lin Xiaoting's hand, looked her in the eyes, and continued, "No matter how many grievances and difficulties there are, all of us will face and solve them together with you. All the difficulties. Believe in us, and you must also believe in yourself! Don't run away, don't choose to bear everything alone, we are all waiting for you to go home early!"

"..." After Xia Meng finished speaking, Lin Xiaoting and her stared at each other for a long time, and there was a huge wave in her heart, and the sea of ​​bitterness changed.

She wants to cry again!
Hearing Xia Meng say these words, her heart was so sad...

I always feel that Xia Meng is talking to her!
Her mind was engaged in a complicated and fierce battle, how could she leave these sincere friends and so many people who loved her?

But how can she come back?

She can't come back...she can't get over the hurdle in her heart...

In the leisure bar, Deng Ziqi's "The Future Will Be Unexpected" is playing, the music is full of a touch of sadness, and it makes people want to cry.

"When a ship sinks to the bottom of the sea
When a person becomes a mystery

You do not know
why did they leave
That goodbye was his last sentence


In every night when the stars abandon the Milky Way
I'll say goodbye, say goodbye to myself
Cause I don't know and I don't want to know

and the distance between

In every dream where the galaxy falls into the valley
I will wake up and forget the dream

because you don't know and you won't know
What is gone is lost..."

A song brought back sad memories. After listening to this song, Lin Xiaoting didn't realize that she had already shed tears on her face.

"I used to cry a lot!" Xia Meng handed me a tissue, "Every time Tingting handed me a tissue!"

Lin Xiaoting woke up and realized that her emotions were out of control again, "I'm sorry, maybe your friend, she also misses you very much, and wants to come back to you. Maybe she has some unexplainable difficulties, and she can't turn back. !"

Xia Meng looked at her, feeling unspeakably sad and distressed, "Oh, she is such a fool! I have never seen a more foolish fool than her!"

"..." You are right, she is a big fool!

The two were silent for a while, then Mu Shaoyan came over, leaned on Xia Meng's shoulder and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Let's chat casually, are you finished?" Xia Meng asked.

"No, I'll call you to play ball!" Mu Shaoyan had already grabbed Xia Meng's hand, his sticky eyes wandered over Xia Meng's body, and it could be seen that the relationship between the two was as good as glue.

"I won't!" Xia Meng shook her head.

"No, I can teach you, let's go wife!" Mu Shaoyan dragged her out.

Lin Xiaoting finds it very interesting. She thinks that Amu and Leng Yanxiu are men with completely different personalities, but they have one thing in common, that is, if they love each other, they will stick to each other forever.

Xia Meng broke free from his hand and came to hold Lin Xiaoting's arm, "Let's go play together!"

"I won't go!" Neither would Lin Xiaoting.

"It's okay! When I learn it, I'll teach you!" Xia Meng pulled her and walked outside together. Mu Shaoyan was left aside by his girlfriend, and stared at Alice's back with hatred.

He already hated her, this guy not only came to rob the boss, but also robbed his woman, how unreasonable it is!
When he came to the green court, Mu Shaoyan immediately "snatched" Xia Meng back, put his arms around his woman, and began to teach her how to play.

Lin Xiaoting was left alone, and glanced at Leng Yanxiu who was not far away, dressed in white sportswear, with a heroic appearance, different from his usual formal attire, more casual and unrestrained.

He is playing with a pole, and his movements are neat and handsome.

After playing, he glanced over, saw Lin Xiaoting, smiled, and walked towards her.

"I'll teach you how to play!" He grabbed her wrist and led her to the tee point without asking if she knew how to play.

"I can't do it!" Lin Xiaoting had never touched a club.

"It's okay, let's start with something simple!" Leng Yanxiu picked out a lighter wooden pole from his equipment and handed it to her.

Then, Leng Yanxiu taught her the correct pole-holding posture with his hands. He taught her very meticulously and earnestly. His soft and magnetic voice echoed in her ears, as if he was breathing gently.

Almost being held in his arms, he hugged her from behind, holding her hands in both hands, in an unbearably ambiguous posture.

Before starting to fight, Lin Xiaoting was already distracted!
The first thing to try is to put the ball at close range, and then increase the distance between the hitting point and the green, and gradually increase the difficulty.

How the ball was played, she didn't know, she didn't know whether there was a goal, she only knew that his cool lips brushed gently against her cheeks and ears from time to time, grinding out sparks.

Staying in his "embrace", this long-lost warmth moved Lin Xiaoting so much that she wanted to cry.

She loves him, and she longs to be close to him in her heart. She knows it's inappropriate and dangerous, but she just can't control her heart.

Just like how she fell in love with him in the first place, her heart that has been lonely for five years can still beat for him again, non-stop!
She is so nostalgic for his embrace, greedy for his breath, a little bit of intimate contact has become the rarest luxury in life!
I really hope that time is not old, and I can stay like this forever...

After playing golf in the afternoon, Leng Yanxiu drove her back to Xinggang Bay Community.

On the way, they didn't talk too much, Leng Yanxiu played nice English songs.

In the soft and touching music, the two recalled the beautiful past together...

Arriving at Xinggang Bay Community, after Lin Xiaoting bid farewell, Leng Yanxiu watched her enter the unit building until her figure disappeared.

Looking back, I was surprised to find that something seemed to have fallen from the passenger seat. When I picked it up, it turned out to be a small round mirror that had slipped from Lin Xiaoting's bag.

He wanted to take the opportunity to send her upstairs, but after thinking about it, he might as well keep it as an excuse for the next meeting.

On Tuesday morning, Lin Xiaoting was just about to send her child to school. When she came downstairs, she found a luxury car parked below.

A man was leaning against the front of the car, unable to see his face clearly.

Even so, Lin Xiaoting recognized the other party at a glance. It was Savi. His blond hair was too dazzling, and his whole body exuded a noble aura.

Savi saw Alice going out with the child through the otoscope, turned around excitedly, and smiled at her.

"Hi, Alice!"

"Mr. Savy?!"


(End of this chapter)

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