Chapter 477 [The Truth 5]
After Sisi recovered and was discharged from the hospital, Gu Junnian and his wife took care of her more carefully. Sisi was not allowed to go out on cloudy and windy days, and only took the child out to bask in the sun on sunny days.

It's a sunny Sunday.

Kang Rong pushed open the door of Leng Yanxiu's room and said to him, "Ah Luo, the weather is nice today, let's go to the Forest Park to play!"

"I don't want it!" Leng Yanxiu replied without thinking, he didn't think there was anything interesting in the forest park, wasn't it just flowers and trees everywhere!
Kang Rong sighed, why is it so difficult to take her bored and moldy son out of the house to bask in the sun?
She was really worried that the child wouldn't make trouble at home. Look at the ten-year-old children outside, which one doesn't run wild all day long and can't get home?

"Are you sure you don't want to go? You can row boats and play football in Forest Park!" Kang Rong continued to "lure" him.

"No!" Leng Yanxiu replied bluntly, looking away from the book.

Looking up at the opposite window, you can see a string of cute puppet wind chimes in the shape of moons and stars, gently blown by the wind.

"Well then, you can play at home!"

Kang Rong exited his room without hope, and before closing the door, she sighed and muttered, "Oh, I made an appointment with you, Aunt Xue, and planned to take you and Sisi to the Forest Park. Since you won't go, I can only Tell them to let them go on their own!"

Her son didn't want to go to Forest Park, so she had to cancel the plan. Kang Rong planned to tell Sisi's mother that they couldn't go.

As soon as the footsteps reached the gate, I heard my son shouting from behind, "Mom!"

"Ah Luo, where are you going?" She turned around and saw the neatly dressed Leng Yanxiu walking with a blank expression on his back, carrying a schoolbag.

She remembers that today is Sunday and there is no class!
"Forest Park." Leng Yanxiu told her.

"Didn't you say not to go?" Kang Rong was really surprised, what made him change his mind? !
"The teacher asked me to write an essay about autumn. I plan to go to Forest Park to experience autumn!"

Leng Yanxiu replied solemnly, telling his mother that he did not lie with a serious expression.

"Oh? Hehe...Okay!" Kang Rong looked at her unsmiling son and gave a high-sounding reason, and didn't expose his little trick. She just rubbed his head and said, "Then mom, get ready first!"

Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door, Leng Yanxiu ran to open the door, and saw Xue Hui coming to them with Sisi.

Sisi behind Xue Hui is wearing a light yellow coat, which is bright and fresh. The light yellow suits her small face very well, making her look like a warm sun, soft and warm.

She is struggling to climb the stairs step by step, but she doesn't need adults to help her. She always has a smile on her face, showing her cute little white teeth, and her crystal saliva will flow down at any time.

My mother said that Sisi was teething, and her gums would itch when her deciduous teeth came out. That's why she drools constantly and wants to chew on things to grind her teeth.

"Sisi, you see my brother is here, call me quickly!" Xue Hui said to her daughter with a smile.

Seeing Leng Yanxiu's smile, Sisi was even happier. She clapped her little hands and made a "ya...ya" sound from her mouth, which was a bit vague, and she couldn't hear what she was saying clearly.

So far, Sisi can't speak.

When Leng Yanxiu saw her rushing over, he stretched out his hand to catch her, he didn't mind her saliva rubbing on his clothes at all, it was just saliva, he already had immunity!
Sisi seemed to be quite familiar with the road, and swaggered into Leng Yanxiu's house.

Maybe her teeth were itchy again, she stuffed everything she could get into her mouth and bit it with her teeth, Leng Yanxiu kept pulling things out of her mouth.

When he snatched something for the last time, Sisi accidentally grabbed his hand, and she lowered her little head and bit his thumb in one bite.

Sisi might have used his fingers as a molar stick, grinding her teeth non-stop, but Leng Yanxiu didn't withdraw his hand.

He could feel her small teeth grinding against his fingertips, and the soft gums seemed to have teeth protruding from them. The biting finger didn't hurt very much, it was probably a little bit painful like an ant bite.

"Baby, don't bite brother's hand!"

Xue Hui noticed that Sisi was biting Leng Yanxiu, so she hurried over to dissuade her, and handed her a watermelon-shaped rubber teether for her to use to grind her teeth.

But Sisi didn't seem to be interested in the rubber teether, she threw it on the ground when she got it, and then came to bite Leng Yanxiu's hand again.

Because she was too small, she couldn't get a bite, so Sisi raised her fat face, her small mouth kept chattering, as if to say, brother, give me another bite!
"Yeah~ Sisi can say daddy!" Xue Hui was pleasantly surprised to find that her daughter could finally call her daddy. She immediately called Gu Junnian and asked him to come and hear her daughter call her daddy.

Sisi's mouth was drooling, as if she fell in love with the sound of "ba", and kept saying, "ba... ba... ba..."

This is a memorable day, Sisi can finally say "Dad"!


During the stumbling, Sisi unknowingly turned two years old. At this time, Leng Yanxiu was 11 years old and was already in the fifth grade of elementary school.

He is a gifted child who has completed elementary school courses in kindergarten. Now that he is in elementary school, when others are studying elementary school textbooks, he has already studied junior high school and high school courses at home.

In his spare time, children of the same age are playing, and he is already reading extracurricular books such as history, philosophy, geography, etc., dabbling in a wide range of knowledge.

In addition to reading, he also has a wide range of interests. He likes all kinds of chess and ball games, and especially likes to study handmade ship models.

His mind was not at all for his age, he was quiet and withdrawn at school, and he never made friends.

Because he is too different, he is often rejected by children of the same age.

When he was very young, Kang Rong enrolled him in martial arts classes and taught him that if he wants not to be bullied, he must make himself stronger, so that he can better protect himself and protect what he wants to protect people!
I remember that when he was in kindergarten, he got into a fight with the children in the class and got hurt on his face.

After returning that day, Kang Rong asked him why he wanted to fight with others.

He told his mother that it was because those naughty boys laughed at him for not having a father and called him a wild child, so he took the initiative to teach them.

After hearing this, Kang Rong felt very heartbroken. She hugged Leng Yanxiu and told her son that what he did was right!
Don't take the initiative to bully others, but never be soft on those who bully you!
As time went by, the increasingly sensible Leng Yanxiu became more and more silent.


[Add 1 chapter today, double eleven tomorrow, [-] updates! 】

(End of this chapter)

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