Chapter 441 Overcoming Fire Fear!
Because in her impression, he was always so timely, so resolute!
He seems to have omnipotent superpowers, and he must be faster than the fire alarm!
Fortunately, the call was connected!

Leng Yanxiu, who was far away in the Emgrand Building, was having a high-level meeting, when he saw the phone screen of the phone lit up with the number of "little fool".

He was a little surprised that Lin Xiaoting finally took the initiative to contact him!
He immediately interrupted the meeting and got up to answer the phone outside.

What could be more important than your wife's phone call?
Here at Leng Yanxiu, no matter what the time is, the family's phone number is the most important thing!

Because the family members don't usually contact each other very much, once contacted, it may be a more important matter.

He picked up the phone, said "Hello", and heard the anxious and helpless voice of the little woman over there, mixed with a few coughs, "Uncle, our warehouse is on fire, I can't get out, you..."

The call was cut off before she finished speaking, because Lin Xiaoting's cell phone turned off automatically when it ran out of battery.

After receiving this call, Leng Yanxiu was startled immediately, his heart clenched tightly, his little girl was surrounded by fire in the company warehouse?


As a matter of urgency, he called Yan Yixiao directly and asked for the address of Blue Dragonfly's warehouse.

After finding out Lin Xiaoting's coordinates, he quickly ordered Jin Feng to lead people to rescue, and dialed the 119 fire alarm number to call the police in time.

Leng Yanxiu was indeed faster than the fire alarm!

When they parked a dozen or so cars near the Blue Dragonfly warehouse, they saw thick smoke billowing from one of the warehouses.

Many people in the factory were in a hurry to carry water with buckets.

Leng Yanxiu immediately ordered his subordinates to act quickly. When they came, they brought the company's fire-fighting equipment with them.

At this moment, everyone rushed forward one after another and began to put out the fire and rescue.

While waiting for Leng Yanxiu to come to the rescue, Lin Xiaoting did not forget to save herself.

Fortunately, she had a water glass with her. She covered her mouth and nose with a damp cloth, and then separated a field in the middle of the warehouse, separating the metal shelves in the middle, which could prevent the fire from spreading.

But the smell of burning plastic was so bad that she could not stop coughing because she was still choking through the fabric, and the smoke was so thick that she couldn't see clearly what was going on in the warehouse.

The door of the warehouse was locked with a lock. Leng Yanxiu asked the person from Lanlongfly where the key was, but no one knew.

In desperation, he had no choice but to order his men to smash the door.

After a lot of effort, the door of the warehouse was finally smashed open. When the door was opened, thick and pungent smoke rolled out, as well as blazing flames.

Everyone hurriedly used fire extinguishers to put out the fire. Leng Yanxiu was outside the fire scene, unable to see clearly what was going on inside, and was very anxious.

Those tongues of flames greedily burned everything, when Leng Yanxiu saw the fire, the fear in his heart permeated his heart again.

His heart couldn't help aching, and his whole body was stiff and unmovable, as if he had a heart attack.

Thinking that his wife was inside, he really wanted to rush in to save her, but he couldn't move because of old problems.

At this time, Jin Feng had found a quilt, soaked it in water, put it on his body, and was about to rush into the fire to rescue Lin Xiaoting.

Leng Yanxiu called him in time, "Jin Feng, let me come!"

"Sir, let me do it!" Seeing that he seemed to be a sick man, Jin Feng advised him to entrust him with saving lives.

"I'm still here!"

I'm here to save my woman!
Enduring the pain, he took the quilt from Jin Feng, put it on his back, and kept saying to himself:
Leng Yanxiu, you can do it!You can do it!

You can no longer be afraid of the flame, there is your wife, the woman you love the most, she is waiting for you to save her!

Lin Xiaoting, you must hold on, I'm here to save you!
After firming up his belief, Leng Yanxiu gritted his teeth and rushed into the fire recklessly.

Not long after he entered, the fire engine also rushed to the scene, and firefighters immediately participated in the rescue operation.

In the warehouse, thick smoke was billowing and the smell was pungent. Leng Yanxiu held back his cough and kept calling Lin Xiaoting's name.

No one answered.

A feeling of fear comes over me, baby, where are you?
I searched for a long time in the smoke, and I was tripped many times. I fell and got up, and continued to search.

In the end, he touched the soft body, it was his little wife, yes, she was already lying on the ground, unconscious.

Fortunately, the fire did not burn her!
After finding Lin Xiaoting, Leng Yanxiu hugged her up with all his strength, and then rushed towards the gate. The burning and broken beam fell down, almost hitting them.

Leng Yanxiu successfully escaped from the sea of ​​flames by virtue of his vigorous skills and quick reflexes.

When Leng Yanxiu escaped with Lin Xiaoting in his arms, the people outside shouted, "Come out! Come out..."

Jin Feng and others hurriedly helped Leng Yanxiu lift the quilt on his back. The corners of the quilt had been scorched, and the moisture had evaporated. If there was any delay, even the quilt would probably be burned!
Fortunately, Leng Yanxiu and Lin Xiaoting were not burned, but their bodies and faces were blackened by the smoke.

The stretcher rescue team responded in time, and Leng Yanxiu put Lin Xiaoting on the stretcher and collapsed to the ground.

He was not exhausted, but frightened, with lingering fears in his heart!

It is simply a repeat of the tragedy 15 years ago! ! !

It's hard to imagine what would happen to his whole life if his little wife were buried in a sea of ​​flames today?


Fortunately, he rescued her!

Because of inhaling a large amount of carbon monoxide, the ambulance sent both Lin Xiaoting and Leng Yanxiu to the nearest hospital for examination and treatment.

In the ward of the People's Hospital, Leng Yanxiu and Lin Xiaoting were lying in the same ward. The two beds were next to each other, separated by an aisle.

He was fine, but Lin Xiaoting was still in a coma.

The doctor told him that Lin Xiaoting had serious carbon monoxide poisoning, so she was in a coma for a long time, but luckily her life was not in danger.

There were only the two of them left in the ward, Leng Yanxiu stretched out his hand, held Lin Xiaoting's little hand, and stared sideways at her gloomy face.

My heart is full of emotions, I dare not imagine the scene of losing her!
At this moment, he thanked God, thanked Lin Xiaoting for being alive!

At night, Lin Xiaoting finally woke up, and the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was a familiar face and a familiar man.

He was looking down at her tenderly, with deep concern and pity in his eyes.

"Baby, you're finally awake!" He gratefully pressed the back of her hand to his cheek, kissing the back of her hand from time to time.

"A...shu..." The smoke choked her throat, and her voice was so hoarse that she could hardly hear what she was saying.

"Stop talking! Your throat needs to rest!" Leng Yanxiu urged.

Lin Xiaoting stopped talking, looked around and knew that she was in the hospital, but not Kangren Hospital.

Her gaze focused on the man's deep and restrained face again, her heart was filled with gratitude and emotion, she knew that if she called him, he would be able to save her!

(End of this chapter)

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