Chapter 419 Really partial!

"Yes." Leng Yanxiu agreed, but put forward conditions, "However, first accompany me to Mall."

"All right!"

He didn't just leave her on the side of the road, but asked Jin Feng to drive to Feiling Mall, and then asked Lin Xiaoting to wait in the car for a while.

Not long after, Jin Feng trotted back, both hands full of various gifts.

After loading the gift in the trunk, he got in the car and started the engine.

"I really have to get out of the car, there is a taxi over there." Lin Xiaoting wanted to rush back to get back her dragonfly necklace.

"Taxis are not as safe as Jin Feng's driving."

This is just a small excuse!

The car had already driven away, Leng Yanxiu hugged her and refused to let go, he really felt like he wanted to accompany her home by force.

Lin Xiaoting didn't say anything anymore, she already knew the man's plan, she was definitely worried about her being a taxi, and wanted to take her back directly.

As they approached the street in front of Lin's house, Lin Xiaoting stopped in time, "Okay, okay, let's get off here, I really can't go any further!"

Lin Xiaoting was afraid that someone would bump into her with Leng Yanxiu near her home.

Leng Yanxiu ordered Jin Feng to pull over and stop.

After Jin Feng stopped the car, Lin Xiaoting got out of the car without waiting for him to open the door for her.

"Huh!?" The man behind said "huh", Lin Xiaoting understood in seconds, turned around and kissed him on the cheek.

Leng Yanxiu was like a child who got candy, he obediently stopped finding fault.

At this time, Jin Feng opened the trunk, took out all the gifts, and handed them to Lin Xiaoting.

Lin Xiaoting looked down, ginseng, bird's nest, Mingqian Longjing tea and so on are all nutritional supplements, and the price is not cheap at a glance.

"What should I do with bringing so many things home?" Lin Xiaoting said that Leng Yanxiu's thoughtfulness was a big deal.

"Whatever you want to say! Just treat it as the company's New Year benefits." Leng Yanxiu helped her.

"OK then!"

Good reason!

Lin Xiaoting took her things, said goodbye to them, and then went back to Lin's house.

Nancheng Dingyuan Community, Building 18, Unit 3.

Lin Xiaoting stood at the door of the unit, ready to put down the things in her hand and press the password to unlock it.

Before he could free his hand, the door was opened from the inside.

She stepped back to make way for others, and a middle-aged man in an iron-gray coat came out.

The man lowered his head and frowned, and when he met Lin Xiaoting, he raised his head to look at her, and then quickly left down the steps.

Looking at the man's profile, Lin Xiaoting felt a little familiar, she tilted her head and thought about it carefully, but she didn't think of anything.

Come in, get home.

Lin's mother, Liang Lan, came out to welcome her. Seeing Lin Xiaoting returning home this time with a lot of things in her hand, she burst into laughter.

"I'm back, Tingting, whoops, I'm getting more and more sensible with so many things with me!"

Now Liang Lan's attitude towards Lin Xiaoting has changed a lot. The main reason is that Lin Xiyuan's affairs are handled well, so she treats Lin Xiaoting directly.

"New Year benefits from the company." Lin Xiaoting put the things in the room and explained.

"Hey, there's also bird's nest and ginseng. What kind of company are you with? The treatment is so good!" Liang Lan's eyes lit up, and she felt that raising Lin Xiaoting for so many years was not in vain.

"Well, the boss of our company is very generous." Lin Xiaoting didn't want to be questioned any further, so she immediately changed the subject, "Is my sister back?"

"I'm back! Your sister is out filming right now. I don't know how busy she is. If she hadn't asked for leave today and Sunday to say something happened at home, the director would have let her go."

When Liang Lan talked about her daughter Lin Xiyuan, her face was full of pride, as if her daughter had already become a big star and was very busy.

"Is brother at home?"

"Yes, in your father's study." Liang Lan was busy checking the gifts, and found that there were some good things inside, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"I'm going to see Dad!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Lin Xiaoting walked into the room and came to the door of the study. Just as the door opened, Lin Changjun pushed Lin Zhennan out.

"Dad! Brother!" Lin Xiaoting came forward and shouted.

"Tingting?!" Lin Zhennan and Lin Changjun couldn't hide their surprise when they suddenly saw Lin Xiaoting's appearance.

"When did you come back?" Lin Changjun asked.

"Just entered the door." Lin Xiaoting replied.

If you just walked in...

Lin Zhennan couldn't help asking, "Did you meet anyone when you went upstairs?"

He was very worried that Lin Xiaoting would meet Mr. Zhong, and even more worried that Mr. Zhong would find her.

"What?!" Lin Xiaoting was confused, why did she suddenly ask her this, a middle-aged man in an iron gray coat flashed in her mind.

It's just a passer-by I don't know!

Lin Changjun was afraid that his father would miss the point, so he quickly pulled Lin Xiaoting over, "Tingting, come to my room, brother has something to show you!"

That's okay, she wants to ask him something!

Lin Xiaoting was pulled into Lin Changjun's room, and Lin Xiyuan came out of her own room and happened to see this scene.

Not knowing what the two of them were doing sneakily, Lin Xiyuan couldn't help following up to have a look.

After entering the room, Lin Xiaoting was a little curious, "Brother, what do you want to show me?"

Lin Changjun took out a box from the cabinet, opened the lid, and picked up a long orange woolen coat.

"Recently, the company received an order from Italy. I think this dress has a good style, so I asked them to make an extra one for you. It's a New Year's gift!"

Lin Changjun compared the clothes to Lin Xiaoting, and said with a smile, "Well, it looks good, I don't know how it will look on the upper body, you can try it on?"

Every girl will be very happy when she sees new clothes, and Lin Xiaoting is no exception.

She immediately took off the gray double-breasted hooded jacket she was wearing and put on an orange coat.

Standing in front of the mirror, I found that the effect of the clothes on the upper body was very good, it was like a different person.

Lin Changjun was even happier, "Let me just say, you must look good in clothes. It suits your skin very well!"

Lin Xiaoting's heart was bubbling with beauty, and she looked at the mirror again and again.

They didn't know that Lin Xiyuan was peeping through the crack of the door.

Lin Xiyuan couldn't see that Lin Changjun was kind to Lin Xiaoting. As long as she saw her brother being kind to outsiders, she would feel very upset.

She came back yesterday, and until today, Lin Changjun didn't let her try on clothes. Why did Lin Xiaoting invite her to try on new clothes as soon as she got home?

What a bias! ! !

After looking in the mirror, Lin Xiaoting took off her coat and asked by the way, "The clothes are beautiful, do you have any?"

She had to ask.

Since childhood, as long as Lin Xiaoting has something and Lin Xiyuan doesn't have it, that woman will try her best to destroy it.

I remember that the dress for the graduation ceremony of junior high school was needed for Lin Xiaoting's speech, and it was Lin Changjun who specially asked the master in the factory to help him make it.

As a result, the day before the ceremony, it was cut by Lin Xiyuan.

Similar things have happened too many times.

Lin Xiaoting didn't want this kind of thing to happen again, so she asked one more question.

"Your sister has one, and I did several for her last month!"

"Oh, thank you brother!" Lin Xiaoting folded the clothes, put them back in the box, and put them away with peace of mind.


(End of this chapter)

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