Chapter 394 Resurrection with full blood!

Is it also useful against men?
Lin Xiaoting seemed to have the last ray of hope, that is, she hoped that he would come back soon, she would definitely let go of all her face, and ask for his forgiveness even if she was a stalker.

As long as he was free, Leng Yanxiu would be on his mind.

Lin Xiaoting has reached the state of madness, thinking of him, except him is still him.

His mobile phone was turned off for a long time, and then turned on, but no one answered when she called, and did not reply when she sent a message.

She didn't know how many calls she had made and how many messages she had sent to him, but she never heard back a single word from him.

What is he going to England for?
Why didn't you come back for so long?

Private villa in Kensington, London, UK.

The day after Leng Yanxiu arrived in England, he went to visit his aunt, Mrs. Vera.

The next day he invited Princess Irene to his private villa.

Of course, it's not to reminisce with her, but to let her quit in spite of the difficulties.

Yi Lianna didn't know Leng Yanxiu's intentions, she came to his villa full of expectations and joy.

From a distance, he saw Leng Yanxiu's tall figure standing at the door, as if he was waiting for her.

She was very happy, and ran over at a faster pace, and said with a smile, "Murphys, you are finally willing to see me!"

Leng Yanxiu's eyes were as calm as a lake, and his tone was calm, "Your Highness, don't come here without any harm!"

Yi Lianna disliked him being so polite to her the most, and said with a smile, "Don't call me Your Highness Princess? Call me Yi Lianna!"

She came to him, imagining that she held his arm affectionately as before, but Leng Yanxiu pushed her away directly, keeping a polite distance from her.

Elena felt embarrassed, "Murpheus, what's wrong?"

Leng Yanxiu politely invited Yi Lianna to enter the room and sit down. After taking the seat, he threw dozens of materials on the coffee table in front of her.

"what is this?"

Yi Lianna didn't understand, so she picked up the information and looked through it. She couldn't understand most of the Chinese, but she understood the part translated into English by Leng Yanxiu.

The materials are all the manipulations she hired to do in the media before, as well as the malicious framing of Lin Xiaoting.

Leng Yanxiu has already found the authentic witness testimony and these evidences, which fully prove that the instigator behind the scenes is Yi Lianna.

"What else can I say?"

After reading the information, Yi Lianna paled, and hurriedly explained, "Murphys, things are not what you imagined!"

"I only believe in evidence!" Leng Yanxiu sneered, his eyes fixed on Elena, "I saved you ten years ago, and I never thought of asking for anything in return. Scheming. You know what kind of person I hate the most!"

Elena's face turned red and then pale, and explained, "I did so much because I love you. Murphys, I... I'm really afraid of losing you!"

"Why bother! I'm here this time to make things clear. Even if you wait for me for another ten years, 20 years, 50 years, until I die, I won't like you!"

What Leng Yanxiu said was very resolute, and he didn't give any way out. He might have cared too much for her status as a princess before, so he kept her at arm's length and didn't speak too bluntly.

But since he found out that she had found someone to do those things to Lin Xiaoting, he could no longer pretend to be ignorant.

Elena cried, crying very sadly, "Do you really love her that much? Could it be that our ten years of acquaintance can't compare to the few months you spent together?"

Leng Yanxiu would no longer pass the handkerchief to her, with a serious expression on his face, "You are different from her, she is Chinese, and I belong to the same family as me, and I feel like we have known her for decades. The most important thing is that I reject you not because of her, but because I will never marry a foreign woman as my wife!"

Perhaps deep in Leng Yanxiu's heart, there is a conservative thought in his bones. He can accept the cultural differences between the East and the West, but he cannot accept that his partner is of foreign origin.

Just this one can completely defeat Irina's painstaking efforts over the past ten years.

No matter how hard Elena works, she can't become an oriental person!
She has worked hard for ten years, but in his mind, she is always a "foreign woman".

Yi Lianna wept sadly, her makeup was all over for crying, after she came back from China, she revealed her determination to marry Leng Yanxiu to her father, Prince Andrei.

He also got his father's approval, so he waited for the right opportunity to invite Leng Yanxiu and his aunt's family to confirm the marriage face to face.

Now it seems that everything is over!

"Elena!" was the last time he called her name. "Love can make a person beautiful or make a person ugly. I don't want you to be the latter! You will always be noble in my heart." My princess, there are countless men who admire you, so there is no need to waste your youth for me. You are also a good girl, just like the one I saw ten years ago. I believe you have a kind and beautiful heart, and God will definitely take care of you of!"

Having said all that, Yi Lianna knew that she and Leng Yanxiu were destined to have nothing to do in this life!

"Murphys..." Irina couldn't control it anymore, she threw herself into his arms, crying loudly, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry Murphys..."

"Ah..." Leng Yanxiu didn't push her away, and let her cry, but he let out a long sigh of relief.

After clarifying with Yi Lianna, Leng Yanxiu took the plane back to China that afternoon.

Returning like an arrow!

He missed his little woman very much, and he didn't want to delay a second if he could see her sooner.

Leng Yanxiu had only been away for four days, but Lin Xiaoting felt that he had been away for 1 years.

Waiting exhausted, finally got Jin Feng's call, he informed Lin Xiaoting that the husband is back.

She was originally decadent, but when she heard the good news, she immediately revived and revived with full blood.

She rushed to the bathroom immediately, took a shower and washed her hair, washed herself clean and refreshed, and then went back to the bedroom to pick out clothes.

Which one should I wear to meet him?
Lin Xiaoting was as excited as a 17-year-old girl going to meet her first love.

Facing the mirror, I gestured for one piece on the left and one piece on the right. It took a long time just to choose clothes.

Finally, she put on a fur-pink sweater, a black lotus leaf skirt, and a light gray woolen overcoat.

Then put on the scarf and gloves he sent, and went out cheerfully.

Came to Haiwan No. [-] by car, but caught up with Leng Yanxiu who was about to go out by car, Lin Xiaoting didn't care much, and directly blocked his car with her body.

When she came to the back seat, she frantically slapped the window glass, and the glass finally fell, revealing a handsome face that made her miss it day and night.

However, his face was as cold as an arctic iceberg, and his cold breath pierced his face.

"Uncle!" Lin Xiaoting called him eagerly.

Leng Yanxiu didn't raise his head, and said in a calm tone, "What else do you want? I didn't say it clearly enough before?"


(End of this chapter)

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