Chapter 374 Want a warm home!
"Is it that exaggerated?" Leng Yanxiu expressed doubts.

"It's just to enhance the atmosphere, don't take it seriously!" Lin Xiaoting chuckled, "Actually, he is quite talented!"

"..." Leng Yanxiu's complexion immediately darkened, and his wife praised other men for their talents in front of her.


Have a bottle of Zhenjiang aged vinegar to appetize!
Lin Xiaoting saw that the man changed his face as if he was flipping a book, and realized that he had said something wrong again, and immediately corrected him, "However, no matter how talented he is, he can't compare with you, my husband! He is definitely not on the same level! You are in my heart Always NO.1!"

Forget it, put the vinegar down!
Leng Yanxiu was so happy again, he liked to hear Lin Xiaoting praise him, hehe.

"Okay, now let's eat dinner obediently, shall we?" Seeing his smiling face, Lin Xiaoting said while the iron was hot.

"Okay." Leng Yanxiu readily agreed, and told her that the porridge was in the kitchen.

Lin Xiaoting went to the kitchen, filled the delicious porridge from the insulated rice cooker, and returned to Leng Yanxiu.

"Hmm~! It smells so good. Aunt Yun made abalone porridge today!" Lin Xiaoting stirred it gently with a spoon, blowing.

"If you like it, you can eat it!" Leng Yanxiu knew that she liked seafood the most.

"I've already eaten, I'm very full from dinner, I can't eat anything now!" Lin Xiaoting tried a mouthful of porridge, and then slowly fed it to Leng Yanxiu.

The man's recent diet has been upgraded from clear porridge to salty meat porridge, which means that he will be able to eat some dry rice soon, and he should not be far from being discharged from the hospital.

Leng Yanxiu's food was very delicious. One was that he was hungry, and the other was that Lin Xiaoting fed him very carefully.

Her lips are fragrant and soft, and they are more delicious than any delicious food. I always feel that every time he feeds him, he still has something to say.

After dinner, Lin Xiaoting took the empty bowl back to the kitchen, washed it in the sink and put it away, and then went to the bathroom to get water for the man to brush his teeth, wash his face, and wipe his body.

After waiting for him to brush his teeth, Lin Xiaoting twisted a hot towel and said, "Oh, by the way, husband, I have some good news for you!"

"What good news?"

"Did you know? I've been selected as the 'L.A. Public Welfare Image Ambassador'! Hehehe!" Lin Xiaoting wanted to tell him a long time ago, and she has been holding back until now.

"Really, congratulations, baby!" Leng Yanxiu was also happy for her.

Lin Xiaoting thought for a while and said, "I think this honor should belong to you! You have made so many contributions, but no one knows it is you!"

She really thought so, no one could count how many people Uncle Sun warmed.

If the selection was really based on honor and title, Leng Yanxiu's home would have been filled with halos and trophies long ago.

"Why must others know!"

Leng Yanxiu doesn't want to be a philanthropist in the eyes of others. He just wants to do something practical and do his best to help others.

Every year, he takes out and donates [-]% of Feiling International's global turnover.

In fact, there is one thing that Lin Xiaoting doesn't know. Uncle Sun not only helps Chinese people, he also helps foreigners.

For example, poverty-stricken areas in Africa, war-affected areas such as Iraq, Iraq, Syria, and Syria, and areas that have encountered catastrophes around the world...

He has quietly extended a helping hand!

He is not like some people in the society, who wish that the whole world would know about something he did a little bit.

It's not like some people, in the name of charity, use the love offered by others to fill their own pockets and profit from it.

It was because of his low-key and unassuming nature that Lin Xiaoting admired him even more, "Are you going to be an active worker for the rest of your life, and never leave a name for your good deeds?"

"The important thing is what you have done, why do you have to leave a name? Power and power, fame and fortune, to me, are not as good as you, it is better to have a warm home!" Leng Yanxiu said with a smile.

How many people in the world fight against each other every day, fighting for power, fame and fortune, and finally end up in jail! ?

As for Leng Yanxiu, he can see through the world, can afford it, and can let it go. This point is really worth learning!
"!" It's hard for Lin Xiaoting not to love this man!

The word "warm home" touched Lin Xiaoting's heart. She really hoped to form a family with Leng Yanxiu soon!

I really want to give him all her love and care, and the two of them will live a lifetime of caring.

Lin Xiaoting blushed, and silently wiped his neck, arms and body for him. After thinking for a while, she said, "Compared to you, I really can't stand the title of 'Public Welfare Ambassador'. I haven't made any contribution to society. , to win that award, I feel uneasy."

"Who said you didn't do anything? You have helped so many lovely children. Your love has infected many people. Your dragonfly spirit is also silently motivating others. No matter in reality or in spirit, you are You are helping others, so you are worthy of that honorary title!"

Leng Yanxiu looked at her firmly, and encouraged her to speak.

"Uncle, thank you!" Lin Xiaoting was overwhelmed by his words, she couldn't help but kissed him on the cheek, Leng Yanxiu was very happy to get the reward.

In fact, Lin Xiaoting still has one last question, "Uncle, I have another question. I can get this title, you can't buy it for me with money, right? Is it because of your tricks?"

Otherwise, how could it be her turn for such a good thing to happen?
"Fool, what does it have to do with me? It's all the result of your own hard work!"

Leng Yanxiu flatly denied it.

In fact, he did help behind the scenes, but he didn't pay for the title. He just recommended Lin Xiaoting to the government, but he didn't expect her to be selected.

And it was on the way back from the city hall that day that he was accidentally assassinated.

But all of this, Leng Yanxiu didn't intend to let Lin Xiaoting know that he was kind to her and everything he did for her was from his heart and he didn't ask for anything in return.

That night, Lin Xiaoting stayed in the ward overnight. After washing, she came to Leng Yanxiu's side.

The man moved her a little bit, and she lay down next to him and fell asleep.

Smelling the familiar smell from his body, Lin Xiaoting can always fall asleep very fast, his body temperature can quickly drive away the cold and warm her body.

That night, they did nothing but snuggle together and sleep peacefully.

Because she had to go to work, Lin Xiaoting set the alarm and woke up very early the next day.

After washing Leng Yanxiu's face, combing his hair, shaving his beard, and serving him breakfast, she hurried to work in the company.

Leng Yanxiu didn't want her to squeeze the bus every day, so he specially assigned a driver for her to drive her to the company.

But every time the car came near the company, Lin Xiaoting asked the driver to put her down, and then walked a short distance to the Green Light Building.


(End of this chapter)

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