Chapter 176 Serve Your Uncle Obediently!
"Listen to the book?" Lin Xiaoting stared, "Is it the e-book with audio? Or cross talk?"

"I want to listen to you read."


Although reluctant, Lin Xiaoting had to find books and read to him.

Her voice was clear and melodious, like an oriole out of the valley. Leng Yanxiu closed his eyes and listened to her recitation with great enjoyment.

Next, Leng Yanxiu seemed to be taking revenge. No matter what he did, Lin Xiaoting had to do it himself. He just wanted her to realize that there would be no way for her to find a little fresh meat in the future.

Just serve your uncle obediently, huh?

During lunch time, Leng Yanxiu had no appetite, but in order not to let Lin Xiaoting be idle, he ordered her to cook, just to show the feeling of being taken care of by her.

However, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint him, Lin Xiaoting looked innocent, "Uncle, I really don't know how to cook, why don't I eat in the hospital canteen? Or should I go out and buy?"

Seeing Leng Yanxiu squinting his eyes and looking displeased, she snapped her fingers and said, "Aha, why don't you eat instant noodles..."


Thinking of instant noodles, Leng Yanxiu felt bad all over. I was sent to the hospital because of instant noodles, okay?
Leng Yanxiu resolutely refused to eat instant noodles, and he didn't want Lin Xiaoting to eat that unhealthy food again, so he ordered Jin Feng to bring Aunt Yun to cook for them.

Lin Xiaoting followed Jin Feng back to Haiwan No. [-] to fetch the entries, and planned to use the time when she was accompanying Leng Yanxiu to hurry up and continue sewing.

In the ward, melodious English songs were playing, and Leng Yanxiu lay quietly on the bed, with one hand behind his head, silently watching Lin Xiaoting beside the bed, who was sewing clothes seriously.

"What's your design concept?" Leng Yanxiu asked suddenly.

Lin Xiaoting raised her head and glanced at him, she really didn't think about her design concept, she answered truthfully, "I don't know."

"What was your original inspiration for designing this outfit?"


Lin Xiaoting thought about it carefully. The costume in her hand was designed from reeds. It was her inspiration when she saw large reeds swaying in the wind when she was playing outdoors.

"Reed?" Leng Yanxiu repeated. Lin Xiaoting nodded and explained, "The flower language and symbol of reed represent toughness, love of self-esteem and inferiority. I like the meaning it represents, so I decided to choose reed as the theme .”

After Lin Xiaoting finished speaking, she continued to stare at the needle and thread in her hand and started to work.

Leng Yanxiu stared at her, watching her concentrated profile, the needle and thread weaving between her pale fingers and the fabric, the scene somehow reminded him of his mother.

When I was a child in Yuancheng, Leng Yanxiu's mother was a fashion designer. There was a special studio for her at home, where she drafted drafts, made samples, measured cloth and cut clothes, and then sewed stitch by stitch.

She is very strong and optimistic, just like the meaning of the reed flower, tenacity, self-esteem, she would rather raise her through hardships alone, and never bow her head to those people for help.

Leng Yanxiu remembered that the clothes he wore were almost all made by his mother from childhood to adolescence. Since his mother passed away, no one made clothes for him by himself.

Of course, he wasn't referring to the high-end hand-made suits and the like. Those were bought with a lot of money, and they had a different meaning from the clothes made by his mother.

Everything my mother makes is full of selfless love, which cannot be exchanged with any amount of money.

Leng Yanxiu suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said to Lin Xiaoting, "Lin Xiaoting, make me a dress!"

As soon as Lin Xiaoting heard his request, her scalp exploded. She worked very hard on her own, and he occupied her whole day. She had no chance to stay in the studio quietly.

Now, in order to accompany him, she can only rush to the hospital to make clothes, and he has to make trouble.

"Can't do men's clothes well."

She coldly dumped him, but what she actually wanted to say was that my old lady is not happy to do it for you!

You run a clothing company and wear the world's top brands. Do you need a third-rate sewing worker like me to make clothes for you?

Even if you do, will you wear it?

Besides, are you short of clothes?

Your open cloakroom is worth a super counter!

"My birthday is coming up!"

The subtext is, as a wife, it is necessary to prepare a birthday present for my man!
Leng Yanxiu had no choice but to find a reason, the purpose was to wear the clothes she made by herself.

"Happy birthday to you in advance!" Lin Xiaoting said casually without raising her head.

Leng Yanxiu: "..."

It's no longer possible to have a pleasant conversation, she doesn't even want to pay attention to him now, it hurts people's self-esteem.

This conversation happened to be overheard by Aunt Yun in the kitchen. She saw the two people in the ward through the crack of the door, shook her head slightly and sighed.

It seems that the husband cares about Lin Xiaoting very much, but Lin Xiaoting doesn't seem to care about the husband.

When will these two people be able to truly love each other?

After dinner, Aunt Yun was going back to No. [-] Bay Area. Lin Xiaoting took Aunt Yun's hand and said she was going to see her off, but in fact she took the opportunity to go out to get some air.

After spending the whole afternoon with the boring big iceberg, she was almost smothered to death.

In the corridor, Aunt Yun looked at her with a smile on her face, "Miss Xiaoting, sir, you have worked hard to take care of me!"

"Hey, it's nothing. Taking care of people is my specialty."

Lin Xiaoting's face was calm, but she murmured in her heart, if it wasn't for the sake of money, let her aunt serve you Leng Yanxiu, dream about you!

"For a long time, Mr. has suffered from gastrointestinal problems. He can't eat outside things, especially fried and puffed junk food. Once he eats it, he will cause diarrhea. If he eats it, he can't sleep all night, and if he is serious, he will go to the hospital."

Aunt Yun kindly reminded Lin Xiaoting that almost all of her husband's diarrhea and hospitalization this time were caused by eating her instant noodles.

"Huh?" Lin Xiaoting's jaw dropped to the ground, "Is he hospitalized because I gave him instant noodles?"

Aunt Yun nodded.

"Mist grass! He knows he can't eat that kind of thing, why didn't he tell me when I gave it to him?"

This makes it difficult for Lin Xiaoting to understand, if you tell me, Nima, will I force you to eat it!

Eat instant noodles and get sick with diarrhea!
Is there such a wonderful creature in the world?
Lin Xiaoting has opened her eyes, Leng Yanxiu, you are really rich and rich, if you change your identity with me and eat instant noodles often, grass will probably grow on your grave by now!

"I guess my husband doesn't want you to be disappointed, as long as it is given by you, he will drink it even if it is poison!"

Lin Xiaoting: "..."

What Aunt Yun said was too serious!



(End of this chapter)

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