Chapter 155 She once warned him!
After entering, in the corridor, she unexpectedly ran into her sister Lin Xiyuan. She was wearing a red skirt with hips and had a hot figure.

Lin Xiyuan saw her change of face. She just wanted to ask her about what happened at the door of the house last time.

Lin Xiyuan reached out to stop Lin Xiaoting. When Lin Xiaoting found out it was her, she was a little surprised, "Sister? Why are you here?"

"I should ask you this, what are you doing here?"

"Xia Meng and I came to find Yang Nan, and we made an appointment to meet here." Lin Xiaoting answered truthfully.

"Stay here, I have something to ask you!"

After Lin Xiaoting and Xia Meng exchanged glances, Xia Meng first went to the box to look for Yang Nan to make room.

"Tell me, what's your relationship with Mu Shaoyan?" Lin Xiyuan was annoyed at Lin Xiaoting. It was her appearance that made Mu Shaoyan lose interest in her.

Mu Shaoyan had already told her clearly that he was going to chase after her sister Lin Xiaoting, and she was really mad with anger at Mu Shaoyan's "transferring love".

"We have nothing to do with each other, please don't get me wrong!"

"I misunderstood? What do you want me to do so that I don't misunderstand? You just don't like me. As long as there are excellent men around me, you will lure them away in different ways!" Lin Xiyuan squinted her eyes and accused fiercely she.

"No matter what you think, I never thought of robbing you. Why do men leave you? You should find the reason from yourself. If you are charming enough, how can a man be willing to leave you?"

Lin Xiaoting smiled slightly, her tone was calm, but to Lin Xiyuan's ears, just such a sentence was harsher than slapping her across the face.

She grabbed Lin Xiaoting's arm suddenly and said angrily, "What qualifications do you have to teach me?"

"I'm just telling the truth!"

Lin Xiaoting stared at her like this for more than ten seconds.

"Ouch, who is this?" A strange man's voice suddenly came in from the side. When Lin Xiyuan heard the voice, she immediately let go of Lin Xiaoting and put on a gentle face.

Lin Xiaoting noticed the man with a strong figure beside Lin Xiyuan, dressed in John Galliano (John Galliano), exquisite cuffs, charming cologne, and cigars at the fingertips, all of which showed the taste of men.

It's a pity that the man's pockmarked face really ruined his good clothes!

He is a tycoon in the entertainment industry, and Lin Xiaoting recognized him as Jiang Shaofeng, the boss of Chuanjiang Film and Television, the big Jiang family that Lin's mother wanted to climb.

Lin Xiaoting felt a little disgusted, not entirely because she judged people by appearance, but also because Jiang Shaofeng's squinting eyes stared at her so that she wanted to vomit.

Seeing Jiang Shaofeng staring at Lin Xiaoting, Lin Xiyuan quickly explained, "Mr. Jiang, this is my sister."

Lin Xiyuan explained, but Jiang Shaofeng still looked at Lin Xiaoting unscrupulously, the emotion in his eyes was self-evident.

Lin Xiyuan hates that all men are attracted by Lin Xiaoting's innocent appearance. She winked at Lin Xiaoting, "Isn't your friend waiting for you? Hurry up!"

Lin Xiaoting came to her senses and ran away quickly.

Jiang Shaofeng turned around and stared at her back for a few seconds, hehe laughed and said, "Miss Lin, you are a good little sister! How about giving her the chance to play the leading role in a new movie?"

Lin Xiyuan was startled, she spent so long and couldn't handle Jiang Shaofeng, she didn't expect Lin Xiaoting to easily get his favor just by meeting him once, she couldn't express the jealousy in her heart, but thinking about the opportunity of the heroine in the new movie, her heart was moved.

In the private room, Lin Xiaoting saw Yang Nan. The poor guy was in great pain after losing his love, and he became extremely thin.

After listening to Yang Nan cry, he realized that it was a woman who seduced Su Yuxun, no matter how much she begged, he refused to turn back, he said that being with her was just for fun.

"A man who is so easy to be seduced, you don't need it. It's hard to find three-legged toads in the world. There are many men with two legs. Don't be sad!" Lin Xiaoting snatched the wine glass from Yang Nan's hand and persuaded her.

"But I'm really sad! My heart hurts so much! If you haven't loved before, you don't know what a blow it will be to lose your lover! I gave him everything, but he was behind my back and had sex with Xu Manni Together, now they are going to get engaged... Tingting, Xiaomeng, I really don't want to live anymore... Woooo..."

I further learned that Su Yuxun abandoned Yang Nan because of Xu Manni. Speaking of Xu Manni, Lin Xiaoting and Xia Meng are both familiar, they were classmates in high school.

For a while, Lin Xiaoting and Xu Manni were at the same table, so they knew each other a little bit.

"What nonsense are you talking about! You have to cheer up! It's all Xu Manni's fault. She knows that you and Su Yuxun are close, but she still does such a thing in private. It's really shameless! It's a shame that I helped her like that back then!" Lin Xiaoting continued to persuade , "Think about it, you are so good, it is his loss if he doesn't want you!"

Things that happen to other people are called stories, but things that happen to you are called accidents.

Lin Xiaoting has never experienced love, never felt the taste of broken love, so at this moment, she can't empathize with her.

But looking at Yang Nan's pain, she hated Su Yuxun in her heart. She had warned him that if he dared to let Yang Nan down, she would never let him go lightly.

Su Yuxun, just wait and see!
Yang Nan was drunk, Lin Xiaoting and Xia Meng tried their best to drag her out of Qingba, planning to hail a taxi to take her back.

The three of them stood by the side of the road, and even three cars were full. Finally, when the fourth car arrived, Lin Xiaoting and Xia Meng waved vigorously.

When the car stopped in front of them, they saw clearly that it was not a taxi, but a Porsche, and the window fell down, revealing Jin Feng's face, "Miss Lin, Miss Xia!"

Lin Xiaoting was surprised, and exchanged a glance with Xia Meng, "Mr. Jin Feng? What a coincidence!"

"Where are you going? I'll give you a ride!" Jin Feng got out of the car and opened the door for them.

Since Jin Feng was so kind, Lin Xiaoting put Yang Nan into the back seat without being pretentious, and they also got into the car.

Jin Feng drove fast and steadily, and soon arrived at Yang Nan's house. Yang Nan lived alone on the 5th floor of the single apartment, without an elevator. Lin Xiaoting and Xia Meng alone could not get her up there. Fortunately, Jin Feng was there. With his help, they successfully sent Yang Nan back home.

After sending Yang Nan off, Jin Feng sent Xia Meng home again, and the last stop was Lianhua Community.

After getting out of the car, Jin Feng said to her meaningfully, "I wish you a sweet dream!"

"Thank you! Good night!" Lin Xiaoting thanked him and said goodbye, then went upstairs and opened the door.

Entering the house, turning on the light, and seeing the back of a man sitting in the house, Lin Xiaoting screamed in fright.

The man stood up, turned around, and looked at her faintly...



(End of this chapter)

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