Chapter 123 Getting Married in Three Days (3)

A few drops of cold sweat rolled down Jun Xiyao's forehead.

New grandfather, new grandmother, new uncle, new aunt, new seven aunts and eight aunts...she could bear the shock, could Xiao Che bear this?

Sure enough, in the house, no matter how Mo Shaohua knocked on the door, Jun Xiaoche refused to come out, and no matter how much he shouted, there was no response from the room.

what happened?Could it be that little Cheche...can't figure out what happened?

When Mo Shaohua thought of this, he swallowed unconsciously, and the more he thought about it, the more panicked he became.

But little Cheche locked the door so tightly, how on earth could he get in?

The more Mo Shaohua thought about it, the more flustered he became, and he immediately shifted his gaze to the cracks in the ground.

Why?There is a way!

He can get in through the cracks in the ground!

Mo Shaohua looked at the gap between the door and the ground, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but "hehehe" with silly joy.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Shaohua polished his fingernails, lay down on the ground, and started digging the soil like a dog. Moreover, Mo Shaohua was extremely fast, and he dug a big hole out of the door in just a few strokes.

At this time Jun Xiaoche was sitting on the bed in a fit of anger, holding his knees with his small hands, pouted his mouth, and looked uncompromising.

However, at this moment, Jun Xiaoche suddenly heard something outside the door.

Jun Xiaoche felt that something was wrong, so he raised his head suddenly, but he didn't know that the scene in front of him almost frightened him into a demented child!
Jun Xiaoche was dumbfounded, only to see that Mo Shaohua, who was covered in dust, crawled in from... from the ground? !

This... what's going on here? !
"This is your Uncle Hua's unique skill - Chinese-style burrowing!" Knowing that Jun Xiaoche must have been frightened by him, Mo Shaohua quickly explained, after all, he has a lot of unique skills, but the world doesn't know them. Just know.

Those stupid ordinary people don't deserve to know... they don't deserve to know how many things he can do that those ordinary people who usually laugh at him can't do at all!
Mo Shaohua was so immersed in such complacency that he didn't even notice that Jun Xiaoche was completely dumbfounded.

"Uncle Hua, how did you do it?" Jun Xiaoche was stunned at first, but this surprise soon turned into an inexplicable admiration.

"Well, actually, I don't know too well, but my nails do have this function, no matter how hard the soil is, I can dig it!" Mo Shaohua shook the dust on his body, and then hurriedly changed the subject: " Forget it, little Cheche, let's not discuss this topic anymore, Uncle Hua brought you some good things!"

"Good stuff? What good stuff?"

"Hey, Uncle Hua knows that gold is what you like the most, so... Uncle Hua brought you some statues made of gold!" Mo Shaohua said, and took out a few gold dolls from his arms.

He knew in his heart that it was impossible for this little money fan not to like these things.

Sure enough, Jun Xiaoche's eyes lit up when he saw the gold, and he hurried forward to pick up the golden statues.

"Wow! Uncle Hua, is this really for Xiao Che?" Jun Xiaoche's mood suddenly improved a lot. If the gold is pawned, there is no guarantee that it will get a lot of delicious food and fun!
Seeing Mo Shaohua nod his head, Jun Xiaoche smiled brighter.

But with a smile, Jun Xiaoche said: "Then... leave the things, let's go out!"

Na...Nani? !

When Mo Shaohua heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of water. This little bandit started talking weird and hooligan things at such a young age?

"Little Che, what do you mean by what you said just now?" Mo Shaohua hasn't finished his mission yet, how could he just go out like this?

And... planing the ground to such a dead state, if Daddy finds out, why not kill him?

(End of this chapter)

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