Chapter 797 Before You Die
It took Qingcheng a whole month between being caught in the battle and being destroyed. The real gunpowder smoke filled the air, but it could only hold out for six days.

The [-] troops were all destroyed in Qingcheng. This was the worst outcome that Lin Qiaoyun had expected, but now it was actually happening before his eyes.

"Hey, this bitch is so stubborn, she won't surrender until she's bleeding out. Brothers, take her back and let the prince vent his anger." Huns soldiers gathered around the whole mountain, with ferocious smiles on their faces, and took the remaining A soldier from Qingcheng pressed on every step of the way.

One step further is a sword, a spear, a sword and a halberd, and one step back is an abyss.

Lin Qiaoyun's arms were drooping, her face was as pale as paper, her red eyes glanced at the greedy gazes of this group of aliens one by one, a smile slowly rose from the corner of her mouth, she stepped back, stepped on the gravel on the edge, and faced the setting sun , she fell backwards with her head up.

Behind him, there was no bed quilt on the kang, no cushion on the imperial concubine chair of Huiyan Zhuang, and no man's broad chest as usual. There was only cold wind whizzing past under the abyss, rolling over the whole body and falling rapidly.

She raised her head to look at the sky, the red clouds all over the sky and the rainbow hanging in the sky were beautiful, but they lost their color in her pupils.

The heaven let her go for a while, why?
He obviously worked hard to the end, but he couldn't get a miracle in return.

Before she died, she suddenly grinned, and a smile overflowed from the corner of her lips. The laughter changed from shallow to deep, from low to high, and gradually turned into a wild laugh. The laughter echoed under the abyss, and it lingered for a long time .

The Xiongnu soldiers standing on the edge of the cliff couldn't help but shuddered, terrified by the laugh of the dying man.

With the fall of Lin Qiaoyun, Qingcheng finally fell, but the Qin and Han dynasties blew up the city gate, and the huge stone was difficult to remove. The hundreds of thousands of mighty troops had to rely on ladders to cross the city wall, which really took a lot of time.

After the Huns entered the city in despair, they looked at the dead Huns soldiers all over the ground. Their brutal nature drove them to bloodthirsty impulses, but then they discovered something strange in the city.

Except for the more than 1 soldiers who died, the entire Qingcheng has long since become an empty shell, and all the people have no food left.

The Xiongnu frantically searched, and they fought from one city after another. In order to speed up the process, they did not transport food and grass on the road.

After two days and one night in the First Battle of Qingcheng, their physical strength had reached the limit. At this time, there were no particles in the city, which almost drove the Huns crazy.

"General, in the suburbs, I smell the fragrance of grain in the suburbs." At this time, a soldier came to report.

The Xiongnu general led the team to rush to the small courtyard in the suburbs. On the open space outside the small courtyard of the Qin family, they found a piece of land exuding high heat. The inside of the land was dark red, like purgatory.

"Ah!" A soldier touched the land with his hand, but his palm was scalded.

"Open the ground for me and see what's underneath?" The general of the Xiongnu ordered the soldiers to dig the ground with axes, and smelling the aroma from the ground under the hunger made people feel irritable.

When the ax goes down, the hot air sprays out, and the aroma is more intense. When the ax goes down again, the skin is lifted, and a corner of the surrounding ground sinks. Under the fire-red charcoal, there are rice, sweet potatoes, corn, chicken, duck and fish meat, all kinds of food. aroma.

"Dig, everyone digs for me until all the food is dug out for me."

The general gave an order, and all the soldiers started to move around the field in the outskirts.

(End of this chapter)

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