Chapter 765

"Last time you accompanied me to the capital, this time, I will accompany you."

The journey to Beijing was smooth and smooth, there were no villains chasing and intercepting in secret, and the procedures were so orderly that it was comforting.

After arriving in the capital, it took only one month. After the tribute rice was handed over to the yamen for counting, Qin Han was completely free, and simply let his brothers take a few days off to travel freely and go sightseeing and shopping.

And he led Lin Qiaoyun to stay in the teahouse all day long, listening to scholars comment on current affairs.

The capital is the land under the emperor's feet, and the degree of wealth can be seen from the fact that they asked for a cup of tea and one tael of silver is enough to see the level of consumption.

In the city, there are many tall buildings, pavilions, red pillars, beams, doors and windows, and black tiles. All the sons and brothers are equipped with servants, and at first glance they are the children of high-ranking officials.

Occasionally, Lin Qiaoyun would also hear gossip about Qin Kang.

"Oh, the Nine Kings have come back recently, the way they rode on a horse and waved a fan that day made all the girls in the street faint."

"I saw it too. That **** was wearing white clothes and riding a white horse. When she passed by, she even glanced at me."


Lin Qiaoyun rolled her eyes secretly, and fanned herself in autumn, except for Sao Bao, who didn't explain, and the white clothes and white horse couldn't hide his dark belly to the bone.

Qin Kang's return to court, in Lin Qiaoyun's view, is more like a signal before a storm is approaching.As the current Holy Majesty's think tank, traveling outside, on the one hand, he also has to take care of the court's disputes. Now if the war is not about to start, how could he come back to sit in charge.

The news in the capital is the most well-informed, not because the emperor's cronies are not reliable enough, but because the people in the capital have a thorough understanding of the dynamics of the high-ranking officials' children. It is enough to see the mind of the Holy One.

And the battle report from the front used fast horses traveling [-] miles away, and the four major armies also used different colors of clothing, so once they entered the capital, people would immediately notice.

If the fast horses do not come for a long time, it means that there is no war and the border is peaceful. If the fast horses come every now and then, it means that the border is uneasy.

The teahouse storyteller is an old hand at commenting on current events, and when the news reaches him, although he can't tell all the truths, he can still tell five or six points.

"The fast horses from the northwest have come three times this month. They use ordinary fast horses, and there is no urgent battle report, which proves that the battle between the Northwest Army and the Huns is still in the stage of small-scale friction. The Holy One will be in autumn in a few days. It seems that the battle is still in our favour." On the stage, an old man in blue and white with gray hair talked eloquently, accompanied by the allegro and the sound of drums, everything was full of rhythm and fascinating.

When Lin Qiaoyun found out about Qiu Wei's time, she stopped here, took Qin Han to wander around the city, bought gifts in large and small bags, and went to visit Liu Chunsheng and Qian He the next day.

The next day, the sun was just right, and the pedestrians on the street were all unfamiliar faces. Lin Qiaoyun and Qin Han were walking on foot with gifts, and just after asking about the address of Liu's house, when they turned the corner, they happened to bump into a bully who was bullying a girl from a good family Drama.

Lin Qiaoyun only raised her eyes and glanced, then walked around to the other side of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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