Chapter 743 The Source of Everything
If it was an accident to find the top of the mountain, then you can be sure that you insisted on entering the dense forest. The Northwest Deputy General had all the foresight.

The saying of self-directed and self-acted is completely established.

"If what they want to deal with is bandits on the top of the mountain, what kind of grievances do they have between the deputy general of the Northwest and them?" Qin Han put forward a bold guess, trying to combine all the seemingly unrelated things.

This point, Ma Qi is not clear, the order directly issued from the top, he has not spied on the power.

But thanks to the information he provided, he brought key clues to this case.

Lin Qiao was drinking tea in the cloud, rubbing the teacup subconsciously with her fingertips, thinking in her heart, General of the Northwest...

Suddenly, she raised her head suddenly, her gaze was like a torch, "Ma Qi, do you know who's general's army is stationed in the western suburbs of the capital? Do you know Wu Yan?"

Ma Qi was stunned, and immediately answered: "The soldiers and horses stationed in the western suburbs of the capital are the headquarters of the Northwest General who returned to Beijing to report on his duties a year ago. This time when we return to Beijing, we are also stationed in the western suburbs. I recognize Wu Yan, who was in the small town before. Zhen met him before joining the army, and he also knew that this person was first transferred from Qingcheng to the Northwest Army, but because he offended his superiors, he was demoted and sent to guard the royal cemetery."

Listen, all these weird and unimaginable things have been explained, and the source of everything has been found.


Several times of lurking, chasing, and disguising, the treasure that the general of the Northwest deliberately wanted to obtain caused this series of disasters.

The Qin family has completely relocated. This general may have found news from other sources and sent his idea deep into the mountains. He wanted to create a scene where the royal army was killed, so that the imperial court would send troops to suppress bandits, kill people with knives, and profit from it.

After seeing off Ma Qi, the couple sat at the table, feeling heavy and resentful. The identity of the enemy has been locked, and they come to spy again and again. This feeling is like a stick in the throat.

"Hehe, it's really a good strategy." Lin Qiaoyun played with the teacup, and had to say that the struggle on Qinhan Mountain was nothing compared to the way these people killed innocent people for their own selfish desires.

Qin Han clenched his fist and slammed the table down, "Damn it, you have no law, how many lives do you want to kill for selfishness?"

Lin Qiaoyun didn't say anything about this question, everyone understood it.

As long as the treasure is not found for a day, the other party will not give up.

With a slap, Lin Qiaoyun put down the cup, turned her head to look at her man's darkened face, "Ah Han, do you want to hand over the treasure?" For the peace of the land, for the lives of innocent people, they were victims in the past. He felt innocent, but now that the treasure is really in his hands, the struggle in his heart can be imagined.

Qin Han wiped his face, but shook his head and smiled wryly, "Hand it over? According to that person's temperament, I'm afraid that once we are exposed, what will greet us is not relief, but endless torture."

It's not speculation, but it's almost certain that people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and the desires and ambitions of these people have long since bottomed out.

So handing over the treasure, Qin Han didn't even have to think about it, "Now, we are in the territory of Qingcheng, except for Wu Yan who knows our relationship with the poisonous dragon, and even the deputy general doesn't recognize us. We can't expose it by ourselves at this juncture. If we don’t have an excuse to suppress the bandits, we can only find a way to solve the problem of rice being robbed.”

(End of this chapter)

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