Chapter 368

The source of the poison was locked in the small shop in Dabaogu, and Xiaoer was also poisoned, but he was the only one in the shop, so it was difficult to clear the blame.

When Qin Han asked this question, he didn't believe Xiaoer's actions.

But on the hospital bed, the waiter's eyes flickered, he hesitated a little, and finally shook his head, "No one came here today."

"You're lying." After the words fell, Qin Han frowned and refuted in a deep voice.

Lin Qiaoyun suddenly felt something strange in her heart, but she couldn't detect that there was someone else's breath in the store.

Xiao Er shrank back, faltered and faltered, and dared not speak for a long time.

Qin Han was unequivocal, "You live alone, if someone didn't come from the shop, how could you pour two bowls of tea, and even though you finished the other bowl, you were too lazy to clean it up, so you put it aside."

Lin Qiaoyun suddenly realized that when she checked the table just now, there were indeed two tea bowls, one was empty, but there was residue at the bottom of the bowl.

Qin Han's heart was as delicate as a hair, and once it was revealed, Xiaoer didn't dare to hide it anymore, he struggled to get out of bed, knelt on the ground, and repeatedly begged for mercy, "My lord, the villain is indeed innocent, and the person who came to my shop is definitely not a poisoner. Please be enlightened, my lord."

"Confused, you are now inseparable from the poisoning. If you don't tell the truth and enter the government office at that time, it will not be so simple." Entering the government office, that is the real suspect, just detained In prison, you have to shed a layer of skin when you enter.

Qin Han has experienced it once, and he doesn't want good people to be wronged.

Lin Qiaoyun pinched the half of the tea bowl, and walked quietly to Xiao Er, "There is a rouge mouth mark on the side of this bowl, it must be caring for a woman, if you defend it in every possible way, it will only appear that this matter is trying to cover it up, don't end up harming others or yourself .”

Seeing this husband and wife teaming up, Xiao Er complained bitterly from the bottom of his heart, and was afraid that he would really involve others. He gritted his teeth and finally confessed, "In the early morning, when I was playing Baogu, there was indeed a girl who came to the door, but that was the neighbor of my childhood sweetheart. , named Meier, just sat in my shop for a while and then left. My lord, Meier is kind by nature. I was a widow since I was a child, and I was saving money to propose marriage to her family. My lord, she will never do any harm. I beg your lord to see clearly."

She was originally a lonely man and a widow, talking in a shop, Xiaoer was afraid of ruining Meier's reputation.

But shopkeeper Zhang turned pale with shock when he heard the name, "This Meier is not the maid of Caibaoju, ouch, you are so confused."

"Oh? People from Caibaoju..." Lin Qiaoyun narrowed her eyes, and she probably knew the whole story.

Qin Han was in charge of business before, so he naturally knew that Ju Fubao and Caibaoju had a grudge, so he held his saber and said, "Bring the boss Caibaoju, maid Meier."

The crime scene, relevant witnesses, and criminal evidence are complete.

Li Dacai has a big belly, ten fat fingers with gold rings, his eyes hurt, although he was summoned, his face is unhurried, very leisurely, looking at Qin Han who was standing in the shop first, twitching A smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Haha, I have seen you. It's really different today. I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to let go of Huiyanzhuang's business. In a sudden change, you have become an adult who receives official food."

This person speaks poisonously and has a cheap mouth, but his brain is also smart at the same time.

In a word, it first hit Qin Han's identity, implying that his identity was sensitive in this incident.

Qin Han put on a straight face, neither sad nor happy, "Shopkeeper Li, I'm not looking for you today to reminisce about the old days. There is a case of corn poisoning here, and Meier, the maid behind you, needs to come forward and explain."

(End of this chapter)

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