Chapter 340 Gouzi's Entrustment

Beside the peach blossom grove, it's fun and harmonious, but there are people who are jealous and don't like others.

Gouzi and Ning Yaozu have a new and old hatred. Compared with Ning Yaoguang's fierce idiot, he hates Ning Yaozu's villainous behavior even more.

It is rare for Lin Qiaoyun herself to hate a child, and it just so happens that Ning Yaozu is at the top of the list.

Others don't know about the matter of beating someone up and complaining, but Lin Qiaoyun knew in her heart that Ning Yaoguang's straight-heartedness must have been manipulated by Ning Yaozu.

Little children, anxious and unpredictable, either speak dirty, or stab a knife in the back, if they are not villains, they are what they are.

Ning Yaozu didn't expect Lin Qiaoyun to speak like this, and his face flushed with anger, "Who are you calling a villain, an ugly woman, don't think it's a big deal to have a few stinky money in the family."

Listening to the ups and downs of the mouth, the mouth is adult dirty, Lin Qiaoyun is extremely disgusted, and waved his hand lightly, "If you know the way, go quickly, don't make trouble if you have nothing to do, you are not welcome here."

With a clatter, the dog immediately followed suit, united front, stood akimbo, and straightened his back, "Did you hear me, we won't play with you, stay where it's cool, and if you say bad things about my brother, I won't spare you with my fist .”

A group of monkeys followed behind him, baring their teeth and waving their claws, like a hungry tiger rushing at a sheep, which frightened Ning Yaozu to reel, stepped back into the puddle, and soiled his shoes.

"Okay, you guys bullied and humiliated me today, and I will definitely repay you twice." Even after fleeing, Ning Yaozu maintained his usual style, beating back and forth, turning black into white.

The rat shit was gone, and the group wandered around the tulip again.

"I think this flower is better than the one my father took me to town to see last time. It's even more beautiful."

"Well, I also think it looks good. Tie Zi is smart, and no one can come up with a second trick."


Everyone said one sentence to the other, which made Tie Zi's face flushed with praise.

Lin Qiaoyun watched from the side, lamenting the innocence of the children's friendship. She was lost in thought for a while, the corner of her clothes was pulled by the dog, and it took a long time to react. When she lowered her eyes, it was rare to see the monkey's twisted appearance, which made her chuckle, "Haha , What’s the matter with you, if you have anything to say, just say it.”

Gouzi was mysterious, pulled her to the side, and whispered softly, "Auntie, Tiezi likes to grow flowers. Every season, the peach blossoms can be sold to my mother for a lot of money. But in the village, everyone looks down on him. Said that he is a short-sighted man, playing with some useless things. I...I just want to ask my aunt if I can find a way for him to go. "

After all, Gouzi went to school, read poems and books into his stomach, and his intelligence and knowledge were also enlightened. He knew that a boy should start a career at the age of 13 and support his fortune.

Although he is just a baby, he is smart and attaches great importance to brotherly loyalty. He keeps the matter of Tie Zi in his heart and puts it at home, saying that his parents have no idea, and they have no ability to raise another son. Lin Qiaoyun has such a hope.

Lin Qiaoyun frowned strangely, her jaw dropped in shock at being annoyed by this little adult, if Ning Yaozu was full of evil, and his intelligence was used in crooked ways, this dog is definitely a good seedling, with excellent EQ.

Looking up at the entire peach grove and the colorful tulips, Lin Qiaoyun had some thoughts, "Recently, I want to make some new tricks in my shop, and I happen to want to use this flower. Since Tie Zi is a good hand, then I will Continue to study and ponder. There is no difference in craftsmanship, it depends on the degree of sophistication, if it is No. 1 in the industry, let's see who can underestimate him."

(End of this chapter)

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