Chapter 161
One food box and three bowls of porridge, three meals a day, nine kinds of tricks.

There are five or six guys in the back kitchen, and each of them shares a few mouthfuls of food, almost filling the bottom of the bowl.

"Tsk tsk, I'm not full. The more I eat, the more hungry I get, and I drool when I don't eat. Sister Lin, your cooking skills are good enough to be a chef. Even the imperial cuisine may not be as delicious."

"That's right, I didn't even take a sip when I came here late. I can't make this taste by myself."

"Oh, the key is that it tastes delicious, there is no fishy smell, and the tongue is very slippery when it rolls."

Everyone said what they said, but what they said was the truth. Lin Qiaoyun is confident in her culinary skills, and she also knows that modern cooking techniques are exquisite. The cooking is no worse than that of the imperial dining room. It's a pity...

Youyou sighed, "Hey, you guys know well, but Madam has to be able to eat it." The bitter petals were swallowed, and she couldn't eat her seafood porridge. This feeling of failure makes people beat their chests and feet .

Eat people with short hands, but take people with soft mouths.

After entering the mansion for only three days, Lin Qiaoyun won over a group of people with a bowl of porridge, helped out in the back kitchen, went to various markets, and there were seafood everywhere, but when it entered Huang's mouth, it became a stench.

Lin Qiaoyun thought hard, and decided to be self-sufficient. She scooped up fish in the space for cooking, and cooked the braised fish that she loved at home, and invited everyone to taste it.

After eating, all of them stretched out their thumbs, and they all tasted delicious, without any earthy smell, much better than those on the market.

Lin Qiaoyun ate a lot, and didn't think there was much difference. With the mentality of giving it a try, she made porridge for dinner and served it with braised fish.

"Oh, this is Yuyuelongmen?" Mrs. Huang looked at the dishes on the plate and turned pale with shock.

Lin Qiaoyun thought it was funny, and explained, "It's just a farm dish I researched, how could Madam come up with such an elegant name." I don't like food, but there are many ways to choose names.

Treating Huang Shi today, Lin Qiaoyun treats her like a picky eater.

Mrs. Huang shook her head resolutely, her eyes sparkling, "my husband once went to Beijing to have a face, and he ate a fish jumping over the dragon's gate. The fish body is golden, tender and juicy, and the fish's head is wagging its tail, implying the dragon's entrance to the imperial examination. It is exactly this dish. Order it The title of Husband Champion."

Lin Qiaoyun suddenly realized that it was not that there was no braised fish in brown sauce, but that it had a different name and was honored as an imperial meal, so ordinary people only looked at it with rarity.

There was an imperial meal in front of her eyes, no matter how difficult it was to swallow, Huang held up her chopsticks with a pious expression on her face. When the fish with chopsticks entered her mouth, she seemed to be carefully savoring the wonderful taste that her husband had described before. It melted in the mouth, tender and juicy, And there is no fishy smell at all.

Lin Qiaoyun looked at her with her eyes closed, with a smile on her lips, afraid that she would be dizzy from the joy, and she was about to go up to ask, but suddenly she saw her chopsticks dropped into the plate, one piece of fish was eaten, and a mouthful of porridge was served. But without leaving a gap for others to intervene.

Seeing this, Lin Qiaoyun didn't need to ask any more questions, she had been hungry for a few days, so she didn't have the mood to talk.

The last half catty of braised fish in braised sauce fell into Huang's little belly, and even ate two bowls of porridge, so full that he finally walked away against the wall.

Lin Qiaoyun hurriedly supported her and walked around the yard with her, remembering the most reasonable saying about eating a buffet, leaning on the wall to go in and leaning on the wall to come out, thinking about it, she was happy.

The revolution has taken the first step of victory, and the rest will be much easier.

The so-called eating and thinking, when the cats in the backyard started to meow at night, when Wei Yang went out the next day, seeing how proud he was, he was no happier than Deng Ke being the number one scholar.

(End of this chapter)

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