Chapter 1318 Extra Story 79
Another half month passed in a hurry, and the entire evaluation department was immersed in tension and busyness. Everyone ate and lived together, and when they were tired, they would sleep on the company's floor.

When the first round of bidding list came out, she was not surprised to see the name of the rival company on it, and then looked at the deep dark circles under her eyes. At night, as long as she is sleepy and tired, she will look at this business card to motivate herself.

She felt that her hatred for the other party had been sublimated to the point where she could go to the door of the other party's house in the middle of the night to beat the villain. Before closing her eyes every day, she had to greet the other party and feel sorry for her dark circles.

And half a month later, she finally got the winning bid, with a budget that was only tens of thousands more than the other party's. Lin Yun narrowly won, and the entire evaluation floor was cheering.

"Boss Lin, we won, damn it, it was really not easy, I'm going to die." Seeing Lin Yun carrying things and getting ready to leave work, everyone stood up and cheered for her, even swearing inadvertently .

Lin Yun turned around calmly, her exhausted and numb face showed no expression, and everyone was silenced by the freezing cold, crying out collectively in their hearts.

Fuck, it's so embarrassing, I thought that I had fought in the office together, and I was a comrade in arms with a revolutionary friendship, but I forgot that the other party was the Iron Lady.

Just when everyone was trembling, Lin Yun wiped her face, stretched suddenly, and finally adjusted a smile, "If you don't rush home, how about I treat you tonight?"

The air was silent for a few seconds for no reason, and then everyone erupted and boiled.

"Go, go, Mr. Lin treats you, you must go."

Ever since, after the meal, Lin Yun became a biological mother again. After the meal, someone would not be afraid to mention singing K. Originally, she was dragged down by the rapid silence, but Lin Yun still heard it.

"Well, since you want to go, let's go together." Lin Yun thought for a while, and took the lead and walked ahead.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions changed from horror to surprise, whether she was possessed by a monster or not, let's talk about it first.

Everyone turned to KTV, and Lin Yun was also pushed to sing by several groups of people.

Under the colorful lights, her reddish face after drinking alcohol made her eyebrows look picturesque, and many people were fascinated by it, only to suddenly realize that Lin from home is always so beautiful like a fairy, so beautiful to the point of shock.

In the second half, it was already late at night, and everyone was basically in a mess, lying on the sofa like a corpse.

No matter how excited the spirit was, working overtime for half a month in a row, the body could not hold on.

Lin Yun stumbled into the toilet to wash her face, her head was so dizzy that she couldn't recover from sitting on the toilet for a long time, secretly blaming herself for losing her sense of proportion.

But she is also a human being, after being extremely exhausted and winning, she doesn't want to go home and celebrate alone in the air, and she doesn't want to be lonely and cold at night and have a spring-dream.

That's right, ever since she dreamed of the man under the big locust tree that night, she would dream of that man almost every time she fell asleep from exhaustion, and the scenes were varied, getting more and more restricted.

Lin Yun was still distressed, and even felt that it was necessary to see a psychologist by herself, or find a boyfriend as soon as possible to relieve the pressure.

She splashed water on her face fiercely, thinking that it was ridiculous that she wanted a man because of her hunger and thirst.

Walking out of the bathroom with dangling steps, she suddenly didn't realize that she was going in the wrong direction.

(End of this chapter)

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