Chapter 124 Absolute black businessman

Well, it refers to those who come from a decent family, and it also refers to a wealthy family.

"Oh, this effect is really good, you can get me a few bottles later."

"That's right, it smells weird, no wonder everyone loves it."

"Sister-in-law, give me some rouge powder as well."

The girl was wearing a satin veil, and the woman was wearing a golden phoenix hairpin with a pan-headed hair. She placed the order without even asking the price, without blinking her eyes.

Lin Qiaoyun has a pretty face, smiling sweetly, shuttles back and forth among the crowd, with curiosity in her heart, in a remote place, the shop has not been open for two days, where do these ladies and wives who don’t leave the door and don’t go out ask where.

She thought about inquiring about one or two, chatting and laughing for a while, very enthusiastic, but going around, the chatterbox was either diverted, or ambiguous and sloppy, Lin Qiaoyun was sure that the source of the shop's news was not because they refused to say it, but because they were disgraceful .

The first batch of goods in Lin Qiaoyun's shop came from Gou Mulan's place, and there was no one else who could spread the news except sister Yao.

The only bridge between these rich and noble families and Gou Mulan is the man with colorful flags fluttering outside and the red flag at home.

Presumably, this aloe vera juice is a man with a big heart, who carried it home and brought it to his mother-in-law. After finding out the cause and effect, he found it here.

Women's jealousy does not distinguish between age and status, but whenever a man says who is good, the streets are full of shirts and hairstyles the next day.

Lin Qiaoyun took the order, handed it to Qin Han to prepare the goods, slipped to the front desk, and ordered Qin Mo in a low voice, "The price will increase, two hundred coins per bottle."

Qin Mo was about to shake his hands and stared at her quietly. From fifty to two hundred, the price has doubled.

Lin Qiaoyun is an absolute black businessman.

Sit down and start the price, that's what I'm talking about.

And it was not without reason that she dared to speak loudly.These people buy things without asking the price, obviously they don't care about the price, and they are also the masters who are not short of money.

The so-called rare goods can be lived in. Human beings pursue high quality. First, they subconsciously look at the price. If the price is low, the grade is low, and the price is good enough, then it is a good product.

Holding this point, Lin Qiaoyun crossed her legs and waited to count the money.

When quoting the price at the checkout, Qin Mo's words were weak, his voice was light and light, and he had no confidence at all, and the ladies who picked up the goods didn't ask any questions, just paid and left, and even didn't ask for a change, just as a tip.

At the end of the day, he bought and sold twenty bottles and earned four taels of silver. After counting the money, Qin Mo was still in a daze.

"Okay, it's been a hard day, let's go and have a good meal." Lin Qiaoyun chuckled and made a decision.

The three of them were really sleepy and hungry, and they didn't have the heart to do anything else. Their income was quite good, and they didn't feel distressed.

But Lin Qiaoyun dared to spend more money, and led people into Jufubao, which is a place where a meal costs a tael of silver.

Qin Mo and Qin Han didn't understand the market, and entered the door happily. When the waiter's menu came up, the two men's hands trembled in shock at the last price, and they almost got up and left.

"Qiaoyun, let's change the place." Qin Han frowned, thinking that his daughter-in-law had stumbled into the treasured place.

Qin Mo also couldn't order, "Sister-in-law, you don't have to pick this place for dinner."

Lin Qiaoyun usually doesn't spend a lot of money, earning a lot but spending less, but today she has decided on the place, looking at the menu, as if she didn't see the price behind it, "Ju Fubao is the number one in the town, tired You have to work hard, you still have to earn money, and you can't treat your own stomach badly."

(End of this chapter)

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