Chapter 442 Uproar
Long Er is a taciturn man with an ordinary appearance. That Yu Mao'er looks more like a cowering old farmer. Only such a person is the ideal candidate for intelligence sentry.
Long Er's words were also simple, and he talked about his experience as a scout in a dull manner, but Wang Dou could tell how many difficulties and obstacles were contained in his plain words?
Just like the East Road, the Qing Dynasty was also tightly guarded. In fact, a new country or group must have strict and well-organized governance, such as the Lu Yinzhi in the early Ming Dynasty, which effectively checked the spies and stopped the population. , Lu Yin is like a fake.
Although the territory of the Qing Dynasty is not as fortified as the East Road, how easy is it to find out information?Needless to say the cold smoke and cold moon, weeping day and night.A group of people led by Long Er, many of them were killed in battle, and some of them could not even find their bodies. Speaking of this, Long Er's sluggish face changed, and his eyes turned red.
Wang Dou sighed: "Brother Long has worked hard. The shogunate will provide compensation for the soldiers who died in battle. If the remains can't be found, let's build a clothes tomb."
He stroked the map book brought back by Long Er and the others, shook his head and said: "If the world is to be peaceful, I don't know how many people will die, and how many soldiers will have no bones left."
Wen Daxing persuaded: "The generals don't need to be sad. They died for the country and the people, and they died well. Since joining the Jingbian Army, everyone has this awareness."
Wang Dou nodded and sighed, praised Long Er and the others for their kindness, and asked the Chief of Staff and the Governor of Zhen Fu to commend them for their achievements, and rewarded them with some money from the government.Wang Dou knew that Long Er liked to smoke pipes, so he rewarded him with some fine shredded tobacco.
Long Er, Yu Mao'er and others left the General's Mansion, outside the mansion a thin middle-aged man was squatting by the wall in a daze.
Long Er's characteristic is that he doesn't talk much on weekdays, but he is very enthusiastic to acquaintances.He walked over with big bags and small bags, and said loudly: "Look, brother Qian Hai, the general has rewarded us with so much money."
He took out a kit as if offering a treasure: "Look at what's inside, shredded tobacco, it's all high-quality Fujian tobacco, rewarded by the general himself, ordinary people can't smoke it."
He took out his precious pipe, carefully took out some shredded tobacco to refill, took out the fire bag and lit it, took a puff beautifully, and closed his eyes intoxicated.
After a while, he opened his eyes: "The good cigarettes rewarded by the general are extraordinary."
Seeing Yu Mao'er and Qian Hai looking at him eagerly, Long Er generously handed over the kit: "Take some of them, especially Brother Qian Hai, thanks to you for this trip to Liaodong."
The three of them squatted beside the screen wall like beggars, chatting and puffing away smoke while happily smoking their cigarettes.At this time, smoking was very popular in Ming Dynasty, and it is said that tobacco can ward off miasma, cure head lice, kill insects, and cure wind, cold and dampness. tobacco.
Because the people grow more tobacco and do not grow wheat, Emperor Chongzhen issued an imperial decree in 12 years, and those who privately planted privately asked disciples to be even stricter: "Those who eat cigarettes will die."
But it was still useless, smoking was banned several times, and the ban continued.
The three of them were smoking guns, and for a while, Long Er said to the silent Qian Hai: "Brother Qian Hai, you are very capable, and you were Mao Shuai's personal guard back then, and you can speak Liaodong dialect, Korean, etc." Chinese and Japanese, my sharp sentry camp needs talents like you the most. Don't worry, after being reviewed by the Zhenfu Division and the Intelligence Division, you will soon become a member of our Jingbian Army. Wait for the next day Kill Kong Youde, a traitor, and you can avenge your family."
Qian Hai was originally lifeless, but at this moment, when he heard it, there was light in his cloudy eyes, and he said, "Really?"
The language has a little Jiangsu and Zhejiang accent.
Long Er patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, we will guarantee you."
Yu Mao'er also said: "That's right, I will also guarantee you."
Qian Hai trembled his hands, and tears welled up in the thin man's eyes: "...Okay, as long as I can kill the Tartars, Kong Youde, a big traitor, I will be willing to do anything..."
After hearing the news of Liaodong, Wang Dou felt a little heavy. According to the sentry of Long Er and others, the Qing Dynasty was building cannons, and there were many Shenwei generals among them.
Wang Dou knew that the Shenwei Great General's cannon could hit more than ten catties, so it was the Hongyi [-]-pound cannon.Of course, how many Shenwei great generals in the Qing Dynasty have cannons, and Long Er and others can't detect them, so Wang Dou can also understand.
Also, according to information, the Qing Dynasty was making blunderbusses, and the Eight Banners Han army was training firearms on a large scale. It is really hard to say how many blunderbuss they have.
Wang Dou has deep eyes, emerging power groups are good at learning, and there are few conservative forces.
In history, the Qing people attached great importance to firearms, but they did not use them on a large scale because of weak opponents.However, in the subsequent Zhungeer Rebellion, due to the large-scale use of flintlock guns and red barbarian cannons by the Jungar soldiers, the Qing Dynasty also built a large number of red barbarian cannons, bird guns, etc.
Now because of my own influence, is the age of firearms coming?
With firearms against firearms, although Wang Dou is confident that his gunners and gunners have a great advantage, there will inevitably be a large number of casualties, and the maximum caliber of his own artillery is only six pounds... It seems that the sergeants need to be trained in how to avoid artillery and how to line up when defending How to deal with the artillery.
Wen Daxing felt uncomfortable when he heard this information, seeing Wang Dou thinking deeply, he said softly: "General, general..."
Wang Dou hummed, regained his vigor, his eyes shot a cold light, and asked the guards to inform the generals to discuss matters, and then looked at Wen Daxing: "Daxing, you send someone to the capital to publicize, just say that the Donglu artillery has passed a hundred gates, There are more than [-] bird guns, and there are many thousand catties of heavy artillery among them."
Wen Daxing pondered and said: "The general means..."
Wang Dou snorted: "It's not our family that fights the war. I don't have heavy artillery that weighs ten catties or more. The capital can have it."
Soon, an astonishing news spread inside and outside the capital, that Donglu was building heavy artillery, including General Shenwei's artillery, and their artillery battalion had more than a hundred artillery pieces.They also trained 2 soldiers of the Eight Banners Han Army, and many of them practiced bird guns.
There was an uproar in the capital for a while, officials and common people discussed the advantages of firearms. The Shunxiang Army on the East Road of Xuanfu Town is now called the Jingbian Army. I suffered a lot under the battle.
In everyone's impression, although Donglu is fierce, he has the image of leading beasts and cannibals, riding and shooting, spears and halberds and other cold weapons. Suddenly he has so many artillery and bird guns. What does this mean?Their civilization has reached a very high level, and their image has suddenly changed. How can they make everyone feel balanced?
All of a sudden there was a lot of discussion inside and outside the capital, some of them shouted in disbelief, some shouted that our firearms were inferior, and some shouted that we were in danger.
Tang Ruowang, a Western missionary in the capital, called out everywhere: "He has strong horses and strong arrows, and his bow is strong. He has already surpassed me by far, and now his firearms are comparable to mine. If you want my amazing skills, you will know them." Yes. At present, firearms are so expensive in Western countries, but the enemy not only has them, but now they are widespread!"
Some missionaries shouted: "The barbaric Tatars already have sharp firearms, but our Chinese division is not as good. They should quickly cast heavy artillery, or buy it from the Bugarau Cannon Factory."
Not to mention that the missionaries are so excited, firearms and various technical products have always been Hongyi's advantage in knocking on the door of China.
After the German missionary Tang Ruowang came to China, in the seventh year of Chongzhen, together with Luo Yagu, he presented a telescope brought from Europe to the Ming emperor. It was wrapped in yellow silk, and it was accompanied by a gold-plated mirror frame and copper accessories.This matter was valued by Emperor Chongzhen and all walks of life in the government and the public. Not only did Tang Ruowang receive an audience award, but the Chinese government also organized forces to imitate it. At that time, China completed the first self-made telescope, which was called the peeping tube.
Prior to this, Catholic Xu Guangqi and other pro-Western representatives bought Hongyi cannons from Portuguese people in Macau many times. During the reign of Tianqi, 26 Hongyi cannons were bought, [-] of which were kept in the capital, and the rest were transported to Ningyuan City outside the pass.
After the Battle of Ningyuan, the fame of the Hongyi Cannon rose, arousing the enthusiasm of the government and the public to buy and imitate. In the first year of Chongzhen, Portuguese mercenaries came to Beijing. There were 31 soldiers, [-] gunsmiths, craftsmen and companions. With seven large iron blunderbusses, three large copper blunderbusses and thirty hawk-beaked blunderbusses, they were led by the Western commander "Xilao of Gongsha".
At the same time, the Ming court also imitated Hongyi cannons in batches, mostly in the southeast coast. By the third year of Chongzhen, there were more than [-] large, medium and small Hongyi cannons imitated. There are more than [-] Hongyi-like cannons.
In the north, Xu Guangqi not only made cannons, but also asked Portuguese gunners and artillery technicians to directly teach Hongyi cannons how to control and fire them. He also co-authored the "Measurement Method" on artillery range measurement with Matteo Ricci and Tang Ruowang. , and there is also "Fire Attack and Essentials", which measures the elevation angle of the gun barrel.
This was the honeymoon period for the pro-Western officials of Ming Dynasty, and soon Kong Youde rebelled, bringing more than 13000 remnants of men and women, as well as an elite artillery team, and many gunmen surrendered to Houjin.Silao of the Portuguese Gongsha died in battle, and soon Xu Guangqi, Sun Yuanhua, Zhang Tao, Wang Zheng and others died. A large number of pro-Western faction forces were purged, and missionaries such as Tang Ruowang were greatly neglected.
At this time, the news of Donglu's firearms came, not to mention the yelling of the missionaries, but also the shrinking heads of the pro-Western officials, who were also full of energy, running up and down in the court and the opposition to respond.
And this news is not false. It has already been reported that at this time, Jinzhou or Songshan frontlines were attacked by a large number of red barbarians and heavy artillery. Some people even found out the pond newspaper of Fan Chenggong, the defender of Songshan not long ago: "There are many thieves!" Loaded with artillery fire, Songshan was attacked fiercely on the 25th and 26th, and the situation was very critical. More than 601 cannons were found in the city, all of which weighed more than ten catties. Forty red cannons were installed on the south wall, and twelve cattle were used. Only one cannon."
A few months ago, Hong Chengchou, governor of Jiliao, asked the imperial court to supply blunderbuss and cannons. The memorial newspaper was also found by everyone, saying that Hong Chengchou set up a gunpowder bureau in Jizhou, made guns and cannons, and asked the Ministry of Industry to issue No. [-] and No. [-] cannons. Fifty each, [-] rods of bird guns, but the Ministry of Industry only issued fifty captive guns, and [-] rods of bird guns.
What does this mean?I am not lying!
There are also a large number of officials secretly sending confidantes to the East Road, asking Uncle Zhongyong Wangdou to write a letter. Uncle Zhongyong has the most experience in using firearms. If he writes a letter, it will increase everyone's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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