Chapter 828
Ji Zero is dead, already dead...

Do not!
She doesn't believe it!
Yezichu was crying and screaming, with red eyes, he tried his best to retort to Yeziche: "You're lying! He's not dead, he's not dead!!"

"Zi Chu!"

Tang Xiaobao cried out in heartache. After investigation by the personnel of Dark Moon Pavilion, the car that Ji Ling was driving exploded and was shattered into pieces all over the ground, and it was detected from the small bone on the ground that it was Ji Ling's bone.

However, Zichu was unwilling to believe it.

Or maybe, she didn't want to believe it.

However, if things go on like this, Zichu may not be able to get over the harm caused by that incident for the rest of his life.

This is how to do! !

An An beat Ye Ziche hard and said, "Did you do it on purpose!"

Yeziche pursed his lips, looked at Yezichu, and was about to say something when the door behind him opened suddenly, and the doctors hurried over.

Looking at the needle with a cold light, Tang Xiaobao cried and buried himself in Ye Mobai's chest.

"Mr. Ye offended." A doctor nodded apologetically at Ye Mubai, and then motioned for the other two to come forward.

"What are you doing... get out... get out!"

Ye Zichu looked in horror at the doctors who kept approaching her.

However, the two doctors were too fast, and Ye Zichu didn't react, so he was pinned down on the bed by his arms. The next second, his arms hurt.


Yezichu's eyes widened suddenly, and before he passed out, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.


Three months later.

ink sea.

"Facial cleanser, sunscreen, water cup..."

In the upstairs room, Tang Xiaobao personally helped pack the luggage.

Angus was wearing a sportswear, with naturally curly blond hair that grew to his ears, and the ends of his hair were slightly wet, and he dressed beside her.

Sweat broke out on Tang Xiaobao's forehead, as did the tip of his nose, he put all the odds and ends in it, and after zipping it up, he stood up with his waist supported.

The little maid hurried up to help.

"Oh my god, I'm really old." Tang Xiaobao sat on the edge of the bed, took a breath, beat his waist and shook his head with a smile.

Angus pursed his lips, silently glanced at the silver strands on her short hair, and did not speak.

"Hey, check if there is anything missing. Nepal is so far away, you have to take care of it."

Tang Xiaobao told the little maid.

"Yes, ma'am." The little maid lowered her body and began to check the suitcases one by one.

"Angus, go ask Zichu to come over."

Angus hummed, turned around with his tall body and left.

Go through the long corridor and push open a door in the corner.

It was pitch black inside, but Angus knew that Ye Zichu was sitting by the bed, awake.

"Zi Chu." He lightly said to the air, "Auntie asked me to call you over."

The voice fell, and the air became silent.

The light in the blue eyes fluctuated slightly, and Angus waited patiently.

1 minutes passed.

The sound of cotton rubbing was heard, followed by the sound of footsteps.

Angus held out his hand to her.

A white, bloodless, withered hand was gently placed in his palm.

Angus clenched her tightly and pulled her out of the darkness with a little force.

Pure white cotton dress, pure white skin, amazing black hair, small face buried in the hair, the whole person can hardly feel any anger.

Angus pulled her out the door.

Tang Xiaobao turned his head and saw the two people coming in, he quickly got up and greeted them, his warm hands lightly held Ye Zichu's small face, feeling cold to the touch.

My heart hurts.

"Baby." Tang Xiaobao lowered his voice as much as possible: "Be obedient, go to Nepal with Angus, it's fun, but don't run around, do you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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