Chapter 524 Blessed by the whole world
Except for the rebellious masters who respected her all of them and dared not say a word out loud, a large group of people followed behind to serve her even when she was taking a bath and eating.

The people in the Dark Night Pavilion have S-level protection for Ye Curtain White, so every time they go out with him, there must be more than a dozen bodyguard cars secretly behind him.

Ye Mubai not only sits outside the headquarters to handle official business, but also occasionally attends various banquets held by some famous local organizations or groups. Ye Mubai is worried about her, so he will definitely take her with him.

Therefore, Tang Xiaobao's wardrobe is full of luxurious evening dresses and various new season clothes of international big names.

There are also a lot of wigs of different colors and shapes.

At first Tang Xiaobao could hold on, but after a while she couldn't, because she found that she was more comfortable wearing cheap clothes.

Nightfall White also followed her.

Therefore, every banquet in the future will become a night with a feminine and indistinguishable young man attending.

During the banquet, Ye Mubai whispered intimately to the boy from time to time, making people think that the leader of the Dark Night Pavilion was male...

This misunderstanding even made the headlines of major entertainment and financial pages in the United States, attracting heated discussions from netizens all over the world.

But what is surprising is that those fans who support Yemubai are not only not sad, but instead send all kinds of blessings. The reason is that they would rather Yemubai like men than any flirtatious bitch at the expense of others.

It really made Tang Xiaobao smile bitterly.

However, Tang Xiaobao also captured a large number of fans and girls by virtue of her feminine appearance.

It wasn't until one day that Ye Mubai publicly explained in front of the media that outsiders knew Tang Xiaobao's true gender.

The result can be imagined, Tang Xiaobao became the target of envy, jealousy and hatred.

But there are also friendly wishes.
For the dark night pavilion to develop to the scale it is today, not all of the business can be put on the table. For those black transactions that are not visible, Ye Mubai is gradually whitening them with the help of the Ye's group.

The Ye Group and the Dark Night Pavilion can be said to be united to a certain extent.

Nightfall's business territory is getting bigger and bigger, and the people are getting too busy.

Sometimes even in the middle of the night I was reviewing documents and holding meetings.

Although he didn't need to go out to catch international criminals himself, under the high-intensity work, he lost a lot of weight quickly, and his face, which was still a little fleshy, directly turned into a V shape.

Tang Xiaobao's heart ached.

Today, twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Tang Xiaobao was lying asleep on the round bed in Yemubai's office, and subconsciously touched the side with one hand, it was cold.

wake up.

Tang Xiaobao turned his head and saw a soft light coming from the crack of the door.

This guy, coaxing her to sleep and staying up late to work, is going to die, right?
Tang Xiaobao puffed his face angrily, got up from the bed, and got out of bed.

"Ask someone to cut the grass again, I'm afraid I'll hurt her..."

"No matter what you say, if you tell you to do it, you can do it..."

It was pitch black outside the large floor-to-ceiling windows, and everything was silent.

Ye Yebai stood with one hand in his pocket and the other holding the phone, his voice was very low.

"I want to give her the most perfect marriage..."

Before the last sentence was finished, the door of the lounge was pushed open.

As the night fell, he immediately cut off the phone, and when he turned around, he saw Tang Xiaobao standing by the door, staring at him angrily.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Ye Mubai said calmly, putting his phone on the table, frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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