Chapter 116 Destroy her, I will give you 500

Ye Yebai clenched the phone tightly, his eyes were dark, his whole body exuded a cold aura, as terrifying as a Shura, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Call the people in Jiangcheng City, and within two hours, find the gray man with the license plate of Jiang AXXX." The van."

"Yes, Deputy Pavilion Master!"
A small blue truck "chugs and chugs" bumps a concrete road.

Due to the construction, the cement road was dug with potholes, gravel and cement blocks everywhere, and the small truck was driving on it.

Tang Xiaobao was lying on the spacious rear compartment with his hands tied behind his back. Because the car bumped too hard, his head bumped into the hard metal plate below him from time to time. After a hard bump, his originally confused consciousness gradually regained consciousness.

Because his hands were tied and he couldn't rub them, Tang Xiaobao could only take a deep breath in the pain, opened his eyes, and caught a glimpse of a person lying beside him from the corner of his eyes.

The body was shaken by the car, Tang Xiaobao turned his head with difficulty, and saw that Su Jianian was also tied behind his hands by a nylon rope, facing her lying on his stomach, half of his face was pressed against the metal plate under him, his eyes were covered by the falling bangs, like a statue.

Tang Xiaobao licked his dry lips, and shouted at him softly: "Jia Nian? Jia Nian wake up, wake up..."

The rumble of the pickup truck was so loud that it drowned out her voice.

Tang Xiaobao moved his body and rubbed towards him vigorously. When he was about to shout again, a white towel suddenly stretched out and covered her mouth.


A special sweet smell hit, Tang Xiaobao opened his eyes suddenly, struggled for a few seconds, then lay down again dizzy.

The girl retracted the towel, turned her empty eyes to one side, and said in a flat voice, "She's asleep."

On the metal plate, Su Jianian, who was lying motionless on his stomach, slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the person next to him, and then moved the wrist behind his back, and the nylon rope that seemed to be tightly tied instantly became loose.

After untying the rope, Su Jianian sat up leaning against the back of the car, turned his wrist, then snorted, and looked out of the car lightly.

The pickup truck stopped in front of an abandoned cement factory.

The glass windows of the factory were all tattered and covered with thick dust. The rusty iron door was sprayed with white paint with a large Chinese character "Demolition". Pieces of green grass.

Unattended, it looked a bit deserted.

After the car was turned off, the front door opened, and a burly man got down from above. Tang Xiaobao picked up Tang Xiaobao from the rear compartment and walked towards the factory on his shoulders. Su Jianian and the girl jumped out of the car one after the other and followed behind.

The factory door was ajar, the big man kicked it open, and walked in.

The factory had already been evacuated, and it looked empty, the glass windows were dirty, the light was blocked, it was very dark and depressing, and the air was filled with an old earthy smell.

A wooden single bed was placed in the middle of the factory, covered with thick dust, covering the original color of the board.

One of the big men threw Tang Xiaobao on it, then turned around and left.

At this moment, Su Jianian handed a stainless steel pocket knife to the girl, and said indifferently: "If you destroy her, Sister Tang will give you 500 million as a reward."

The bewitching voice came to her ears, and the girl rolled her eyes slowly, looked at the person lying on the bed, and repeated: "Destroyed...she..."

"Go ahead."

Su Jianian stuffed the knife into her hand, then stepped aside, folded his arms and watched coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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