Chapter 728
Gu Mingkun said. "It doesn't matter. When I come here to work, the leaders know that it will not be particularly smooth. Anyway, the holes appear, and they also know that the workers below don't give me face. They don't want to obey my leadership. The responsibility is not mine."

"Doesn't that mean you don't have leadership skills?" Chen Dafa said.

Gu Mingkun glared at Chen Dafa. "Are you also thinking that I have no leadership skills?"

"No... how could I think so." Chen Dafa said with a smile. "Look, didn't I remind you, don't mess around with the workers! If you want to ask for leave, you can ask for leave, and if you want to be sick, you will get sick. How can this work!"

Gu Mingkun said. "But the superior also has a document. This worker must not persist in working despite illness. Otherwise, if an accident occurs, I, the leader, cannot afford it. You say so."

Chen Dafa looked embarrassed. "That's right, what do you think you can do about it?"

"Since no matter what you do, there will be losses, so I can only choose to lose business, not human life. Take a rest, make the holidays bigger, and let all the employees rest well, recover their health and come back to work." He Beichen patted his thigh. said.

Chen Dafa couldn't help muttering in his heart seeing that he didn't use his brain to make a decision. 'This factory manager is really an idiot, thinking that he can manage a factory with a big knife?This may be okay in your East B area, but it will definitely not work in the capital. '

He, it's better to go back to where he came from, and he can still guarantee the position of factory director.

Otherwise, here in the future, I will just be a workshop director.

Chen Dafa said in a friendly manner. "This really doesn't work. Let's think of other ways. Such a big factory shut down all of a sudden. This is a big deal, and it will alarm the leaders."

"It's okay, they came to check and check, I can still know the leaders above, otherwise I haven't greeted them yet." Gu Mingkun said with a big heart, and then leisurely lit a cigarette and smoked it.

Chen Dafa said anxiously. "Director Gu, you know your superiors at this time, do you think your face is bright? Does it look good?"

"I don't care about whether it looks good or not." Gu Mingkun was still not in a hurry.

Chen Dafa stopped persuading him, as if he had done his best. "Since you've already made up your mind, I won't persuade you anymore."

Gu Mingkun patted Chen Dafa on the shoulder. "Okay, I understand what you mean, and understand that you are for my own good."

"Of course I'm doing it for your own good. You are our new factory director. If you do a good job, we will have a good face, right." Chen Dafa said very clearly.

Gu Mingkun looked at him, a flash of shrewdness appeared on his face that was originally full of foolishness. "It's fine if you can realize this. I also know that you are going to retire. If our factory does a good job, I will definitely pay more bonuses on your side, and I will not pay less. Watching you. Our factory is ready, and the benefits and benefits for you old comrades will definitely be good. And there is your son, you can arrange to come to the factory directly, and arrange a good place for him when the time comes."

When Chen Dafa heard this, he was very excited.What he is most worried about now is his son, who cannot enter the factory because of his age.

But he was about to retire again, and he couldn't make arrangements for his son at all.

(End of this chapter)

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