Chapter 917 The Grand Finale (53)
"Where is the person?" Accompanied by an old voice, an old man with white beard and white hair quickly came to Ouyang Shaoxian and Murong Yu, stretched out his hand to catch Murong Yu's pulse, his eyes were serious.

"As you said, Yu'er is really dead!" Ouyang Shaoxian's weak voice was full of sadness, he was really going to lose Murong Yu.

The old man shook his head: "Her heart has a lingering warmth, she is not dead yet!"

What, Yu'er is not dead yet!Before Ouyang Shaoxian could react, the old man had already stuffed a pill into Murong Yu's mouth, and pressed his palm on the back of her heart, sending her internal energy. With the continuous input of internal energy, Murong Yu's face gradually turned rosy.

After two cups of tea, Murong Yu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ouyang Shaoxian who was close at hand. Before he could speak, Ouyang Shaoxian spoke first, with a deep joy in his sharp eyes: "Yu'er, you really woke up!"

"Wow!" The child's cry sounded, Murong Yu was stunned: "I'm not dead!" The child was born, how could she still be alive.

"God's will, everything is God's will!" The old man stroked his beard and smiled amiably: "The death curse of Wu Shengqin and the death curse in Chuxuan's palace will cancel each other out, and Chuxuan's palace will no longer be cursed. You will grow old forever, with numerous children and grandchildren!"

"Really!" This is great news for Murong Yu and Ouyang Shaoxian, they can stay together for a lifetime.

"Hehe, I never lie!" The old man stroked his white beard lightly, and he was tens of meters away in an instant: "The matter is over, the old man is gone, see you by fate!"

"Wow!" The child cried louder and louder, Wang Xiangya was helpless: "Yu'er, why is he always crying!"

"Let me hug you!" Murong Yu took the baby, coaxed it gently, and the baby stopped crying. Wang Xiangya tapped the tip of the baby's nose lightly with her finger: "As expected, listen to what mother said, once Yu'er hugs you, you won't cry Already!"

Ouyang Shaoxian took off his thick cloak, and wrapped Murong Yu and the baby together: "Yu'er, I've decided on a name for the child, so I'll call it Tianci, Ouyang Tianci, what do you think?" It means that Murong Yu and the child are both from heaven. Give Ouyang Shaoxian the most beautiful gift!
"It's a nice name!" In her arms, the baby was sleeping very peacefully, as if she liked the name very much.

In the sky, flakes of snowflakes were falling, and the atmosphere was very romantic. Murong Yu reached out to catch the next flakes: "It's snowing!"

"Yeah, it's snowing!" Ouyang Shaoxian picked up Murong Yu, looked down at his wife and children in his arms, and smiled happily. This year's New Year's Eve, the three of them can have dinner together: "Yuer, Godsend, let's go home!"

Ouyang Shaoxian's voice was low and joyful, echoing in the mountains, and it lasted for a long time!
(End of text)

The blue sky is as clear as washing, and the bright sunshine warmly shines, adding a bit of mystery to the solemn Chuxuan Palace.

The flowers in the garden are extraordinarily bright and colorful, competing for fragrance and beauty. White and yellow butterflies dance among the flowers, waving graceful arcs one after another. The scenery is pleasant and makes people linger.

Beside the garden, a three- or four-year-old boy is wearing a black brocade suit and fluffy ink boots, sitting on a cashmere cushion beside a stone table, playing with various toys beside him, inlaid with pearls Sandalwood rattles, golden nine-link rings made of pearls, precious pottery ring balls that are rarely seen in the world, pink and light blue gold thread purses are all available.

The little boy's long eyelashes are curled up, his eyelids are slightly heavy, and his expression is focused. His chubby little hand is holding nine pearl rings, swinging them over and tearing them apart, as if he wants to untie the tightly connected rings.

I don't know if it's because the links are too complicated, or because of some other reason. After untying the three links, no matter how hard the little boy tried, he couldn't untie the fourth link. Frustration flashed in his eyes as deep as black stones. The little boy's mouth curled up, looking annoyed.

A gust of breeze blew by, bringing with it the familiar, hot and sweet scent. The little boy's eyes lit up, he dropped the Nine Links in his hand, and ran towards Xuanmoju, which is the direction where the scent came from, while swaying. Running and shouting: "Mother, mother!"

In the kitchen, Murong Yu took the freshly made Yunpian Cake off the stove, opened the lid, and steamed up, the whole kitchen was full of aromas, making mouth watering.

Murong Yu, who is already a mother, is in her twenties, in the prime of her youth, with a beautiful face, a light body, an exquisite figure, with visible bumps, no difference from before she gave birth to a child.

The steamer was steaming hot, and it was very hot to get close to it. Murong Yu took the wooden tongs and was about to pick up the cakes. A small figure flashed in from the door, looking at the cloud cakes in the cage, the little boy's eyes lit up, and he called out childishly She said: "Mom!" Her big dark eyes rolled around, looking at the fragrant Yunpian Cake from time to time.

"Have you washed your little hands?" Looking at Ouyang Tianci's appearance, Murong Yu knew that he wanted to eat Yunpian Cake. However, the child was naughty, and after playing for a long time, his little hands must have been stained with a lot of things. They must be washed before they can be eaten. Cloud cake.

"Sister Qin'er, I want to clean my hands!" Born in Chuxuan Palace, Ouyang Tianci has developed a good habit even though he is young, washing his hands before eating!
"Yes, little prince!" Qin'er fetched half a basin of water, neither hot nor cold, and cleaned Ouyang Tianci's hands as quickly as possible.

"Mother, wash your hands clean!" Ouyang Tianci stretched out two fat little hands in front of Murong Yu as if asking for credit. There were still a few drops of water on the palms that hadn't been wiped off.

Qin'er, Se'er smiled quietly, every time the lady made cloud cakes, Xiao Shizi couldn't wait to come and eat a few slices, and this time it was the same, the water drops on his hands were not wiped clean, so he hurriedly asked the lady I want cloud cake.

Murong Yu picked up two pieces of Yunpian Cake, blew on the cooling air vigorously, and carefully put them into Ouyang Tianci's white and tender hands: "Be careful, it's a little hot!"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Tianci agreed again and again, nodded fiercely, his bright eyes looked at the steaming cloud cake in his hand without blinking, hehe, after waiting for several hours, it is finally time to eat .

"Yu'er...Tianci..." There was a clear and familiar call from outside the door, and Ouyang Tianci's eyes lit up again, holding a piece of cloud cake in one hand, and happily ran out: "Father!"

(End of this chapter)

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