Chapter 117 Full Maintenance


"Yeah yeah."

While talking, Shi Jianye raised his hand to wipe off his sweat with the sleeve of his clothes.

Luo Qianqian bit her lower lip and looked at Shi Jianye, not knowing what she was thinking.

Musize took out a tissue from his school uniform and handed it to Shi Jianye.

Shi Jianye was taken aback when he saw the tissue in Musize's hand.Immediately afterwards, he took the tissue that Musizer handed over.

The actions of Shi Jianye and Musize are in stark contrast.Well, maybe Shi Jianye is being straightforward.But the difference between the two is too great.

"Let's go."


Because the sun is so vicious, the pace of several people can't help but speed up a lot.

Luo Qianqian "..." This person is simply haunted!
Even so, when he reached the place not far from Shi Jianye's mouth, he was sweating profusely.

This place, apart from being far away, has a good environment.

The trees are shady, blocking the scorching sun, with white railings in front, and the lake is shimmering under the sun.

The breeze blows slowly, causing waves on the lake. Occasionally, naughty willows put their branches into the lake.Slowly dance with the wind.

Not far away, there are many children who came to play with them.

And the place Shi Jianye was looking for happened to have a white bench. Generally speaking, both Luo Qianqian and Musize were quite satisfied with the place Shi Jianye chose.

Sitting on the chair, you can just see the sparkling lake and feel very comfortable.

He jumped to the side of the white chair.

Just when the little girl was about to sit down, Liu Linlin who came out of nowhere suddenly sat on it with another girl.


In fact, this chair can accommodate at least eight or nine people, even if Liu Linlin and that girl sit down.There is still a lot of room.

Meeting Liu Linlin here, although Luo Qianqian was a little unhappy, she didn't say anything. She turned around and walked to the end to sit down there.

"Who made you here. I came first."

The idiom "first come, first served" can definitely be remembered by Liu Linlin for a lifetime.

Today, Liu Linlin was finally able to return this sentence to Luo Qianqian. Thinking of this, Liu Linlin was so excited that she wanted to tremble.

Luo Qianqian was taken aback by Liu Linlin's behavior as if she was epileptic.

Luo Qianqian looked at Liu Linlin strangely, and thought to herself... Maybe Liu Linlin couldn't stand the stimulation at noon, so she went crazy.

Ah, then this person is too much of a failure, to be unable to bear such a small blow.Could this be the legendary person who has very poor psychological endurance and complains when something happens?

Unexpectedly, she saw a real person, Luo Qianqian expressed that she was very excited.

"Why don't you speak? It's clear that I sat down here first. Should you get up and give me this seat?"

Luo Qianqian's ignorance successfully raised Liu Linlin's anger to another level! !Very angry.

"Is it your name engraved on it? Why do you say it's yours?"

Tsk tsk, this desperate look is really ugly.But what's wrong with her wanting to laugh?


"You what you, what will I give me back!" Luo Qianqian said with a very bad attitude.

"This is indeed what we saw first. Does this student have any opinions?"

(End of this chapter)

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