Chapter 632
Yes, they have already experienced life and death, what else can't bear it?

There is really no one in this world who can't do without someone. Even the parents who love them the most will leave them one day.

Qiao Shiyin bit her chopsticks and looked at Qiao Nuosheng.

More than a year ago, he was the boy who would cry in her arms.Unexpectedly, as time passed, it would be his turn to comfort himself so soon.

Lowering her eyes, Qiao Shiyin smiled knowingly, feeling a little relieved.

After eating, the two walked slowly on the path.

"How long do you plan to stay here?" Qiao Nuosheng asked, turning to look at Qiao Shiyin.

"It hasn't been decided yet. I have quit the bureau, so I am not in a hurry to go back."

"Grandpa and grandma don't know about this, do they?"

With Qiao Shiyin's ability, Qiao Nuosheng guessed that she would not dare to let the two old people know her current situation.

"I don't know, I dare not say."

"I knew it." With a snort and a smile, Qiao Nuosheng's eyes flashed a cold light. "Or, just live here. I bought a small house on the outskirts of the city, and I didn't live in it because of the trouble. You can live there."

"Okay, then I'll stay for a few days, and then I'll think about where to spend my time next."

Qiao Shiyin agreed with great interest, and also wanted to see what kind of house he bought.

Qiao Nuosheng had something to do at night, so Qiao Shiyin took the key and took a taxi by herself.When it arrived, she was taken aback.

This is called a small house?
This is obviously bigger than their old house in S City, right? !

Although I know that housing prices in the UK are far less "touching" than in China, Qiao Shiyin was very surprised that Qiao Nuosheng bought such a house.Especially when she walked to the front of the house and saw the car parked downstairs, she felt that Qiao Nuosheng was far more powerful than her older sister.

A Bentley was a gift from him to her.

He said that he would support her, and he didn't just say that casually.

Qiao Shiyin took the card on the windshield wiper and carefully looked at the content on it.The handwriting is Xiao Sheng's, she can recognize it.

Qiao Nuosheng has been studying in the UK since junior high school. Regarding money, the family will definitely not treat him badly, but they have never given him a chance to squander it.Therefore, he bought this car and house for Qiao Shiyin with the money he earned.

Qiao Shiyin knew before that Qiao Nuosheng had set up a small company here with her classmates. As for the projects she was running and whether it would make money or not, she didn't ask in too much detail.So far, the payoff looks pretty good.

Putting the card away carefully, Qiao Shiyin walked into the house and stayed here for the night.

I still have insomnia at night, not only because of jet lag, but also because of missing.

Although a decision has been made, as a mother, she misses her child deeply.

I really miss them... I really want to touch their little faces and hug their little bodies.

With her eyes open until dawn, Qiao Shiyin felt a little sleepy.But after three hours, she was fully awake and couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard she tried.

In her spare time, Qiao Shiyin wandered around the city leisurely.She remembered when she was last here, who she was with, what they had done.

Stopping, Qiao Shiyin looked up at the sky, realizing that this is not a good place for her to stay for a long time.

She can't go on like this, she still needs to work.

(End of this chapter)

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