Chapter 539 Routines (4)

After eating and drinking, the two continued to talk.

"Did you just say that as long as you don't look for auntie, everything is easy to talk about?" Xiao Yihe pressed Kong Yilan's words and asked.

"Ah, it's easy to discuss." Kong Yilan nodded with a perfunctory smile, "You just want me to be with you now and be responsible for you?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Let me think about it again?" Kong Yilan smiled, "There is a case in the United States, and I am appointed to go there. I will leave the day after tomorrow and come back in about a month. I will give you an answer then?"

Kong Yilan had thought of this rhetoric a long time ago, but Xiao Yihe hadn't expected it.

a month?
The time is not too long, but I don't know if she will find excuses to continue procrastinating later.

"You won't be in the United States, so you don't plan to come back?"

"How could it be! Our lawyers are the most trustworthy!"

Kong Yilan's words have no credibility at all.Who doesn't know that lawyers have the most powerful mouths?Talk to people when you see people, talk to ghosts when you see ghosts.If Xiao Yihe really believed her, then there would be a problem.

"Okay, I'll wait for your return."

Xiao Yihe agreed so happily that Kong Yilan, who had already thought about what to say next, was caught off guard.

Just nodding?Is this man too easy to deceive?
"Okay, then I'll go back today." Kong Yilan was out of his mind if he didn't leave after taking advantage of it. "Thank you for your hospitality, the meal is delicious."

Picking up the bag to leave, Xiao Yihe also got up, but walked towards the bedroom inside.

"I forgot to tell you that I called my aunt before I went to find you today and told her that you are staying with me overnight. So even if you go back now, you should drive out."

Walking to the door of the room, Xiao Yihe said slowly, "Why don't you just stay here."

"Xiao Yihe!" Kong Yilan roared in a low voice. "Do you dare to trick me?"

"From the perspective of a policeman, I was very worried about whether it would be unsafe for my girlfriend to go home so late, so I made this decision." Xiao Yihe said nonsense in a serious manner. "If I didn't drink, I could drive you back. Unfortunately, I drank a lot."

"Who is your girlfriend?!"

"Isn't it going to be in a month?" Xiao Yihe chuckled and pushed open the bedroom door. "You sleep in the master bedroom, don't worry, I won't be with you."

After he finished speaking, he entered the room, leaving Kong Yilan standing alone in the living room in a daze.

To be tricked by him... It was such a failure.

There are password locks inside and outside the gate, and there is no way to get out without a password. At the height of the 21st floor, Kong Yilan didn't have wings, so he couldn't fly down at all.

Slumped back on the sofa, Kong Yilan looked at the 200 yuan on the table, grabbed it viciously and stuffed it into his bag.

It would be a big loss to send him a trip, so why wouldn't she want the money? !

After turning off the TV, Kong Yilan entered the master bedroom angrily.Xiao Yihe usually lives here, and it seems to be his shadow everywhere.

Kong Yilan definitely didn't dare to tell anyone about spending the night here at Xiaoyi, including Qiao Shiyin, a best friend who might have betrayed her.But if she doesn't speak, it doesn't mean Xiao Yihe can't speak.

After locking the door, Kong Yilan let out a long sigh, and lay on the bed tossing and turning until the middle of the night before falling asleep.

Waking up by the alarm clock the next morning, it was the first time for Kong Yilan to get up and wash up so quickly, just to leave Xiao Yihe's house as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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