Chapter 344 Seeing the Parents (6)

"How do you make it up? My grandparents are not like me, they can be settled with money."

"I will let my grandma admit your identity in front of them."

This time, Tang Zi also didn't expect He Huizhu to do such a great job.But if you think about it carefully, it is not incomprehensible.

A widow and lonely old man, his daughter is gone, only this grandson is left.Tang Ziyi has always listened to her since he was a child, but this time he not only refused to listen, but also wanted to fight against her. The old man definitely couldn't get over this hurdle.

But in any case, a mistake is a mistake, and no explanation can deny this fact.

"Aren't you afraid that my grandfather will take me to the hospital and kill the child?"

"They won't. If it were my grandma, she wouldn't either. At best, she won't admit the identity of this child, and she won't do anything wrong."

It is someone else who can do these things.

"I've been in the car for so long today, go to bed early. I'll stay here with you for a few more days before going back."

Coaxing Qiao Shiyin to close her eyes, Tang Zi also took out the computer and started to work.

On a quiet night, Qiao Shiyin listened to the sound of him tapping the keyboard lightly, and secretly watched him work seriously.

Tang Ziyi's attitude towards her made her impeccable.So any grievances seem to be negligible.

As soon as it dawns, Qiao Shiyin has been working and resting very healthy recently.

Wake up, take a shower, and go downstairs for breakfast.As a result, she just went down the stairs when several gazes fell directly on her stomach, which made her a little flustered.

In the restaurant, the three of them turned their heads in unison, making Qiao Shiyin dare not take a breath.

"I said sister." Qiao Nuosheng coughed lightly, teasing: "I know you are worried about getting married, but do you want to go so fast?"

He didn't even accept Tang Ziyi, but he was forced to accept Tang Ziyi's child?

Qiao Shiyin walked over in embarrassment, unable to argue.Xia Jinru and the two didn't say anything, but the strange look in their eyes made Qiao Shiyin a little overwhelmed.

In this way, I stayed here for four days.To Tang Ziyi, an "outsider", Xia Jinru and the others have always had a lukewarm attitude.

In the evening, Qiao Shiyin was reading in her room.There was a knock on the door, she looked up, it was Lin Luoxue.


Lin Luoxue came in with a plate of fruit, walked up to her and sat down, looking at Qiao Shiyin's stomach with melancholy eyes, hesitating to speak.

"You child, there are so many flat roads that you don't want to walk, you have to make yourself uncomfortable."

For a child of the Tang family, these few words alone are enough to hold gold.

"Is work still bearable?" Lin Luoxue asked worriedly.

"I haven't performed any missions recently, I'm just writing and doing experiments in the office."

"Over there at the Tang family, who have you met?"

"Well...his father, second uncle, and two younger sisters."

"All accepted you?"

Qiao Shiyin shrugged her shoulders with a wry smile, unable to say anything.At this time, even if she answered yes, Lin Luoxue would not believe it.

"Hey." Lin Luoxue sighed. "Grandma doesn't embarrass you, and you are not a child anymore. In everything, as long as you are not ashamed of your heart. If you are wronged, remember to say that although grandpa and grandma are old bones, they will not watch you being bullied."

"I know." Qiao Shiyin would often be thankful that she had reasonable parents and grandparents. "You have always been very kind to me since I was a child. If I am really wronged, I will definitely say it."

(End of this chapter)

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