Chapter 214 Marrying Her, No matter how much money you spend, it's worth it (6)

"The deceased was a well-known good student in the school, who received a national scholarship every year. When this happened, some troubles broke out in her family."

Xiao Yihe sighed softly, and Qiao Shiyin also felt that this matter should be a big deal soon.Especially if he got involved with Liao Jun, the domestic media would definitely exaggerate the report.

Facts have proved that Qiao Shiyin's guess is completely correct.

The parents of the deceased collapsed after learning the news that their daughter jumped to her death. They couldn't believe that their daughter, who had always been docile and well-behaved, would do such a thing.First, I went to school to make a fuss, knelt down in the dormitory and cried and yelled, and then I heard the news from nowhere that my daughter was forced to death by the prince of the Liao family, so I took the initiative to seek media coverage. help.

In just one morning, a case of jumping from a building spread throughout the country.And it seems that everyone knows very clearly who the "murderer" of this case is.

Qiao Shiyin frowned while sitting in the office. It was not the first time that the media made such irresponsible remarks.The Liao family tree is very popular, and Liao Junyi is used to being an asshole, so this incident can be regarded as a lesson, and he can't blame anyone.


There was a knock on the door, and Qiao Shiyin looked up and saw He Yu at the door.

"Liao Junyi has already picked it up, but there are too many reporters outside, and the car is surrounded by a circle, and no one can even get out. What should I do?"

Hearing He Yu's cry for help, Qiao Shiyin got up and went outside the gate of the police station.It's been a long time since this place has been so lively, and Qiao Shiyin even wondered if all the media and newspaper offices in S City are now concentrated here.

Walking down expressionlessly, Qiao Shiyin came behind the group of people and clapped her hands, attracting their attention.As soon as everyone saw that it was her, they immediately surrounded her again.

Listening to their chattering questions, Qiao Shiyin was particularly upset.

"Excuse me, excuse me, let me out, don't get in the way."

Not intending to answer any of their questions, Qiao Shiyin pushed away the person in front of her, walked to the car door, and grabbed Liao Junyi who was still reluctant to show up inside.

She grabbed Liao Junyi's collar and walked into the bureau. After being blocked again, she couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Until the case is investigated, I have nothing to say about the relevant content! Make room for me, don't get in the way." The police handle the case!"

Qiao Shiyin was not as polite as others. Under normal circumstances, few people would be willing to directly have any conflicts with the media.But Qiao Shiyin didn't care about that, she pushed away anyone who stood in front of her, and aggressively brought Liao Jun into the game. After glancing at him with a dark face, Liao Jun was so scared that he didn't dare to take a deep breath.

"Sister, save me." Liao Junyi knew what to say when he was about to die. "I really didn't force her to do anything, I was nice to her! I paid tens of thousands!"

"Who is your sister?" Qiao Shiyin said with disgust, "It's close to me. If you were my younger brother, I would have broken your leg long ago."

After bringing Liao Junyi into the interrogation room, Qiao Shiyin spoke seriously.

"All the questions I ask you must be answered truthfully. You should know what is involved."

"Well, I understand." Liao Jun nodded heavily. If he didn't quickly prove his innocence, the loss would be really heavy.

"You just said that you gave her money? How much? Under what circumstances did you give it?"

 Ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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