Chapter 723 Plan ahead
It was necessary for them to worry, because they were too weak in front of Jiang Yifan's terrifying strength!
Is Xihe powerful?

In front of the four of them, it is definitely a super powerful existence, because people like Xi He are desperate existences.

So he didn't dare to provoke him easily.

But Xihe in front of Jiang Yifan?

Just now Jiang Yifan said that one person can sweep his entire force, which means that Jiang Yifan is dozens of times more terrifying than Xihe!This is not something the four of them dare to provoke.

If someone wants to annex them, they can do it with just a lip service.

Besides, Xihe and Jiang Yifan can't be compared at all, because what Xihe did before was some underground business, only supported by a group of desperadoes.

But what about Jiang Yifan?

Not only does he own the behemoth of the Lin Group, but he also has control over the largest project in the entire province. Most importantly, he also owns the Palace of the King of Hades, which terrifies everyone.

If you want to kill a person, the people under His Royal Highness can do it; if you want to annex a company, you can buy it with direct investment from the Lin Group!
Such a Jiang Yifan with such comprehensive strength, who would dare to easily offend him?
Jiang Yifan looked at the worries of several people, and smiled freely: "Don't worry, I just said that I don't have any ambitions to compete for supremacy. I have no choice but to make such a bad move. Otherwise, I want to live my life in peace."

"I'm not short of money, I'm not short of business, and I'm not short of talents. I can do my work slowly, but some people don't want me to be down-to-earth, so I can only fight back? You can rest assured, as long as If you don't touch my bottom line, no one in Chenbei City will provoke you."

"Okay, don't scare them. You obviously asked them to come here to cooperate, so the atmosphere must be so serious."

It has to be said that Xue Die really knows Jiang Yifan, and the two of them also cooperate quite tacitly, one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face.

As soon as they heard about the cooperation, the four people who had some concerns immediately cheered up.

His eyes glared at Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan smiled: "That's right, the main purpose today is to find you to cooperate with me. As I said, if you cooperate with me, then I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Mr. Jiang, what aspect of cooperation is it?" Wen Zhongyu asked excitedly.

Jiang Yifan squinted his eyes and said, "Are you sure you have done both the suburban entertainment land and the land that Yang Kun bid for before?"

"But isn't this already out of bidding?" Luo You murmured.

Jiang Yifan laughed and said, "But those two pieces of land will soon be returned to me. To tell you the truth, soon Chenbei City will start an economic war between rich businessmen and rich businessmen, and the protagonists of both sides will be the bidders. Yang Shitou and Yang Kun, who went to the entertainment area, have some rich businessmen behind them to help, then..."

"So we can sit back and enjoy the benefits of being a fisherman?" Luo You raised his eyebrows and said excitedly.

Jiang Yifan nodded: "That's right. I said at the bidding meeting over there that I would give you a satisfactory answer. Now I'm giving it to you. It depends on whether you have the stomach to cook this piece of fat together."

"Of course we have. Our biggest goal in coming to Chenbei City is to do this project. And we have already figured it out. If you really want to cooperate with us, then we don't need the cooperation model of bidding. Get up and do it."

Jiang Yifan looked at Wu Ren who was speaking meaningfully, and knew what he meant was to bind Jiang Yifan with them, so that Jiang Yifan would not have to attack them in the future!
Jiang Yifan didn't refuse, but readily agreed.

As for the project, we can do it together, and the one who makes the profit will always be Jiang Yifan!

In the following time, everyone didn't say anything about the cooperation or Xihe's affairs, they just had breakfast together.

After the meal, everyone left.

Jiang Yifan took out a paper towel and wiped the residue of fried dough sticks from his mouth, and looked at Xuedie with a smile: "This time, it's just the last step."

"Actually, if you want me to say it, it's more straightforward, get rid of Xihe directly, and solve everything directly."

"No, no, it's no fun to kill him directly, and you have to defeat someone mentally, so that it can be considered a real success! I gave Xihe time to develop, and I also gave him a chance to unite everyone, but I also want to tell with practical actions that he will always be vulnerable in front of me!"

Jiang Yifan got up and stood up, his eyes were filled with a deep chill, and he said sonorously, "It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future!"

Xue Die gave him an angry look: "By the way, what's the situation with Monkey and the others? I heard yesterday that they asked you to borrow someone."

Jiang Yifan gave a wry smile: "That kid, Fox, has failed his studies. You know about monkeys. He doesn't have many people there. Fox has some people, but they all went to the brigade deputy. The brigade deputy has always been Traveling alone, I didn't win over some people, I thought they would reunite with their brothers, and then wait for the Spring Festival to come to me."

"However, I didn't expect that the boy Fox had just arrived in the county where the deputy of the brigade was, so he abducted the little lover of a local big boss. When the big boss got angry, he started to send people to look for them, so I found I borrowed it."

"It's really bad enough." Xue Die took Jiang Yifan's arm: "It seems that you are better at it. It has only been a long time since you came to Chenbei City, and you are already going to unify this city!"

Jiang Yifan smiled: "Except for my daughter-in-law, mine belong to my brothers. After I settle this matter, I will take people to help them and help them stand at the highest level in their city." The position is stronger this way.”

"I'm thinking about your brothers in my heart." Xue Die seemed to be jealous.

Jiang Yifan shook his head: "I'm also planning for a rainy day, and there is no progress in the matter of the Dragon Soul. If the Tianyuan Palace that captured my father is really a super powerful force, then I must make more preparations. I will really If you face it, you can also have the strength to resist!"

Xue Die nodded slightly, and thought for a moment: "Okay, let's not think about those things, what shall we do today?"

Jiang Yifan thought for a while and said, "I'll go and tell Laobai something first, let him do a big thing today, and then you can do whatever you want in the following time!"

"Okay, I want to go to the movies, eat snacks, and go to the playground. In short, I just want to live like an ordinary couple for a day." Xuedie said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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