Chapter 345 Dinner with a Beauty

Despite Jiang Yifan's persuasion, Lin Yaran still felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness when Zhong Shengyang had a showdown and said those last words!

Back then when the two sides were equal in strength, they could have a tie, but now that Lin Huafeng has retreated, the Lin Group is now being carried by a woman named Lin Yaran, how could it be against those people!

Jiang Yifan could see Lin Yaran's worry, and also wanted to understand her deep inner struggle at this moment.

Slightly clenched his fists, thinking in his heart, he will definitely settle this matter without leaving any sequelae. After this incident, he will use all available resources at hand to help Lin No one in the whole province dares to provoke the group!

After sending Lin Yaran back to the office, Jiang Yifan took the list of dismissed personnel from Xu Ying, and cleared them up at an extremely fast speed.

This thunderous approach made Jiang Yifan famous in the whole group!
After getting to know Jiang Yifan these two days, those who were dismissed had almost nothing to say, and they were also a little afraid of Jiang Yifan in their hearts.So in the afternoon, these people settled their wages from the financial side, and after handing over the work, they left.

Perhaps it was also because of Jiang Yifan's resolute handling that the entire group began to change within half a day.

The originally lazy staff also began to work hard, as if they were afraid of being fired.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Yifan showed a satisfied smile,

In a blink of an eye, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and the staff had already gone home from get off work, and Jiang Yifan walked out of his temporary office.

When he walked to the door, he happened to see Lin Yaran coming from the stairwell.

"Where are Yanran and Guoguo?" Jiang Yifan asked.

"Uncle Wang took me to my dad's place." Lin Yaran walked to Jiang Yifan's side, and gently took his arm. "Let's go, let's have dinner together."

"Sister Yaran, is this the rhythm of a two-person world and a candlelight dinner?" Jiang Yifan grinned and said with a mean smile.

Lin Yaran glared at him angrily, "Since you are so busy today, I, the boss, have to reward you anyway."

"It's not enough just to eat and reward..." Jiang Yifan rubbed his hands with a shameless posture.

The two drove to a high-end western restaurant, ordered two steaks and a bottle of fine wine.

After taking his seat, Jiang Yifan took a look at the guests around him, most of them looked like a man and a woman, and most of the girls had flowers and other gifts next to their hands.

He raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously, "What day is it today? Why do you feel that these people are out to abuse single dogs?"

Lin Yaran frowned, took out her phone to look at it, and slapped her forehead, "Today is Qixi Festival."

"Valentine's Day?" Jiang Yifan bluffed suddenly before he realized it.But then he sneered, "No wonder Miss Yara called me here alone. It turned out to be like this..."

"Fuck you. I just found out, okay?" Lin Yaran squeezed her forehead, "I've been dizzy these days, so I don't remember Valentine's Day or not."

"It seems that the hotel is going to be full today." Jiang Yifan curled his lips, "I have to say, there are so many festivals every month, and then the hotel is full, the sheets are dyed red, and the business of the sex shop is very good. A month later Countless couples ran to the hospital..."

Lin Yaran blushed when she heard the words, and murmured, "You can also ask Yanran out to celebrate this Valentine's Day later."

"I really want to." Although Jiang Yifan said this, he didn't think so in his heart. It is actually quite easy to ask Lin Yanran to come out, but there is such a beautiful woman in front of him, and it would be bad if he asked...

Then he changed the subject and said with a smile, "Sister Yara, aren't you going to find a boyfriend? You can't just stay in the company every day."

Lin Yaran paused for a moment, her eyes were a little dazed, "I... am not in a hurry."

"From our medical point of view, it's better for women to find a boyfriend earlier. From a physiological point of view, they can be satisfied as soon as possible and relax their body and mind. If they are alone for a long time, they will become indifferent. When they get married, I'm afraid your husband won't be happy with that look?"

"Then I'll find a man who can accept me." Lin Yaran spread her hands.

"No man likes an indifferent woman." Jiang Yifan raised eyebrows at Lin Yaran, "Sister Yaran, you don't like women, do you?"

"Pfft!" Lin Yaran couldn't help laughing, wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, and gave Jiang Yifan a white look, "Fuck you, I just haven't met the right one yet."

"Then sister Yaran, what do you think is the most suitable in your heart?" Jiang Yifan asked after taking a sip of his wine.

"Well..." Lin Yaran thought for a while, "First of all, I have to look pleasing to the eye, that is, I have feelings, and secondly, I must pass the test in terms of appearance. It is best to have a domineering personality. Even better with a little humor."

Lin Yaran raised her eyes slightly, as if she had already begun to draw a picture of this person in her mind.He continued, "As for him, he must be an all-around man, from the kitchen to the hall, capable of writing and martial arts, in short, a man who is almost perfect."

Jiang Yifan chewed on the steak at the corner of his mouth, and frowned, "After you made the call, only my own image appeared in my mind. Could it be that Sister Yara's ideal man is like me?"

Lin Yaran's expression was sluggish for a moment when she heard the words, and she cursed herself inwardly, "Damn it, I said it all."

Hastily shook his head and said, "You are still a long way from the perfection in my mind."

In fact, what Lin Yaran described was Jiang Yifan, but she realized that this was her sister's man, and she could not fight or snatch it.

"I feel that there are not many good men like me now..." Jiang Yifan curled his lips and said with a look of embarrassment, "So sister Yara, if you follow a man like me to find your ideal husband It’s definitely harder than climbing to the sky.”

"Alas!" Lin Yaran rolled her eyes at Jiang Yifan, but that white and captivating smile bloomed extremely beautifully.

Picking up the wine glass, he smiled and said, "Then according to what you say, I will die alone forever."

"Boom!" The wine glasses of the two touched together, Jiang Yifan said with a smile, "That's not necessarily true, there are still men who can be slightly comparable to me."

"Who is it?" Lin Yaran asked.

"Myself! I have always aimed at myself, and have always surpassed..."

(End of this chapter)

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