Chapter 205 Cinderella Enters the Stage

Following the appearance of the spotlight, a dusty figure gradually lit up from the stage.

Jiang Mianmian was wearing a dusty robe, with straw and feathers sticking to her hair, and she was struggling to clean the dark fireplace.

The lights on the stage were very dim, and Jiang Mianmian took a few deep breaths, feeling a scorching and invisible gaze from the front row staring at her.

Jiang Mianmian secretly looked up from her long hair, and she saw Fu Jinhan sitting in the middle of the third row, with a pair of deep eyes focused on the stage.

Jiang Mianmian grinned at Fu Jinhan, and while no one was paying attention to her little gesture, she quietly made a loving gesture towards Fu Jinhan.

"Hehe." In the seat, Fu Jinhan watched the little movements of the girl on the stage, and a low laugh came from his throat.

Just at this time, the narration ended and the whole stage was lit up. Jiang Mianmian quickly withdrew her left hand.

The three high-spirited ladies raised their voices and shouted as they walked, "Cinderella, why are you dawdling again? Hurry up and clean up the fireplace, and then bring over my laundry."

The stepmother fanned impatiently, wearing a gorgeous feather hat on her head.

"Bring me my shawl, Cinderella, I'm getting a little cold. Also, get the carriage ready, or I'll be late for my appointment with Helen."

The step-sister said in a sharp voice, also dressed in jewelry, very upstart.

"Understood, I'll go get ready." Jiang Mianmian quickly entered the role, wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hands, and replied nervously while bending over.

Everyone in the audience looked at the domineering stepmother and vicious sisters, and immediately spoke out indignantly.

"Damn, Cinderella's stepmother and sisters are too vicious, aren't they? I dress so gorgeously, and let Cinderella wear cotton cloth?"

"Poor Cinderella."

"Hush, be quiet, don't disturb the performance on the stage."

On the stage, Cinderella was busy humbly amidst the chattering and laughing of her stepmother and sisters, which attracted a series of unfair voices from the audience.

The narration sounded again: "One day, the king asked the prince to choose his beloved, so he held a court ball for the prince, and invited all the girls in the city to attend."

"Oh my god, the king actually sent an invitation letter. Mother, I must go to the palace ball. Maybe I can be the queen." Step-sister Helen cheered while clutching her chest.

"Nonsense, I'm the candidate for the queen." The step-sister jumped up happily and pushed her sister aside.

"Well, children, you must wear the most beautiful clothes and the most beautiful makeup to go to the ball." The stepmother looked at her two precious daughters, her face glowing.

Cinderella said timidly, "Mother, I also want to go to the palace ball."

"What, it's up to you?"

"Hmph, look at yourself, it's dirty and ugly, how could you go to the palace?"

"Children, are you ready? Let's go."

The stepmother tidied up the skirt for the elder daughter, and put on the top hat for the younger daughter, and the three happily got into the carriage and went out.

On the stage, just as Cinderella was crying in despair, a flash of lightning appeared, followed by the appearance of the fairy godmother.

"Son, don't be sad, I promise I can let you go to the ball and become the most beautiful girl the prince has ever seen at the banquet."

Waving her magic wand, the Fairy Godmother conjures a beautiful dress, a pair of glass slippers and a gorgeous carriage out of pumpkins.

As the magic ended, the entire stage lights were dimmed.

Everyone in the audience held their breath, waiting for the second act of Cinderella to appear gorgeously.

(End of this chapter)

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