Chapter 656 Is this the world of the so-called upper class?
But before Gu Wenyuan could continue talking, Mu Qinghuan started laughing.

This can be said to be a major disrespect in front of Gu Wenyuan, how could Gu Wenyuan just look at her so rudely.

"Is this what you call the world of the upper class?" Mu Qinghuan took a step ahead of Gu Wenyuan and said, "I respect you for being my husband's father, so I treat you with such respect, but I didn't expect you to be like this, it really makes me sick .”

When Gu Wenyuan heard this, he stood up straight away: "Mu Qinghuan, is this your attitude towards me?"

Mu Qinghuan raised her head, not afraid of him at all: "You can make me Mu Qinghuan treat you like this, flatter you in front of you, and then send my husband out, I really don't know what you want Yes, are you really old?" Now Mu Qinghuan is really angry, she knows that she doesn't have a good family background, but does not have money equal to a fool?
If it is true what he said, then she is not just willing to give up her position as a wife to be a third party.

Only a sick person would do that.

After speaking, Gu Wenyuan raised his hand, ready to hit Mu Qinghuan.

Mu Qinghuan took out her phone directly from her pocket, and turned on the recording function: "You can hit me, if you have the ability! But I still want to remind you, this is not a feudal society, if you hit me, I will announce it, Who will be embarrassed by the final consequences!"

"You're threatening me!" Gu Wenyuan was really furious now, but his hand hanging in the air also told Mu Qinghuan that he had listened to her words.

"I've said it before, I'm a reminder, and don't forget, I'm an actor. If this is exposed, those news media will rush to report it. And I have about 100 fans on Weibo now. If you dare to call me I, I guarantee that this matter will spread at the speed of light!" Well, Mu Qinghuan admitted that her fans do not have 100 million fans, but in such a situation, she did not believe that Gu Wenyuan would take out his phone and verify the truth of this statement.

People like Gu Wenyuan are most afraid of gossip, so after Mu Qinghuan said this, he panicked.

However, Gu Wenyuan has been walking in the shopping mall for many years, so he quickly reacted, and directly knocked down Mu Qinghuan's phone.

But Mu Qinghuan didn't panic at all: "Do you think it's okay to kill my phone? I said that I have 100 fans. Even if it's only 10%, that is, [-] people, I can drown." You, what does it matter if you don't have evidence? Have you heard of the words "Speaking twice makes a tiger?" Of course, if you fight me hard, I'm fine. Anyway, in your eyes, people like us are shameless , then how about I drag you into the water." At this point, Mu Qinghuan imitated Gu Wenyuan and gave him a contemptuous look.

It was this contemptuous look that made Gu Wenyuan feel like he was going crazy, but Mu Qinghuan's words echoed in his ears, so in the end he could only say: "How can you be so selfish, don't you think about his future. "

But when Mu Qinghuan heard this, he snorted again: "I never understood why you said that. Could it be that the reason why Gu Huaiyuan achieved such success was due to such nepotism? Could it be that he had to sell himself in exchange for Interest? What's the difference between this and those street girls? If Gu Huaiyuan is really such a man, then I, Mu Qinghuan, will never want such a man! I also look down on such a man."

(End of this chapter)

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