Chapter 325 She Is The Broom Star
Faced with Song's mother's accusation, Meng Yinyin suddenly felt that the person in front of her was very strange. Where did the Song mother who loved her once go?
The face was still the same, but it was no longer benevolent, but only resentful.

Mother Song hated her and regarded her as an enemy!

Meng Yinyin shook her head desperately: "I didn't drive away Dr. Xia, I really didn't, auntie, you trust me..."

"I won't trust you again, Meng Yinyin, I'm so disappointed in you!"

"Auntie, listen to me..."

Mother Song roared angrily: "I don't want to hear it, you go, you are not allowed to come to the hospital again, I don't want to see you, and you are not allowed to see Ting Yue, broom star!"

trouble marker……

The most vulnerable part of Meng Yinyin's heart was hit hard.

After her parents passed away, many people secretly called her a broom star, saying that she killed her parents.

A good family fell apart overnight.

Is she really a broom star?
Having killed her parents, she didn't want to kill Song Tingyue again.

Maybe, if she stayed away from him, he could live a good life and be cured of his illness.

Meng Yinyin looked at the angry mother Song, turned around and left without saying a word.

Walking to the door of the hospital, Meng Yinyin's stomach suddenly ached.

She clutched her stomach, breaking out in a cold sweat.

He hurriedly hailed a taxi and went to the Maternity and Infant Hospital where she took the pregnancy test.

Sitting in the car, she gently stroked her stomach, and said to the baby in her stomach over and over again: "Baby, be good, don't scare mom, mom can't live without you... baby... baby... mom loves you ..."

Tears could not stop falling down.

When they arrived at the Maternity and Infant Hospital, Meng Yinyin hung up the emergency department and went to the hospital with the emergency form.

On the walk to the emergency room, she felt fluid coming out.

There were other patients in the emergency room, so Meng Yinyin went to the next bathroom.

Seeing a touch of red on the underpants, she covered her face and cried bitterly.

Regardless of the other patients in the emergency room, she rushed in: "Doctor, I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding... save my child... please... save my child..."

The doctor didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly issued an order for the nurse to take Meng Yinyin to do a B-ultrasound.

The benches outside the B-ultrasound were full of mothers-to-be queuing up for the B-ultrasound, their faces brimming with happiness.

Only Meng Yinyin kept crying.

The nurse led her into the queue.

During the B-ultrasound, Meng Yinyin never shed tears.

Baby, baby, Mommy can't live without you, you must be fine.

She couldn't believe her ears when she heard the child's heartbeat.

She asked excitedly: "Doctor, is it my baby's heartbeat?"

"Yes, it's the baby's heartbeat." The doctor who performed the B-ultrasound said to her: "You have intrauterine bleeding, but the embryo is developing well, so try to be careful in the future."

"I will be careful, I will be careful..."

Meng Yinyin was crying, but it was tears of joy.

The doctor in the emergency room didn't prescribe Meng Yinyin any medicine after reading the B-ultrasound sheet, but told her to go back to bed and rest.

She would bleed suddenly because of the threatened miscarriage caused by too much mood swing.

The doctor told her to control her emotions as much as possible and not to be overjoyed or sad.

From heaven to hell, and from hell to heaven.

Meng Yinyin suddenly felt that nothing was more important than the baby in her belly.

The baby is the crystallization of her love with Song Tingyue.

Her most important task is to protect the baby in her womb, and wait for the day when Song Tingyue recovers safely.

(One more, my heart hurts to death, poor Yinyin, I cried, woo, in fact, tears are detoxification, Xia Xia is helping my parents detoxify.)
(End of this chapter)

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